Quaaludes, B&E, and a visitor Part 2 [MF][NonFiction]

Recap of our night so far: An older woman gets higher than god, comes on to me, I break us into an empty apartment and nailed her pussy into the carpeted floor. https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mkkpjw/quaaludes_be_and_a_visitor_part_1_mfnonfiction/

We got back to Casey’s apartment after fucking and I am sure that we smelled like sunblock and sex. All of our mutual friends knew wheat we had been up to. I received nods and smirks as we sat around drinking and smoking more while we watched MTV. I wasn’t subtle about it either. Not only had I just fucked someone, but I had fucked an older woman.

It started getting late and our friends had to go home before they got in trouble. I, unfortunately and to my later downfall, was not supervised nearly as much. This would not be the first night that I just didn’t come home. Casey asked if I wanted to spend the night. I knew what she meant, I would not be sleeping on the couch. Hell, I would not be sleeping all that much anyway. I helped Casey lock up the apartment and tun off all of the lights and such while she got ready for bed and checked to make sure that her kid was still asleep. He was about 2 years old and slept all through the night.

Quaaludes, B&E, and a visitor part 1 [MF][NonFiction]

You might be getting tired of me yapping about sexy times with the wife, so I thought I would tell you a true story from my younger past. This happened in 1984 just before a certain (and greatest) drug was removed form the market. I was 18 for all intents and purposes.

I was the oldest member in a group of teens that lived in and around this apartment complex. It was a super fucked up time in my life and I honestly don’t remember much about that period. I do remember a few bright points both good and bad, this is one of them. I don’t remember her name even, we’ll call her Casey for this exercise.

It was the middle of summer, and being in the south means that you were in the pool if you had access to one. Luckily for me the apartment complex that my mother and step-father moved us into had a pool. It was always crowded with families and teens. I ran the teenage crew pretty much, I was loud, brash, and testing the new found waters of masculinity. When we weren’t in the pool or running the streets, we usually ended up hanging out at Casey’s apartment. Casey was 27 and a single mom, she was also the aunt of one of the guys in the crew, Mike. Mike and his parents lived in another apartment in the same complex; it was a few buildings over.

She tried to squirm away [MF][NonFiction]

If you had asked me five minutes before whether we were going to fuck I would have told you no. As a matter of fact L did say “You should lock the door and put on some music if you’re going further.” I was nibbling on her a little bit as we cuddled. I was so very sleepy after visiting r/trees. They should call this hybrid “Sleepy Time by Celestial Seasonings Tea.” I brushed her comment off, my eyes were barely slits. It’s her fault to be frank about it.

As we lay facing each other she asks “Will you scratch my back, right between the shoulder blades?” She lays her head on my chest but the way my arm is I can’t really reach anything. I’m trying to scratch the right places for her but my arm is arcing like a windshield wiper blade. I push her body down further so I can do my due diligence and get between her shoulder blades. being the cheeky bastard that I am I push her head into my crotch, she willingly opens her mouth and takes my flaccid member in her mouth.

Okay, maybe this was actually my fault.

She let go [MF] [NonFiction]

Ah, being free is nice.

We have come to an agreement with the adult kids to pick up the youngun’ and take her out shopping/dinner on Wednesday nights. Last night was the first time in forever. The wife L and I were teasing and flirting with each other all day in anticipation of the few hours of freedom that were to cum ;)

They showed up a little after 6 and hung around chatting for far too long, I love them with all my heart, but my mind was elsewhere. After they took off L and I went to the bedroom. It was cold, way too cold. The temps dropped dramatically yesterday and we had left the windows open. We got situated under the electric blanket and started with a little nibbling. I had a whole trip planned out of what I was going to do to her. That plan failed spectacularly.

Oww, my nip nips! [MF][Short][Funny]

So the wifey (L) and I got a little extra time this afternoon and decided to have a make out session in the bedroom while the youngun’ was watching TV in the living room. It was just supposed to be a make out session, I swear! We actually had plan to go to bed extra early tonight to have some Olympic fun, but I am not going to complain.

She started sucking me off using long hard sucks and then switching her techniques. She has really been playing around with different techniques lately. I gotta hand it to her, she has really put in some effort to please me. I have been in heaven, I am not going to lie. If you have read my last post we have been trying out some other things during lock down as well.

