[MF] Mothers Will Do Anything For Their Kids

Teaching is a thankless job, and at no time is that more apparent than during a parent-teacher conference. I call them to discuss issues with their children and to try and *help,* but inevitably it somehow becomes my fault. This is especially true in my school district where the average household income surpasses at least $500k a year.

Kayla’s Mom waltzed in the door talking on the phone 10 minutes after our conference was set to begin. She was tall and blonde; she looked a bit too young to have an 18 year old daughter but so did most of the mothers I encounter here; she was wearing black leggings and a black tank top that hugged her trim figure and accentuated her features, and black flip flops that showed off her expertly manicured toes which matched her fingers, which were currently gripping a very large Starbucks cup.

“I’m so sorry. Traffic was awful,” she said as she sat down, almost as if she uttered that phrase multiple times a day.

“It’s ok, Mrs. Jacobs…”

“Please, call me Kim,” she interrupted, “Mrs. Jacobs makes me feel so old.”

[MF] My Married Neighbor With The Rape Fantasy

I moved into my house about a year ago. I almost immediately hit it off with my next door neighbors after we got to talking one day shortly after moving in.

The Wife was Kat; a short brunette with big green eyes, big pouty lips, and a nice body she’s obviously been working hard on since having their two kids. The husband was Jake; an out of shape, soft spoken pushover type who seems very out of his depth with Kat.

As we became closer, we’d often hang out in our backyards together, having drinks and chatting. Kat was a drinker and an obvious party girl. She would always get flirty and touchy-feely with me once her buzz got to a certain point and Jake would always just uncomfortably laugh it off. He’s the type of guy who would get the wrong order at a restaurant and begrudgingly eat it because he didn’t want to make a fuss.

The first time Kat made a pass at me was one night in their backyard a few weeks before our first encounter. She was drunk and flirty as usual and Jake had gone inside to make another round of drinks. Kat came and sat on my lap and gently ground her ass into my crotch.