Acceptance [fiction] [gangbang]

This is a work of fiction. Please do feel free to comment or message if you have anything to say about it, all feedback welcome!


“I mean, don’t you think it would be so hot?” Katie said to me as she blushed bright red. She ran her hand through her wavy red hair nervously, stopping at the tips and playing with them absent-mindedly by her waist as she looked at me, clearly hoping for my approval.

“Well yeah of course! You know I love hearing kinky ideas like that.” I said, smiling ear to ear. “Why don’t you tell me a little more?” I added with a slight smirk.

Katie did a happy little bounce, rocking up on the balls of her feet and then coming back down on to her heels. She looked like an excited puppy that’s just been told what a ‘good boy’ they are. “Well I don’t know, I would just let them all do whatever they want with me. Oh! But I want all of them to cum inside me, that’s part of it, I want to feel dirty and used,” she said, savouring the thought of those last words.