From quick Pecks to Rutting [MF]

My wife and I climbed into bed the other night, tired and ready for sleep. We had been flirting and playing all day, but sexy times happening was a 50/50 chance. We always always stay up for a few minutes when we climb into bed and pay attention to each other no matter what has transpired during the day. Sometimes it is chatting while we lightly pet each other and smooch (ew, cooties!). Sometimes the petting is heavier and the smoochin’ is heavier, sometimes it’s just a few quick pecks. I have had the deepest and most vulnerable conversations with this woman, who I adore, lying in the bed next to me with our faces inches away from each other. I have also had the greatest and worst sex of my life with her, but still after all of these years sex seems like an exploration of our bodies and boundaries. This night was no different.

Busted: Don’t be like us. [MF] [Short] [Funny]

It started out simple and solo; I went to lay down for a nap today after lunch. Just a few minutes after laying down I hear the creak of the floorboards, my wife “L” is coming down the hallway. I also hear her yell to our daughter “R” to take a shower, I knew what was up. The bedroom door opened and my wife walks in and starts to shed her clothes to join me in the bed. I knew that i was not going to get a nap in today, my wife does not nap often. She does like to join me and ruin my naps, but I am not going to complain!

We started out slowly, waiting on the sounds of a shower starting. Covid has made things a little more complicated in our sex lives. We have had more time to fool around and we have been taking advantage of it with great results. Before Covid we were 2-3 times a week kinda people and maybe some lazy Sunday afternoons here and there. Since Covid we shot up to 6-7 times a week, but have had to limit the noises. Our daughter is at that age when the thought of mommy-daddy time makes her cringe. So, we try to be polite house-mates.

The Takedown Part 1 [M][F]

