My friend had the WEIRDEST kink and I accommodated [MF] Part 2

Absolutely no doubt the situation had got a little… unusual.

… i was stood in my living room with a scientists costume on whilst one of my closest friends sucked on my gloved finger. How much eventful could it get?… alot more is the answer.

Regardless, the warmth of her mouth wrapped around my finger had my cock absolutely raging for freedom!

I remained completely silent, after all what was i going to say?…. “Oh yeah Beth you suck that finger you dirty girl!”

I placed my other hand onto her thigh and gradually onto the her mound of glory… very lightly! Remember this was out of bounds! A part of her body i never imagined touching, hell, even considered the idea before!

With a very subtle hip thrust she indicated she was happy for me to proceed.

And proceed i did! I ran my gloved hand down, giving her the suggestion to prise her legs apart allowing my access and firmly rubbed the length of her pussy through her leggings whilst she continued to indulge on my finger.

My friend had the WEIRDEST kink and I accommodated [MF] part 1

I have a girlfriend…Not the relationship type, Beth. Our friendship goes way back to when we were kids. We lived on the same street and she used to date my best friend. After their break up we remained in contact but completely in the friend-zone with eachother.

We’re sort of like pen pals, we texted, called and face-timed eachother regularly, she’d call me if she had a shit day and we’d put the world to rights and id do the same visa-versa.

On occasions we’d meet up, go for a drink, meals, sometimes we’d go to her place other times mine, we’d watch films, tv programs.. the normal stuff mutual friends do.

Given the amount of time we spend with eachother we’re both very comfortable companions, i have no embarrassment with her and feel i could say whatever i had on my mind.

Beth isn’t a ‘girly-girl’ she doesn’t bother with make up, dressing up in fancy frilly dresses or lusting over a perfect prince, her skin is always natural and so is her attitude, she has very dark blonde hair, neither slim nor chubby and not tall in the slightest, probably 5’1 held upside down at her ankles, but she’s a good looking girl.

One comment led to soooo much more! [MF] (Dominated by a College girl) THE FULL STORY + ENDING.

Pt 1.

Id just turned 21 and i was in college one day a week every Wednesday. It was a small group of just men in our class, all mixed ages but a handful of us had ‘teamed up’ and formed a friendship.

Basically long story short, on our break we’d go around the back of the college to the smoking shelter, one lad called Nathan pulled out a tightly rolled joint… the rest is history.

In the second week of term, the tutor informed us that there was another class doing the same subject. Due to a lack a rooms available in the college the two classes would be merged to one that day and for future classes.

The merge didn’t happen immediately but after we had gone on our 15 minute break. We all went out for our usual smoke, grabbed a drink from canteen and made our way back up.

When we arrived the other class had already made there way into our room. A small group had turned into a large room of people, there was just enough seats for us all. To my surprise when I walked in it was no longer a penis party!

One comment led to soooo much more! (Dominated by a college girl) [MF] part 5! New territory…

I urge you to re-cap on part 4 before moving on to part 5.

**quick disclaimer. No Fiona’s where harmed during this event 😉**

With her posed on the bed, i walk and climb over her gazing into her eyes, my hearts pounding in my chest,

“Have you made a girl cum before?”




I didn’t really know how to answer her question,

“I don’t know, i just follow their lead..”

“Show me….”

I got to work. Kissing her soft lips down to her neck, she ran her hands over my back onto my shoulders, i progressed downwards with my face in her soft pillowy breast squeezing them into my cheeks…still working my way down, Fiona had abs! And i mean abs! her body didn’t have a muscle that wasn’t firmly toned, in full view of her shaven pussy, i spread her legs apart lay flat my stomach with my cock now dribbling precum onto her sheets.

One comment led to soooo much more! (Dominated by a college girl) [MF] part 4! The story unfolds.

…… continued from part 3.

