Threesome fun [FFF]

So my friends and I are very open. We very open about our sexuality, our relationships, and our friendships. Now for me, I am pretty open about myself and I love to love people. It is normal for me to kiss my girl friends sober or not, but there’s been a few nights where it ends up being a little more than just kissing.

On this night, we were having a party at our house of just our friends. This usually consisted anywhere from 6-15 people. I had called our friend from out of town and he was bringing my best friend (well call her Allie) to “surprise me” before she moved away. Me and her only had became friends that past summer, but we got really close really fast. She’s very similar to me, and she is always down for whatever (considering the first time she came to visit we had a threesome with my boyfriend, and me and her had sex afterwards).

Hearing my bestfriend get her guts arranged in the same room.

My best friend used to introduce me to everyone. I met Matt and Travis one night with her. I met him through my at the time best friend and his best friend. My best friend and I were at my house drinking by ourselves and having a fire.

“We should invite some people to come hangout!” She (well call her Emma) suggested.

“Im down, but who?” I responded. It was already pretty late in the night, and many of the people who were talking to me had already been in bed.

“Well my friend Travis is with Matt and theyre just cruising around,” she said, and I told her why not! I had never met them, but i knew of them and had heard a lot about them.

They showed up about 10 minutes after we learned they were coming. Emma and I had been drinking Reds, and they had brought some more. They introduced themselves to us, and we made a little small talk. Matt was casually checking me out, while Travis was close to emma.

They went back to their car to get more beer and emma came up to me.

That one time I took someone’s virginity. [MF]

So I know you’re probably confused from the title, but I am here to explain a disclaimer! The guy did not tell me he was a virgin that night, I found out the next day from my best friend. I had a feeling he had to have been, and I’ll explain that more in the story!

Okay, so I went out of town to meet my bestfriend to celebrate her 21st birthday with her. She normally came to my town to hangout, and she was friends or at least acquaintances with all of my friends. I did not know any of her friends prior to this. She planned for all of her friends to go out to eat and then go back to her house for a party afterwards. I had to speed to the restaurant once I got off work, and I made it there in time. I met her friends, and we all ate, drank and had a good time. I was not originally intending to go back to her house to party with her, but it was still pretty early, & I only had one margarita. My friend ended up puking at the restaurant after taking 4 shots and drinking half of her of margaritas. She didn’t want to waste the margarita, so I ran out to my car and brought my yeti cup in and pour the rest in my glass and went to my car. I wasn’t buying any alcohol because I knew I had to go home, but I at least had a glass to drink there.

Letting a stranger finger me on a cruise [mf]

For quite a while I didn’t like to talk about anything sexual with my friends or partners. I would say people were hot, but I never wanted to go into detail with it. I learned later on that I was like that because I was too scared of the way people would take me by knowing my own thoughts, temptations, and turn ons. I thought mine were too out there, and that people would see me as too much of a freak for them. However, this story is one of the first times I began to come to the realization that I get off more when there are others in the room as well as a little of CNC (***disclaimer, he fully had consent. I was aware of everything and okay with everything, but once I discovered CNC, I learned this fell slightly into the CNC category). I get super turned on when I know others are in the room and they’re either sleeping or they are oblivious to what I’m doing. I still enjoy when people are in the room and know what’s going on, and I really get enjoyment out of others watching.
A couple of years back, I went on a cruise with my best friend. We were with her parents, and my friend and I had our own room. We made two stops on our cruise, and I wanted to make the best of everything. I had not been on a cruise before, and I wanted to experience everything I could. My best friend and I did everything together. On the cruise, we made a plan for everyday of what we would do. On our third day, we were at sea going to the next port. Our plan was to sit out at the pools all day and make friends. For the first two days of our cruise we stayed busy hopping from activities on ship, swimming, laying out, and going to the parties, that we didn’t really make many friends. We socialized to those around us, but we never ran into anyone again, nor met anyone that left us an impression to want to meet them again.
For our day, we grabbed sunscreen and a drink and sat by the main pool on the ship. There were two pools on our ship. One on the front end of the boat where many were to layout or swim, and the one in the middle with slides and a di. This pool was filled with more people our age. Me and her sat poolside and enjoyed the sun. It wasn’t long before two guys swam up right beside us.

Fuck buddy parking lot part 2 (18MF)

Part 2!

Okay, so it took me more than a day, but here’s part 2 for everyone that was interested! ***i was 18 at this time, and I am 22 now Incase anyone was wondering from my prior posts***

As I jumped into my car, I laughed while I saw his eyes pleading for me to go back to his house. He texted me,
“So are you coming or not?”
I looked over at him, shrugged my shoulders, and began to drive off. I laughed, debating if I should go or not. A part of me told myself to just go home, but another part of me did not want too. I looked over and saw that it was only around 8PM, so I turned right heading towards his house. He followed me in his truck, and I began my way to his house. I didn’t want to let him know immediately I was going there. I went to the highway, and I turned the opposite direction towards his house. He slammed on his gas so I could see he stormed towards his house. I rolled my eyes. ‘Great way of convincing me to come over,’ I thought to myself.

Getting used in a public parking lot.

I had been on and off with this specific guy for a few years. We would fuck for awhile, fade away, then eventually somehow always find ourselves back around each other. We would run into each other at the store, at the gas station, restaurants, and even parties. Every time we were in the place as one another, we both knew without having to make eye contact that we were there. All of our friends saw us as friends, and they never caught on to anything between us for the longest time. During one of our “falling outs” (I guess you could say), we would pass each other heading home on the evenings. This evening in particular I made sure he knew that it was me driving home. I went down the main road, turned off onto a side road, and I came back right to the main road a few minutes later. I knew he was watching where I went, and this would drive him crazy not knowing. I began heading towards my home, smiling to myself that I knew he was driving himself crazy to know where I was. At the moment, my phone had lit up. He had sent me a text,

Categorized as Erotica