Many moons ago I was attending a Filipino martial arts school and was not only single, but was celibate after a divorce a few years prior. Our school was temporarily hosted in another school that taught TKD. This is not common, but it was good for both schools because we had easy access to other forms of combat, and both schools gained respect for each other. But that is not what this story is about, is it?
I had been a student for quite a few years (10+) and had moved up the ranks until I was the most senior student in my class. That meant that I was also responsible for daily school matters and student affairs (attendance, payments, cleanup). One of our students, Michelle, and I became close as the years went by. Michelle was pretty, don’t get me wrong, but she was not my type normally. She stood about 5’5”, bleach blonde with red streaks and C cup breasts. She became more physically fit the longer she worked out, duh. By her 3rd year, her belly was tight to the touch with just a fine layer of squishiness.
Michelle lived in the same area of town as I did, and we naturally gravitated towards each other, but mostly as friends. Most of the other students thought that we were dating, but we really never felt the need to go down that path. Michelle had a competitive streak in her to begin with or she probably would not be in a martial art that outnumbered her 10 to 1. We did hang out after class with the group and without sometimes. Like most schools, senior students passed the art down to the junior students. This usually only happened in class under the tutelage of the instructors, but the most senior students could also train and teach outside of class. Michelle and I would work out together either at her house or mine.
The fun stuff
One evening I went to Michelle’s house to help her with some knife work and upright grappling. I showed up at her front door wearing a white tank top, black shorts and flip-flops. Michelle opened the door wearing a white tank top, tighter black shorts and flip-flops as well. We laughed about becoming too much alike as she invited me into her house. Michelle rented an older three-bedroom house but lived there alone. At one point she had a roommate, but her roommate had moved in with her boyfriend and Michelle never really looked for another. I assume that she was making enough money to cover the rent on her own (remember when that was possible?). Michelle had converted one of her spare bedrooms into a workout room. She even bought some of the interlocking foam pads to cover a large chunk of her floor.
After some quick stretches, we began our work out with training blades. As we moved through the basics of blocking and passing the blades, I started to add a little pressure and speed to the moves. As a woman, she had an advantage that I have always admired: smoothness and flow. Women learn martial arts well in this regard. We moved on and started working on this one pass that involved cutting a person’s femoral artery on the inside of the thigh. Michelle “fed” her training knife to me going high and I block-passed it high and across her body then “cut” down her midriff. The final moves in this combination involved slipping the blade between your opponent’s legs and then back out “cutting” the femoral artery in the process. It’s highly dangerous and effective.
The first few times went smoothly and she only needed minor correction when it was her turn. I applied speed and more force. Michelle successfully block-passed my blade but she went a little high on her femoral cut and ended up getting me right on the head of my dick. I buckled a bit with a grimace; it was my own fault that I was not wearing a cup. I only wore a cup in class when we were going at it hard. I never wore one during “training and teaching.”
Michelle blew my mind by grabbing and rubbing my dick through my shorts for a few seconds. “He seems fine,” she joked. This was a first. We had been flirty before outside of class with off-color jokes and such; that’s just human nature. We had never touched each other outside of a professional training manner. I felt a moral and ethical dilemma to not hit on students, so I never let myself slip into being flirty during a workout with another student. I think this was Michelle’s way of opening the door so I did not have to.
“He is now…,” was the smartest reply my mind could think of. The hit wasn’t too painful, honestly. It was well worth it to be touched by someone else again. It had been a while for me after a rough break-up with my ex-wife. I am not the biggest guy around. Perfectly average is how I would describe myself in many ways, including the size of my member. My dick started to swell into a half-chub after her soft rub.
Michelle and I carried on with our workout, but now something had changed: the door, as it were, had been opened a little. Consent to push that boundary had been given, rules be damned!
We were already covered in a sheen of sweat just from working out in that little room, but I started to feel hotter. I think she felt the same way. Her body glistened where I could see it as I let my eyes wander to places that I normally would not pay attention to. I could see the improvements that she had made to her body over the last couple of years. That baby-fat was mostly gone now and she looked fit. Fit is the best way to describe her.
The next time she fed me a strike I performed the same move, kinda… I blocked-passed her blade and locked her arm up briefly. While I had her in that position I slowly ran my practice blade from her clavicle down between her breasts and down her belly. I left the practice blade in contact with her the whole way… down her belly…past her navel…lower…like a phallus it was now between her legs. I pulled up slightly making sure that I was making contact with her pussy through the thin layer of cloth. I left it there to see what her reaction would be.
“You bastard,” she said as she looked at me with a grin. She didn’t move or complain in earnest. Being a fair sport, I did not leave it there much longer than she had her hands on my dick. Fair is fair.
We continued to play with each other as we worked out. Tickles, grabs, and pinches became fair play to us. It did not take long before I became rock hard playing with her and she noticed. “Be careful with that thing, it may go off.” She teased me as she grabbed my cock through my shorts again. She was in my space and vulnerable to attack now. I grabbed her hand, peeled it off of my dick and spun her around in one movement. Her back was now pressed to my chest and I had her arms trapped against her front with my hands. I let go of her and slowly ran my hands down her sides until I got to the waist-band of her shorts.
My fingers slowly crept inside her shorts. I let my fingers slip over the cotton panties that she was wearing and found her pubic mound. I pressed my middle finger into the valley of her slit and stroked her clit. She moaned and cooed as she grabbed the arm that I still had around her upper body with both hands. After a few moments, I became frustrated that my access was being limited by that damned cotton. As I re-shifted my efforts and found my way under her panties, she let go of my arm and reached between us to grab me again. She was stroking my cock up and down as I rubbed her clit in circular motions. She made two quick and shallow intakes of breath and grabbed the arm that I had down her shorts and tugged.
Oh shit I’ve gone too far, I thought. I had gone too far and maybe she had come to have second thoughts when she pulled away from me.
“We have to set some ground rules,” she said to me as she peeled herself out of my embrace. “First off, no one can know about this.”
I nodded my head. First of all, it would be highly frowned upon in our school. It wasn’t that we were not allowed to have relationships inside the school. Humans are humans, and my instructor believed in that whole-heartedly. It was more that this “frowning” protected everyone. It protected the junior students from being preyed upon by people in a position of authority. It also protected anyone from being falsely accused. We were very physical and bodies were being slammed around and put into compromising positions on a daily basis. “Agreed, big time,” I answered.
Michelle was normally a very serious person. She held herself somewhat aloof and a lot of people thought that she was bitchy. After you got to know her and she let you in past her defenses, she was quite bubbly and funny. My heart sank a little as I let some of those fears in. I didn’t want a lot of complications, but I was also hot as it were. I also dreaded the fact that rule #2 was most assuredly going to be condoms. I hate condoms.
