my italian adventure pt2 [F] [Busty]

The morning after my amazing night with Gio I woke up around ten-ish, the sun shining through the double patio doors that led to a small but functional balcony, I stretched and smiled as a few choice memories flashed through my mind.

I had a quick shower and freshened up while the coffee brewed, then took a mug out on to the balcony. The sea was on the other side of the property so my view was of the mountains and above the flower garden, there can’t be many places as pleasant as here to wake to. I had some breakfast sent up as I thought about visiting the beach that Giselle had mentioned the previous evening.

I changed out of my t-shirt and shorts in to a fairly modest bikini (as modest as bikini‘s get) with a flowery pattern, a sarong, also a bit flowery, wrapped around my waist sitting just beneath my belly button, some canvas and string flip flop’s and a big, floppy straw hat to top the outfit. The owner of the B&B was kind enough to pack me a lunch so with that I set off towards the coast road.

my Italian adventure [Fm] [busty]

I’m thirty-four and recently divorced, no cheating or anything on either side, we just grew apart after nearly fifteen years. We have a teenage daughter together who spent the beginning of the summer holiday’s with her Dad this year (they went to Florida for a couple of weeks). We have been separated for almost two year’s now but barely intimate for much longer, we just saw each other differently, and I must admit neither of us had dressed up nice for a meal out or anything in a long time. More like brother and sister than husband and wife.

When my ex moved out it was autumn, so the cold and sense of loss meant I spent most of my time in a dressing gown curled up on the sofa (my daughter being out with her friends more often than not). I was a bit miserable. Until around spring time last year, I was having a bit of a clear out when I found a pile of old photos from when our girl was little and remembered how much happier I looked back then and it showed in my appearance.

i helped my step brother cum between my friends tits pt2 [fmf] [busty] [adults]

The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face, I jumped out of bed with a spring in my step and went to relieve myself, my step brothers door was open but his room was dark and quiet. I did my business and washed up. Before I went to dress (I was still in the shorts and t-shirt I slept in) out of curiosity I poked my head in to his room, he was very much awake and jerking off, I smiled when I saw my lace panties wrapped around his cock. He was taking it slow this time, enjoying the feel of the lace no doubt. He was wearing head phones so I had to step in to his room before he noticed me, I stood by his bed, hands on hips trying to hold back my grin, when he saw me he jumped, struggled with his headphones and looked like he didn’t know what to do with my underwear or his erection. I asked him sternly ‘I hope you’re thinking about what you’re supposed to be thinking about with those in your hand.’ he looked confused again and I couldn’t hide the smile anymore, when I did he visibly relaxed, ‘well, were you?’ I asked. He looked at my panties, still wrapped around his dick and smiled

i helped my step brother cum between my friends tits pt1 [mf] [busty] [adults]

My step brother and I are both 21, his father and my mother married when we were 10. we have always been close until a few years ago when I went off to uni. We still spoke on the phone and texted fairly regularly but I hadn’t been back to the family home for a year and a half (I spent last Christmas at uni with friends and the previous summer I spent some time in Europe). My brother still lives at home and has been working at his dads building company since leaving school.

Miss B, the camgirl pt1 (MF) (titfucking)

So, iv been working as a delivery driver for a few months, not one of the big firms, I don’t charge around in a big amazon van, I just use my car. Its only a small round so I’m usually done by lunchtime which suits me down to the ground, especially like now during the summer, I finish work with plenty of time to do other things in the afternoon sun.

Generally, the folks I deliver to fall into three groups (not including those who are out and want the package left in their porch or something), group one, the people who open the door and take their parcel without a hello and barely a thank you, group two are usually the older people who like to chat, I could be there for five or more minuets just having a little chat, and then there’s the third group, these are just your normal, everyday, happy people, they are always pleasant with a bit of small talk or a joke. Over the months I have become on first name terms with some of these folks.

