He “Taught” Me How To Play COD [MF] [Edging]

Snow hits the ground as the wind whips through my coat, taking my breath away. It’s freezing out tonight, making it the perfect occasion to stay in and spend time with him. I run up the front pathway, keeping my feet planted on the ground with each step so I don’t fall. I get to the door and it’s already unlocked, allowing me to turn the knob and walk in. I’m met with a rush of warm air and the smell of cinnamon.

I wipe my boots off on the mat in front of the door before taking my hat and coat off. Everything in his place looks haphazardly pushed against a wall. I laugh while shaking my head at the placement of his coat tree, which is on the other side of the entry way. While attempting to kick off my boots and not get my socks wet, I hear foot steps coming from around the corner.

My Slutty Grocery Store Hook Up

On a Friday night around 8pm, I found myself shopping for bread and eggs at my corner grocery store. I just finished the day at my corporate job when I realized that I had nothing at home to make, but didn’t want to go out to eat either. I opened up different cartons of eggs, checking to see if any were broken when a man popped into my peripheral vision. He opened the fridge door to the milk, which was about 5 doors down from me, and looked through the different options of real, almond, or oat milk. I turned my head to get a better look at him and noticed how large he was. He easily towered over me by about a foot, his shoulders looking to be the same size as my entire torso. I, of course, found this to be incredibly sexy and felt pulled to talk to him.

“I don’t know what kind of milk you drink but, the Vanilla Silk Almond milk is the best in my opinion.” He looked over at me, seeming to lose all interest in his previous pursuit. I smiled in response, flipping my hair over my shoulder while he tried to hide his now lowered stare. He looked back to my face as he turned his stance toward me, letting the door shut behind him.

I Fucked My Shy Neighbor After Strip Tease Pt 3 (He Found Me Naked On His Bed)

Josh left the apartment before Amber got out of the shower, making it my job to clean up the mess we just made on her bed. The sheets were wet in some areas and the blankets were strewn about all over the floor. I stripped the bed and tossed everything in the washer as Amber stepped out of the bathroom.

“Did Josh leave already? I wanted to say goodbye.” The hint of a pout rang in Amber’s voice.

“Yeah, he had to go, but not before he fucked me one last time.” I smirked at Amber, waiting for her to ask me for details.

“Did you guys really have sex on my bed without me? That’s so gross,” She shook her head before thanking me for washing her sheets. I grabbed the spare ones out of our hallway closet and helped her make the bed.

“Yeah, sorry about that. He started moving his hand down my body and I couldn’t stop him. You got all the dick tonight, it’s only fair I get a little before he leaves.” She giggled while pulling the fitted sheet onto the corner of the bed, looking all too pleased at the neighbor’s performance from earlier.

Categorized as Erotica

I Fucked My Shy Neighbor After Strip Tease Pt 2 (Threesome With My Roommate) [FFM]

“So, what were you up to over the weekend while I was gone?” My roommate, Amber had just got back from seeing her family. I waited to tell her in person about Josh and the fun night we had.

“Well, you know that one guy we watch across the street; the one that only goes to work?” She nodded as she unpacked her bag. Clothes fell all around me as I lay on my side. Her bed began to look like a hamper.

“I kinda.. hooked up with him.” She stopped as if a record scratched and I couldn’t hold back a laugh. As she turned to face me, her jaw was dropped open and excitement lit up her eyes.

“No. Way! How on earth did you get him to come over here?” I giggled at her question, feeling thrilled at the attention.

“You’re gonna think I’m so trashy but, I did a little strip tease for him the night we went out, before you left. He got to see my boobies.” I grinned in elation at my candor, knowing Amber would egg me on. She loved it when I did crazy things.

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I Fucked My Shy Neighbor After Strip Tease

I’ve lived in my apartment now for over a year. In my bedroom, there’s a window facing the street my car sits on. The street is a one-way so it’s very narrow, making it easy to spy on my neighbors on the other side of it. One neighbor in particular has caught my eye. He looks to be about 21 years old, same age as me, and rather awkward. I see him coming home every day from work, dressed in the same khakis and polo shirt he wears Monday through Friday. I like to imagine his day job is something to do with computers.

