Getting sick of all these fake ass stories with 8 inch dicks that "aren't that big". Shut the fuck up you erotic fiction mother fucker and listen up to a real story with all the shitty parts.
It was December 2013, I had broken with my girlfriend of 3 years only a month prior and was feeling extremely lonely. I've always been kind of a mushy guy, and there was this girl, Lynn, whom I'd had a huge crush on ever since I met her when I was 17.
With a whiskey bottle in hand I sent her a message on Facebook:
"Lynn, this is going to come off as strange but frankly I couldn't care less. I've had a huge crush on you for years, and I was wondering if you'd like to hang out at my place and share a few drinks over some friendly conversation." I swear to god I didn't want to have sex, I was just lonely and I knew she lived near by.
Weeks went by and I forgot I sent the message. I ended up hooking up with a high school friend named Miley. We both had a dry spell, we both needed it, so we fucked. Story for another time.