I (m) fucked the the new barmaid (f) (non-fiction, although it was 20 years ago, so no real dialog and a little embellished) no real kink, just a nice memory

When I was a younger man I worked in a bunch of bars and restaurants, (I bounced around a little bit, different towns and cities, it was good way to meet new people) this was back in the days when half of your job description as bar staff was to be flirty and fairly good looking, if you could work a till it was a bonus. So, I had been living above and working at this little pub on the edge of a university town city centre for about a year, it had the vibe and customers of a village pub but was just a five minuet walk from the clubs and restaurants in the town centre. For the most part it was a fairly quiet place, busy for lunch during the week and weekend evenings before the regulars headed off into town, and so there wasn’t much by way of staff, just the landlord, Jay, who cooked and worked the nights when we had bridge or darts on, his boyfriend, Stan, who had a day job and just helped out when he was needed, the cleaner, Sam, who had been working there since before Jay took over, she also did the odd shift behind the bar, and then me, I worked most nights behind the bar.

i helped my step brother cum between my friends tits pt3 (fmf) (adults) a bit long but you could a bit if needed

So, a little bit about my friend Emily. We have been friends since we were little, she is your classic ‘ugly duckling’, as a youngster she was a bit of a tomboy and all through secondary school she was taller than all the girls and a bit gangly, her blonde hair was always frizzy and out off control then add to that braces and Diedre Barlow glasses and you’ll have some idea, sadly this all effected her confidence, she was (and still is) very shy, not just around guys but anybody new.

After we left school Emily and I went to college together for a year (on different courses but the same college) before I went to uni. During this year Emily started to fill out and looked much more comfortable in her own skin (still lacking confidence). she got quite friendly with another girl on her course who was very much a girly girl, I don’t remember her name, but before they met Emily was never really interested in make up or clothes or going shopping, like I said she was a bit of a tomboy. But this other girl helped her find herself.

An afternoon with Giselle (F34f20’s)

The morning after my amazing night with Gio I woke up around ten-ish, the sun shining through the double patio doors that led to a small but functional balcony, I stretched and smiled as a few choice memories flashed through my mind.

I had a quick shower and freshened up while the coffee brewed, then took a mug out on to the balcony. The sea was on the other side of the property so my view was of the mountains and above the flower garden, there can’t be many places as pleasant as here to wake to. I had some breakfast sent up as I thought about visiting the beach that Giselle had mentioned the previous evening.

I changed out of my t-shirt and shorts in to a fairly modest bikini (as modest as bikini‘s get) with a flowery pattern, a sarong, also a bit flowery, wrapped around my waist sitting just beneath my belly button, some canvas and string flip flop’s and a big, floppy straw hat to top the outfit. The owner of the B&B was kind enough to pack me a lunch so with that I set off towards the coast road.

A night with gio (F34m20’s) (straight) (boobs) (shower)…

I’m thirty-four and recently divorced, no cheating or anything on either side, we just grew apart after nearly fifteen years. We have a teenage daughter together who spent the beginning of the summer holiday’s with her Dad this year (they went to Florida for a couple of weeks). We have been separated for almost two year’s now but barely intimate for much longer, we just saw each other differently, and I must admit neither of us had dressed up nice for a meal out or anything in a long time. More like brother and sister than husband and wife.

When my ex moved out it was autumn, so the cold and sense of loss meant I spent most of my time in a dressing gown curled up on the sofa (my daughter being out with her friends more often than not). I was a bit miserable. Until around spring time last year, I was having a bit of a clear out when I found a pile of old photos from when our girl was little and remembered how much happier I looked back then and it showed in my appearance.

a coffesion

so… this is a confession and an apology.

i am not a curvy, Mediterranean chick with beautiful emerald eyes.

I am in fact a 43 year old man who spent most of my working life on building sites.

when i was a younger man though, i worked a few bars and restaurants. (i had a bit of fun in my late teens/early 20’s).

unfortunately, a bunch of injuries mean that i can’t really do the kind of work that I used to do. so i went back to school. local college for a year then uni (40 years old) (art school) .

Betty McGraw appeared due to a uni project, the lads were to write a story from a female perspective and vise versa.

the story i wrote wasn’t at all kinky, it was just about some chick walking around an Italian city (i had just been to Milan a few weeks previous) but the girls in our little group all thought it was like a bit of erotica, kink it up a bit they said, they sent me reddit subs, and links to other erotica sites…