“I have not done anything like this in 2 years and I have been tested. You?”
“Well, I have only been with one person since my divorce, and that was 2 years ago for me too. I was tested 6 months ago. I had suspicions about the way my marriage ended. I have a clean bill of health, top to bottom,” I replied. “I am either at work, with my kid, or at school.”
“Let’s toss rule number two out of the window.”
My dick throbbed a little. I think he has ears.
I beat her to rule number three. “I don’t think I am ready to have a bad case of the feels.”
“Okay. No bad case of the feels.” She emphasized the word bad. I must have been naïve around her. I came to the realization that she did have a small case of the feels towards me. I also came to the realization that I have been spending most of my time with her as friends, eating, watching movies etc. Pretty much everything except for sex. Were we dating?
Michelle walked around me until she was now behind me. She wrapped her arm around my neck as she drew herself closer to me. I could feel her breath on the nape of my neck. Michelle nibbled on my earlobe. I was regaining any loss of blood to my erection. She pulled back a little and stepped on the back of my knee dropping me to the floor. “Last rule. Loser has to buy tacos!”
The minx had me dead to rights. She suckered me, which did not bely her competitive streak. It was a solid hold and hard to break. Fortunately for her, I had 7 more years of training than she. I reached up and grabbed the back of her head with one hand and scrambled backwards. This put her off balance and I was able to tuck down, which flipped her over onto the mat. I scrambled forward a bit, which left us in a sixty-nine position. I dropped my face to her crotch and breathed heavily through her shorts. My nose was pushing through the fabric of her shorts and panties. I put all my weight on her and she was trapped with her upper body unable to move. I hooked my thumbs under her shorts and panties on both sides of her hips and pushed them down below her knees. I pushed my nose back into her slit. She smelled slightly sweaty and salty. My tongue probed her slit as much as it could, her shorts limiting the amount that she could spread her legs.
“I think first point goes to me.” I rolled off of her and gave her a hand up. She stood up and started to grab her shorts in an effort to pull them back up and reset the match. I stopped her. “These are mine.”
“No fair, it puts me at a severe disadvantage,” she protested.
“It’s fair! You should have won if you wanted to keep your shorts.”
She grinned and handed me her shorts and panties. I tossed them off of the mat. Quick as a flash, I dove for her legs taking her to the ground again. It was a practiced move, I swung my leg over her body and sat on her chest with her legs wrapped in my arms. She was bent into a “C” shape and her legs were in the air. She squirmed but could not break free.
I spit into my free hand and wrapped it around her leg. I found her wet snatch immediately and rubbed the spit in between her lips. It was a wasted effort. She was already wet and I could feel the grool with my fingers.
“How many points are we going to,” I asked?
“Three,” she squeaked. Her breathing was labored. I was sitting on her diaphragm.
I sank my pointer and middle finger into her snatch as deep as I could go. She moaned and cooed. Just like any middle-schooler, I blasted my fingers in and out of her pussy hard and fast. I extended my thumb so that it smashed her clit on every down-thrust. Her labored breathing became fast and shallow until I felt the convulsions deep from within her pussy. She came. She came hard. Her pussy was now sloppy wet. My fingers made a delicious squishy sound as her hips bucked. There wasn’t anything she could really do, besides buck.
I curled my fingers as I slowed down my blasting. I was stroking the front wall of her pussy until I found her g-spot. It’s not always easy to find in a new partner. I usually go by feel and the reactions of my partner.
“Uh uh uhhh.” She had lost her vocabulary. I had found her g-spot.
With my fingers curled I started to blast her again but slower. I was rewarded a minute later. She lost control and bucked so hard I was having trouble keeping both of us in that position. She squirted into my hand. With her pussy basically in the air, her cum rolled down her body in every direction. I eased up my digital assault and withdrew my fingers from her snatch.
I let go of her legs and they fell to the mat as I rolled off of her. I sat there and watched her catch her breath as her hips still spasmed.
“Is that one point or two?”
She looked at me like I was from Mars. “Huh?”
“Do I get one point or two for our game?” I replied. I honestly think she forgot that we were playing a game.
“You can have all the points.”
Michelle rolled over and pushed herself up on her arms. She crawled over to where I was sitting with my legs criss-crossed. She crawled up my torso forcing me to fall backwards. She was now between my legs wearing only a shirt and bra. I could see the dew of cum on her trimmed bush. She rubbed her wetness on my cock through my shorts. I was tenting so hard we could go camping.
She kissed me hard and bit my bottom lip before withdrawing. She hooked her hands under the hem of her shirt and pulled it off. She did the same with her sports bra. I have seen her belly many times, even in a sports bra, but this was something else. Her tummy was extra cute today. Her breasts were on another level though. She had small nipples that stood out loud and proud.
She flapped her hand at me. “All of these clothes must go,” gesturing with her hand.
I stood up and started to remove my shirt. She leaned forward and pulled my shorts down taking my boxer briefs down in the process. My hard dick popped out and bobbed in the air as her gaze took it in.
“Oh my god, it’s perfect.”
I am not a huge guy; perfectly average I would say. Today I felt like a monster though. My dick looked longer than her face from this perspective. I felt like a god with the way she was mesmerized by it. Michelle tilted her head so she could see it from every angle.
Her hand snaked out and lightly cupped my testicles.
I sucked in air. It had been quite a while since I have felt someone else’s skin touch me there.
With her other hand, she grabbed my cock by the base and brought her mouth to the head. Her tongue flicked out and caught some of the pre-cum that was leaking out of my slit. I watched as she savored the taste before engulfing my dick in her hungry mouth.
I sucked in more air.
Michelle wasted no time. She immediately bobbed her head up and down while her hand pumped my cock from the base. It was not long before I felt the salty tingle emanating from my balls.
“I’m close. Where do you want it?”
With a last kiss on the head of my cock she let go and fell backwards. Michelle spread her legs and said “Inside me. I’m on the pill.”
“Okay, but first I have to taste you. I have to.” I dropped down and buried my face in her pussy. I knew I would not last long once I entered her and I wanted us to come together. The best way to make that happen was to eat her out to near climax and then enter her.
I stuck my tongue inside of her cavity and lapped up all of the grool that I could. As I was eating her out, I rocked my head back and forth so her clit got some attention from my nose. When she started to breathe heavily, I pulled my tongue out and started a new attack on her clit with my tongue. She rocked her hips on my tongue. I let her. I pressed on her clit with my tongue as hard as I could as she ground herself against it. Only a few minutes later she started to climax.
As she came down from her most recent climax, I climbed my way up her body and kissed her fiercely as I drove my dick into her hard. She kissed me back as I started to thrust into her.
The foam mats on the floor did not give way much, so the force of my thrusts into her body was not dampened at all. I drove into her as hard and fast as I could. I was beyond coming. It had been far too long and every nerve in my body was on fire.
I pumped into her with one long final thrust as I shot rope after rope of pent up cum into her pussy. She, in turn, exploded into a quivering mass of twitches and climaxes. I collapsed on top of her, spent and vulnerable.
I never wanted to leave the warmth of her pussy.
I bit her neck a little, and she giggled. “I’m famished, and you owe me some tacos.”