We walked out from the library. I needed a piss so i went to the bathroom whilst she waited. i rearranged my precum soaked underwear wash my hands and left back to Fiona.

“Are we going into town again?”

“Yeah can do”

We jump in my car and on the way she asked.

“Was you really about to cum?”

By this point my embarrassment and shame with her had long gone. I was in her pocket, with a desire for her attention so strong, if she told me to sit and beg id of probably done so.

“Yeah i was”

“Why so quickly?? I barely touched you”

“Im not sure Fiona. Over excitement i suppose”

“Do you always cum quickly?”

I didn’t feel a need to lie to her.

“I do sometimes yeah, depends how focused i am”


I wasn’t too sure where she was heading with the conversation but now id parked my car. We got to a small café a grabbed our dinner inside. She continued..

One comment led to soooo much more! (Dominated by a college girl) [MF] part 3!

My thoughts of endless possibilities running wild, i was now hooked under the clasp of Fiona’s palm, thinking of her night and day she held me in a position of not wanting but needing more, yet, too afraid to ask fearing her rejection.

Constantly conjuring up ways to beat her at her own game, it was late Saturday night and i received a message.

“Missing me?”

I obviously didn’t have her number saved in my phone but knew immediately who it was. I wrote back three times and deleted before i sent a message. I didn’t want to seem too eager, i delayed my response and eventually replied.

“As much as you’re thinking of me”

Genius I thought! I awaited a response but she left me hanging, (i was really expecting a picture ill be honest) typical of her style she was playing with me again, i resisted the urge to send her another message. I even contemplated sending her a picture of you know what but i knew the consequences.

Wednesday. I arrived a few minutes late, Fiona was already in, her head buried in a harry potter book, which kind of surprised me. My tutor sat behind his desk,

One comment led to soooo much more! (Dominated by a college girl) [MF] part 2!

Please read part 1 if you haven’t done so.

Throughout the week. I couldn’t help but masturbate to her, it was as-though she had me under her hypnotic spell.

Despite Nathan’s warning ringing in my ears, the burning desire for more was overpowering, i delicately envisioned the scenarios of what could happen this week, only yet to know that they’d be wrong.

Wednesday comes around. Im eager this morning. I was prepped, id shaved my balls the night before ready for another hopeful encounter with Fiona. I again stuffed some weed in my pocket and set off.

I arrived at 8:45. Neil my tutor literally did a double take on me walking through the door before 9.

“Thirsty for knowledge this morning Mr *****”

“Yeah, you could say that!”

Fiona arrived dead on 9 o’clock. As she sat down she said,

“Morning big boy”

I grinned “morning Fiona”

My tutor overheard our greeting and looked at me with his eyes slightly squinted in a sense of wonder, i knew the thought of his students fucking each-other was stirring around in his head and it really did make me feel like a ‘big boy’

One comment led to soooo much more! (Dominated by a College girl) part 1 [M/F]

Id just turned 21 and i was in college one day a week every Wednesday. It was a small group of just men in our class, all mixed ages but a handful of us had ‘teamed up’ and formed a friendship.

Basically long story short, on our break we’d go around the back of the college to the smoking shelter, one lad called Nathan pulled out a tightly rolled joint… the rest is history.

In the second week of term, the tutor informed us that there was another class doing the same subject. Due to a lack a rooms available in the college the two classes would be merged to one that day and for future classes.

The merge didn’t happen immediately but after we had gone on our 15 minute break. We all went out for our usual smoke, grabbed a drink from canteen and made our way back up.

When we arrived the other class had already made there way into our room. A small group had turned into a large room of people, there was just enough seats for us all. To my surprise when I walked in it was no longer a penis party!

