That time I never wanted to stop. Part Three: The night that didn’t end

It was hot and we were sticky. The air conditioning and exposed brickwork was doing nothing to cool our bodies in those moments. The shower was all encompassing and inviting, with the dull red tiles rippling in as the water streamed down them. I was behind her, holding her arms tight to her sides with my grip on her wrists. My teeth and lips were being purposeful about her neck and lobes, and the very nature of having her at my whim was casually bringing my cock back to the start. I took a moment to gather her hands behind her back with one of mine, and pressed firmly, forcing her to nestle the side of her cheek to the fresh tiling. And now, with the water beading and running from the small of her back, I teased into her warm pussy; short, shallow thrusts followed by a deep one, nice and slow.

I’m a complete tease at heart. If I could do it all day I probably would; I was torn between reeling myself back in after our initial lust and at the same time just wanting to fuck for every minute of the night. I pulled out and spun her round, drawing her in close to feel her breasts up against my chest. We kissed under the drenching. I allowed her to touch and play with what she wanted.

‘Please fuck me…’ She asked

That was all the encouragement I needed. I stepped out of the shower and poured myself a drink. Maybe I was toying around too much, I thought. C dried her hair briefly with a towel, and walked to the bed. Her eyes never leaving mine, she knelt onto the duvet and with one palm beneath her, the other beckoned me over. I wasn’t about to resist: exposed in front of her, she took revenge. She teased me with her tongue. Only ever slightly taking me into her mouth. I knew she was loving making me twitch and tighten, gradually making me grow back to what she wanted. Guiding my hands to the back of head, I got the idea – forcing her to stop taunting me and see just how good she was at giving this head. I don’t know why I was so surprised when she took it all, only a slight muffled gag escaped, and even that I sensed she did just for me. I lent in slightly and spanked her ass, squeezing the reddening cheeks playfully. I was really enjoying what she was doing and could have left it at that, but, of course, I didn’t.

I grabbed her hair and pulled her away, pushed her back onto the bed, clutched at her ankles and dragged her to the edge. With my biceps under her thighs, I rocked her backwards so her knees were over her shoulders and ordered her to reach out and draw me into her. I fucked down into her. Long, rhythmic strokes. She reached out across the sheets, clawing at them, drawing in short, furious breaths every time I was inside her completely. I love it when thighs tremble around my neck.

And then I stopped again.

I knelt, and with one lick tasted how wet she was. I always flick the very tip of my tongue across a clit when I do this. Again. Again. A small whimper each time. I took her pussy into my mouth and let it slowly slip from it. Again. And again. My tongue explored her pussy and around her lips, finally coming to rest where it always wants to be. My palms are flat on her navel, pressing her hips into the bed as my mouth is locked around her clit. Popping it from between my lips. Flicking my tongue over it, erratically teasing before finding a circling motion at the very same time as my two fingers snaked inside. I laboured in lust, orchestrated better than something merely timed: recognising the need to speed up or slow, to be firmer or softer. My fingertips pressed at her g-spot while my tongue was unerring. I didn’t stop until she came. Feeling the pulses ripple through her body, like waves spreading out from the very places I touched her.

She licked my fingers clean, and the come from around my mouth. Perhaps it was cruel to make her go on top next, but I can’t help but love watching her as she fucks herself with my dick; head to the ceiling at times, her hands grabbing at her breasts, tickling the electrified skin with her nails.

Remember the bed?

It has an edge to it. It’s surrounded on three sides. It’s fucking perfect. I told C to kneel in front of me, and lean over onto this edge. It’s perfect to fuck her really hard from behind. So that’s what I did. My hands press hard into the small of her back to make her arch so that I feel really deep. I pull her head back by her hair. I order her to look round at me. I don’t apologise when she loses strength to push back and hits the wall. I really want to come and I’m making no excuses about doing it. I reach around to rub her clit to bring her close too. Then, with my hands firmly back, gripping into her abused body, I feel myself tighten up and come all over again. She screamed at me not to stop. I couldn’t deny her those final strokes to get her off too…

I knew I was exhausted. There were the faintest hints of dawn outside. It was easy to fall into slumber, knowing I’d found something – someone – quite incredible.

I spent rather a long time planning a way to reduce the distance in the future.
