This is a sequel I never thought I’d write because it’s dark as hell. I think I wrote part 1 over a year ago [it’s pinned to my profile].
*Time flies when you’re writing about fucking.*
I had a friend in college who I am 99% sure was a sociopath. Am I a psychologist qualified to make that diagnosis? Fuck no. Of course I could be wrong so take what I say with a grain of salt. However, I grew up with a diagnosed sociopath and can usually sense when something is off with the way someone processes emotion. They’re incredibly rare and deceptively friendly. The person in this story is one of two people I’ve encountered who I sincerely suspected of being sociopathic, and I don’t think many people around him noticed.
I don’t usually “name” people in my stories, but for fun let’s call this guy “Patrick Bateman.”
*Yes, I realize the distinction between a psychopath and sociopath, but I found it interesting how much this guy unironically loved the character.*