Ellie [MF]

She looked upon the dark sky while talking to me. Maybe she enjoyed the starless sky or maybe she was avoiding eye contact with me. Doesn't matter, she looks beautiful as ever under the city lights. The slight breeze lifted her dark hair ever so gently, exposing her pale white neck. It made my mouth water. I didn't realize but my eyes were so fixated on her neck. My eyes followed to her defined jaw, up to her rosy cheeks and onto her honey eyes. Her eyebrows were plucked perfectly into an arch that complemented the slight curve of her eyes. She was absolutely stunning. Why is she talking to me? I have no idea.

The six blocks felt very short and before I knew it Ellie squeals “Well, we are here! Thank you again for walking me home…Aiden. It was very sweet of you.” She said that while smiling at the sidewalk. Was she nervous? “I would you invite you in for some coffee or tea but it’s 4 in the morning and I’m pretty tired.” She giggled. “It’s okay, really. I should try and get some sleep anyway”