blackmailing a cinema employee

I buy a movie ticket for a movie I’ve seen already. I give my ticket to the guy inside the door. He directs me to where my movie will be playing. I ignore him, I’m not actually here to watch a movie. I walk around the lobby, looking at the movie posters and listening to the noises spilling into the hallway. Laughter, screams explosions and gunshots.

Bored, I walk by a door labeled employees only, I notice it’s not latched. I push and it easily opens, curious I step in. A lit corridor with multiple staircases, I walk towards the back barely paying attention to where I am going. I hear a chair scoot across the floor at the top of one the stairs.

Climbing to the top I see an open door, a projector playing a horror movie the only light. I enter the room wondering if the noise I heard was from the movie itself. I look around the room and I see a young woman with her feet up on a table, leaning back in her chair watching the movie through a window.

Categorized as Erotica

Netflix and bdsm

My friend Vania invited me over to watch a musical because she found out I’d never seen Dear Evan Hansen. She told me it was messed up but great in a twisted way. I told her I would if she promised to make jalapeño poppers and so a deal was struck.

I show up, carrying a case of beer and some popcorn. She opens the door, first thing I notice, “you dyed your hair! It looks so good!”

She had dyed her bangs orange and the rest of her hair a bright red. She runs her hand through her hair while smiling at me. She raises her eyebrows and lifts her shirt, exposing her toned stomach. “I also got a new tattoo!”

She shows me a lollipop with a bow on the stick and something frozen in the candy. I take a closer look, “Is that a scarab beetle?”

“Yeah!” She says excitedly and does a little hop. She gives me a quick hug and snatches the bag of popcorn. “Yum! Come on in!”

She turns around and leads the way to her living room. “I’m thinking of getting another lollipop on the other side but this time have a tooth floating in it.”

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

First time I ever fucked Tiffany [f] 19 without a condom

I rush to room 1134, I can hear Tiffany’s Bluetooth speaker playing music as I make my way down the hallway. The door was ajar and I peek into the room. Tiffany’s absent-mindedly singing along to her music while walking around the room with her clipboard. I realize she’s actually doing an assessment.

I take a moment just to look at her, she took off her puffy jacket and placed it on a chair. She’s wearing a basic work uniform, khaki pants, green polo, leather belt and her favorite doc martens boots. She has her light brown hair in a ponytail through her baseball cap. She bends down to inspect the room ac unit and I get hard looking at how her ass still manages to look amazing.

I walk into the room and close the door behind me. She stays bent over but turns to look at me at the sound of the door closing. He bright hazel eyes lock onto mine and she flashes me that mischievous grin of hers. She slowly stands up while not breaking eye contact and does a little hip wiggle. She giggles at me because she made me look at her ass shaking and breaking my eye contact.

Categorized as Erotica

TIFU and fucked my fiancé’s little sister [f] 19

Those of you who have been following my stories for a while might have already pieced this together. For everyone else, my young coworker with the brain tumor, who then became my girlfriend, has agreed to marry me. I’ve never been happier.

Just last week, she caught covid. We managed to evade it for 3 years but it finally caught up to us. When I caught it I only had a slight fever and a drippy nose. She is currently in a coma and on a ventilator.

The most frustrating part on top of not being able to visit her is that as her fiance I have no say in any legal or financial decisions. I didn’t think to get power of attorney or medical Healthcare proxy paperwork signed before her coma. Her mother has signed a DNR so if she flatlines the doctors can’t bring her back.

This whole thing has sent me on a downward spiral, I’ve been missing work, my sleep schedule is wrecked, I’ve pushed friends and family away. Hell a random person made a dismissive joke about covid and I almost got into a fist fight with them.

I [m] 21 fuck my boss [f] 33 and coworker [f] 19 is forced to listen

So I’m settling in for the work day, checking the status on orders, making sure repairs are on schedule and ensure the crew are at their stations. I used to share this office with another gentleman when I first got promoted but he quit and I’ve been using his adjoining desk to sort files of paperwork.

I hear the door to my office open and I look up to see Tiffany, her hair in a ponytail through the back of her hat and wearing her signature mischievous grin.

“Morning! Aren’t you supposed to be…?”

I trail off as she puts a finger to her mouth and shushes me. She then points behind her to Lilith’s office across the hall and mouths. “She’s in there?” I nod.

Again she flashes that grin, slowly closes the door behind her and walks around the desk towards me. “I wanted to play hooky and come see you. ” She whispers as she sits down on my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck, “you’re not going to snitch on me, right?”