[MF] my lust for the other girl

It was August 2018, i M26 at the time was called in for jury service. I didn’t want to go but you don’t really have much choice in the uk.
Monday was my first day, i arrived at the court wandering outside like a helpless fool with no idea where i was going. I noticed a set of steps leading to a big old fancy door and walking up those steps was this girl. I spotted her yards away because of her hair, it was bright blonde but scraped back in a pony tail, almost like a glowing light that dragged me in, i made my way over almost running to catch her before she walked in. When i got to her, my eyes immediately drawn to her tight dark green yoga pants, my first thought was “holy shit what an ass!”
Without hesitation i said to her “excuse me, is this the way for jury?” She turned around and i was taken back by her beauty, she laughed and said “yes, i got lost too!, why is there no sign!” Laughing and almost pissing myself with excitement that she even spoke to me,
we made our was in and through security. She got in the elevator and i followed along with another guy. Nobody spoke but i couldn’t stop glancing at her whilst she was looking down at her phone. “Fucking hell shes banging!” She was quite short around 5’4 brown eyes, perky breasts and an arse that could revive the dead.
We arrived in the room where the jurors sat awaiting to be assigned to a trail. She went first through the doors and i slowly straddled behind waiting for her to sit somewhere. She chose her spot on an empty table and i walked over and put my hand on the chair opposite “sorry, you don’t mind me sitting here do you?” She looked up and said “no not at all” smiled and looked back down.
Sat down and for a few minutes we didn’t speak. I didn’t know what to say to her.
I said to myself ‘for fuck sake just talk to her!’ I should mention i wouldn’t call myself an unattractive guy but this girl i felt was way out of my league, eventually we engaged in small talk and i felt it was going well, she was called Lucy and was 23. Before we knew it, time had past and they began reading names out for the trails that day. My name was called and a few moments later hers was! We both looked at each other and said what are the chances! We were both on the same case!
After that we went to the court room and not much more happened, the end of the day came, we said goodbye and both left.
The next day i messed up my times, I arrived at 9am not needing to be there until 10. I sat down not in the exact same spot but same side of the room eagerly awaiting her arrival, in she came and fuck me. Today she looked mega hot! Her hair was down, tight blue jeans, a red jacket unzipped with a grey top underneath just showing the outline of her flat stomach and perky breasts. I glanced up and she looked right at me, smiled and made her way right over, she actually seemed happy to see me! I was absolutely buzzing inside. by this point the people on the same case had come and sat with us, a mixed group of guys and girls of all ages, this was now our group. Usual chatting, joking about and eventually to the courtroom. At dinner we all parted separate ways.
Afterwards we made our way back down to the room just before you enter the courtroom. I needed a piss so I didn’t walk in with everyone but when i got back, Lucy had saved the seat next to her, and by saved i mean she had her hand on the seat stopping anyone sitting next to her, i came in and she moved her hand, i couldn’t believe it!! I sat down next to her and another girl called Amy. The woman in her mid 40s across from us said “aww you two make a cute couple!” at that point everyone in to room stared at us, both blushing like little school kids.

[MF] cocaine fuelled foursome… sort of

Okay, another long one….

2010, I’m 18. Id just come out of a short relationship (no not Rachel) I’m working full time eagerly waiting weeks end so i can party with my boys. We’d moved off the house party scene at this point, being able to get into clubs this was our usual go to.

At this stage in my life me and my mate sold weed….alot of it. We made shit loads of money and the profit was our funds for the nights out.

Where we lived we had a petrol station close by we usually dealt from, we knew the owners and they knew what we did there, we actually sold it to some of the staff there.

One night whilst there my friend was talking to a girl that past by, Chloe. She knew him from school 2 years back, but I didn’t go to the same one as them both, he introduced me and we got talking.
She was bright blonde brown eyes long fake eyelashes, small features, actually really pretty she had a cute face for sure, really petite body small boobs she was probably no more than 5’2 But, from what he’d told me she was labelled a ‘slut’ rumour had it she’d been around more than enough, she was the same age as me. I didn’t take much notice of it, i wasn’t interested in doing anything with her, I thought id probably never even see her again.