The Experiment[MF]

Preface: My wife L and I have been together for 13 years this month and our sex life has slowed down quite a bit over the last few years. This is quite common as the years roll by, but that doesn’t mean it has to be. We have been responsible adults during Covid-19 and sheltered in place at home with our kids (younger one upstairs, older one with his GF in the basement). This has led to some challenges and a drastic unavoidable change in our lifestyle. Of course this is about the one aspect that we are all here for, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between. The house has been a little crowded and L had been reticent to make noise etc. unless the kid was asleep. That just made the sex more of a guilty parental pleasure that rarely happened.
Me: Call me P. Male (50) 5’8” in pretty good health, maybe a little fluffy around the middle. What else is there to do but snack the dystopia away. Honestly we are starting to be even healthier during this pandemic by walking every day and cooking all of our food at home anyway, but that’s for another sub…On a scale of 1-10 my libido was probably a 3. I chalk this up to age, stress, work-life balance, and a lifetime of smoking. (I know, I know. I am working on it. I do not smoke full-time, I smoke when I get stressed and this fucking pandemic has me all on edge). My dick is of perfectly average size and still listens to most of my wishes. As they say in the country, he won’t always bottom out but he’ll bang the hell out of the sides.
Her: Call her L. Female (46) 5’9” in better health than I, but once again a little fluffy around the middle. She still has an hour-glass physique with c-cup tits that I love more than any others. I would say her libido was a 1 on a scale of 1-10. She has never really been an overtly sexual person. She just doesn’t focus on it. There is no past trauma that we know of, she is just shy and slower to crank up. Once she does crank up, she’s is tons of fun though. L very rarely initiates.
The experiment:
I decided we needed a change.
I am a sucker for erotica and I love each and every one of you here. I started a daily regimen of stories, gifs, and videos from all over, but really like the stories better. I am a firm believer that humans are sponges and they will externalize what they internalize, but could I really increase the libidos of 2 people through an increase of porn? Yes. Not only could I get horny from it, but it lasted. I found myself thinking about sex more often even after a nutting (English is funny). After a few days and my wife’s surprise I started sending her posts of some of my favorites. I also let her know my intentions somewhat. She was curious to see where I was going with this, but not 100% on-board to start.