“I just might have to, unless…”


Categorized as Erotica

I [m] 21 take out my frustration on my coworker [f] 19

I pull out my phone and text Tiffany, “what are you doing right now?”

A minute or so goes by, then my phone chimes.

“Nothing, just got home.”


“Yes please. ”

“Omw 10 min.”


I drive my truck straight to the employee lodging. As I pull up to her complex I can see her peek through her window. I park and make my way to the stairs because she lives on the second landing. I hear a door open as I climb up the stairs, I look up at the sound of her giggling and I see her. She’s absolutely naked, she’s standing in the doorway sideways and the light from inside casts her naked form in shadows.

She poses with one leg bent, her back arched, both hands on the door frame above her and her head tilted back. She runs her hands down the frame, through her hair and down to her perky tits. She gives them a squeeze as she turns towards me, she laughs and runs away through the door.

My crush [f] 19 fucked a horse

I worked as a maintenance manager at a national park and since we work at a national park they give us free lodging so we don’t have to commute for hours.

Sometimes the electricity goes down and the internet is always spotty. So the only things you can rely on being able to do after work are, drinking, working out, hiking, drugs and sex.

One night after work I met up with some friends who wanted to go on a hike to the top of a mountain during a full moon. Someone brought some pack mules and we rode horses up the trail. We get to the top just as the sun was setting, the last few rays putting on a color display as we started setting up a campfire and settling in. We started drinking and I had a good buzz going when suddenly everyone else started bringing out more and more drugs. Weed, x, cocaine and mushrooms.

I don’t partake in much other than weed, I’m afraid of the harder stuff because of passed experiences. This cute brunette that I’ve always had a crush on (Tiffany) comes over and offers me some shrooms. I politely declined, she sat down next to me by the fire and ate some.

I [m] 21 make my boss [f] 33 squirt at the hotsprings

I used to work at a national park that had hotels. I was recently promoted to distric maintenance manager.

I received an email letting me know that the management staff were going out for a voluntary team building trip. A little get together to experience the attractions the park has to offer. We were to meet up at a trail head, bring climbing equipment and a bathing suit.

I show up at the spot and I’m the third person to arrive. I see my boss, her long black hair in a braided ponytail. She wasn’t wearing her signature tight skirt and heels that I see her in at work. She was wearing jean shorts with the bottom rolled up, hiking boots, a button down short sleeve with the bottom buttons not done and the ends tied up showing off her stomach.

She sees me approaching, smiles and waves.

“Hey! So happy you’re here! I’m running the trip today. Let’s see how many more managers will show. ”

She introduces me to the manager from one of the hotel’s, I’d interacted with him before, Mike, but it was all emails for maintenance requests.

I [m] 21 fuck my boss [f] 33 pt.3

I can’t help but laugh. She stands up and heads towards the bathroom. She pauses at the door, “I’m taking a shower. You coming?”
I watch her slink around the corner and I hear the shower turn on. I walk slowly towards the sound of running water and peek around the corner from the door.

It was one of those fancy walk in, double spout showers where one was an overhead raining square and the other was a wall mounted detachable wand. She currently had the rain feature on and had her hand outstretched testing the temperature.

She turned to me as I entered the room, she gave me a big smile before backing into the shower and letting the water cascade over her. She tilts her head forward, the water framing her face and making her look like a hungry predator as she beckons me with a curling of her finger.

We’ll see who devours who, I thought to myself as I walk into the shower.

The almost burning water washed over me as I got her within reach and I recoiled. She let out a small giggle, “I like it hot.” She says.

I [m21] fuck my boss [f33] pt.2

She starts rubbing my cock against her asshole smearing my cum. She bites her lower lip and furrows her eyebrows as she rolls her hips slightly and presses my dick into her ass.

“Just the tip.” She says sternly.

I nod, not wanting her to stop.

She adjusts her grip on my dick and returns to pressing my cock against her asshole, using my cum as lube. She closes her eyes in concentration as the head of my cock slowly makes its way in.

Out of reflex I tilt my hips forward but she quickly lets go of my cock and puts her hand out and pushes me away, shaking her head.

“Sorry.” I quickly mutter and sit back.

She grabs ahold of my shaft and strokes me as she rubs her clit. She cranes my cock and once again pushes my cock slowly into her ass. The head of my cock suddenly pops into her and she lets out a gasp. She lets go of my cock, turning away and grabs handfuls of the bedsheet. I feel her asshole clench, making my toes curl and I have to fight the urge to thrust.