[30F] I’m going to ask you to imagine something

Imagine this.

Imagine that you’re part of a friend group, a very close friend group, of two guys and three girls. Now imagine you’ve been close friends for maybe 15 years, since early high school, and imagine that this is just an incredibly normal, though somewhat nerdy and academically successful, group of friends.

Imagine that you’re the shyest, nerdiest guy in the group, and naturally, you’ve grown up maybe fantasizing about any – or all – of the three girls in the group on and off over a long period of friendship. That would be natural, right?

Now imagine there’s a fourth girl, who isn’t a part of the main group, but is very close friends with a few of you from the group, and very familiar with it. She occasionally joins you and hangs out as well. She and one of the main three girls in your group also have a best friend, a fifth girl, who also hangs out with you occasionally, but less commonly (she’s mainly friends with the two women separately). You know both of them very well.

[30F] I’m going to ask you to imagine something

Imagine this.

Imagine that you’re part of a friend group, a very close friend group, of two guys and three girls. Now imagine you’ve been close friends for maybe 15 years, since early high school, and imagine that this is just an incredibly normal, though somewhat nerdy and academically successful, group of friends.

Imagine that you’re the shyest, nerdiest guy in the group, and naturally, you’ve grown up maybe fantasizing about any – or all – of the three girls in the group on and off over a long period of friendship. That would be natural, right?

Now imagine there’s a fourth girl, who isn’t a part of the main group, but is very close friends with a few of you from the group, and very familiar with it. She occasionally joins you and hangs out as well. She and one of the main three girls in your group also have a best friend, a fifth girl, who also hangs out with you occasionally, but less commonly (she’s mainly friends with the two women separately). You know both of them very well.

[True story] Looking for someone with an open mind to freak out with me about a miracle that I experienced on New Year’s Eve

So, let me start off by saying that my New Years Eve was nothing I could ever have anticipated. It was beyond imagination. I’m here telling this story simply because I cannot contain myself about it for even a moment, and I basically *need* to chat to someone about it who will freak out with me because, well, you’ll see…

I’m an incredibly shy, nerdy guy, and I’m not the most social or outgoing person you’ve ever met. I still live at home with my parents, and spend most of my days indoors playing video games. For a lot of my life, I did not have a close group of friends.

Shortly after high school, I did make some friends though. They were a very close group of friends of guys and girls, who had been friends all throughout their high school years, and I was very much a new addition, which made me very self-conscious, but they felt sorry for me not having any friends, and were kind enough to fully integrate me into their group.

[29F] I helped make a miracle happen on New Year’s Eve (a true story)

Happy New Year everyone! What I’m about to tell you is a true story, about something that I actually did on New Years Eve, that I pretty much cannot believe I did, and it’s still all so surreal. But it’s a fun story, I’m actually kinda proud of it, and I thought, why not share and chat to some folks about it? So that’s what I’m going to do!

Most of the story, or at least the build-up, doesn’t actually involve me, but I thought I’d tell it all anyway, beacuse it sets the stage for what eventually happened. Don’t have time to read or get your head around stuff? Well, that’s a shame, because you’re going to need to here. So let’s get started.

I’m a woman, in my late 20s, and I consider myself, well, pretty normal. I’m not some wild party-girl. I’ve never known anyone who is. I have a professional career, and all the friends I’ve ever made are normal, intelligent people with professional careers. I’ve been privileged in my life, never really struggled, and I’ve had the freedom to be whoever I want to be. Just a note: one of the things I happen to be is bisexual, with much more of a preference for women.

[30F] [Group] I’m going to ask you to imagine something

Imagine this.

Imagine that you’re part of a friend group, a very close friend group, of two guys and three girls. Now imagine you’ve been close friends for maybe 15 years, since early high school, and imagine that this is just an incredibly normal, though somewhat nerdy and academically successful, group of friends.

Imagine that you’re the shyest, nerdiest guy in the group, and naturally, you’ve grown up maybe fantasizing about any – or all – of the three girls in the group on and off over a long period of friendship. That would be natural, right?

Now imagine one of the three girls in your group has an older sister. She’s quite different to the rest of you, not really nerdy at all, more outgoing and social, more popular during high school, but now that you’re all older she’s chilled out and is super nice and friendly with your group whenever she sees you, which she does from time to time because of her sister.

Now imagine you’ve come to be in your late 20s, and you still haven’t had any sexual experience in your life. Every week, you still hang out with your close group of friends, get together and chat, maybe watch something, pretty consistently, every week.

[Group] [30F] I’m going to ask you to imagine something

Imagine this.

Imagine that you’re part of a friend group, a very close friend group, of two guys and three girls. Now imagine you’ve been close friends for maybe 15 years, since early high school, and imagine that this is just an incredibly normal, though somewhat nerdy and academically successful, group of friends.

Imagine that you’re the shyest, nerdiest guy in the group, and naturally, you’ve grown up maybe fantasizing about any – or all – of the three girls in the group on and off over a long period of friendship. That would be natural, right?

Now imagine you’ve come to be in your late 20s, and you still haven’t had any sexual experience in your life. Every week, you still hang out with your close group of friends, get together and chat, maybe watch something, pretty consistently, every week.

Now imagine one week, you’re going over to one of their houses to do this again, just like you have every week for the last 10-15 years. Nothing at all is out of the ordinary.

[29F] I’m going to ask you to imagine something

Imagine this.

Imagine that you’re part of a friend group, a very close friend group, of two guys and three girls. Now imagine you’ve been close friends for maybe 15 years, since early high school, and imagine that this is just an incredibly normal, though somewhat nerdy and academically successful, group of friends.

Imagine that you’re the shyest, nerdiest guy in the group, and naturally, you’ve grown up maybe fantasizing about any – or all – of the three girls in the group on and off over a long period of friendship. That would be natural, right?

Now imagine there’s a fourth girl, who isn’t a part of the main group, but is very close friends with a few of you from the group, and very familiar with it. She occasionally joins you and hangs out as well. She and one of the main three girls in your group also have a best friend, a fifth girl, who also hangs out with you occasionally, but less commonly (she’s mainly friends with the two women separately). You know both of them very well.