My roommate and I have plans tonight with some friends from way back. I’m in my room getting ready when I see neighbor boy turn his TV on and sit down, pulling a bowl under his chin as he points the remote in front of him. I figured he must be able to see me too. He may even look over as I was changing; the thought excited me. I through off my t-shirt as close to the window as I could, pulling it over my head and stretching the entire length of my torso. I saw my reflection in the glass, my side silhouette show casing a tight, small waist and round breasts. My hair fell around my bare shoulders as I turned to face the window, unclasping my bra.

My Girlfriend Took Me To A Gloryhole [FM]

Sitting in the car after school, my girl friend and I playfully give each other kisses while touching every part of the other. We’ve been together for over a year and have only been able to make it to second base. We’re both nervous but, in love at the same time so, things just tend to happen.

Making out with her feels so sensual. Her lips taste like strawberries from her chap stick and they’re really soft. The way she kisses is gentle, keeping the corners of her mouth hard in a pucker shape as the middle lips relax for movement. The tip of her tongue flicks at my lips in a playful way that makes me suck in her bottom lip and nibble on it. She moans into my mouth as I move my hands between her thighs, stomach, and chest. Her hands slide around my chest and to my pants as she begins to try and unzip them.

“Hey, what are you doing?” I laugh, trying to make sure she’s not moving too fast. Of course, I would love to fuck her every which way but, not if she’s not really ready. She looks up at me with her bright blue, doe eyes and my dick jumps. She smiles slightly while biting her bottom lip before revealing an idea.

[F] Tricked Into Hot Webcam Sex

A few months ago, I was in the worst position of my life. The bills were stacking up, my job wasn’t paying enough even working full time, and I absolutely hated the idea of working for someone else for the rest of my life. I saw a lot of videos scrolling through TikTok that talked about selling feet pics, panties, nudes, etc and it seemed like an easy opportunity. I got to work on my instagram uploading pictures and it wasn’t long before I had guys in my DM’s.

Some guy named Jimmy (I doubt that was his real name anyway) started messaging me asking if I’d ever thought about doing porn/self pleasure or adult modeling. When I finally had the courage to respond back, I was really only open to doing the modeling and maybe self pleasure. After some questioning and “proof” being shown, Jimmy told me he would need to do a pre-interview over webcam. He said he had to make sure I was comfortable taking my clothes off for someone else and that I could be sexy when under pressure. Seemed legit enough to me so, I agreed and told him I would message him when I got home.

Little Witch Sold To Satan As Sex Slave

All the women in my family are witches, dating back to The Salem Witch Trials. My great aunt Genie was even thought to be burned at the stake and delivered to Satan himself during those times. When she showed up to the Samhain festival a few years later, the coven was completely stunned.
“Genie dear, we thought you’d be tanning in Hell by now. How ever did you make it out alive?” The leader of our coven at the time was Genie’s mother, Henrietta. She wasn’t too concerned with the well being of her children. Her rituals and sacrifices kept them safe… except for the trouble they got themselves into.
“You know me, mother. Always getting away, seemingly unscathed.”
“What were you doing that got you caught, anyway? Trying to steal the local’s children again?” The coven began to snicker, quickly turning to outbursts of laughter.
“Now, you know I was only trying that as a fill-in for lamb’s blood in my youth spell. I happen to hear somewhere that it worked better and for longer. But, no. This time, I was attempting to unleash a plague on those insufferable people. One of my neighbors saw me speaking with a crow and, I’m sure you can guess the rest.” Henrietta spun around in shock.
“And who’s crow were you speaking with?” Genie returned the leader’s shock with a sneer.
“His crow, of course. Oh yes, did I forget to mention? I sold off the lot of your first born daughters, future generations as well, to The Devil for my old life back.” Her eyes were black, no remorse to be found. She’d been outcasted and tormented by her own coven long enough.
“You wicked brat!! How could you do something like this? You’ve betrayed your own family, your blood!” The coven began an uproar of slanders toward Genie, grabbing their children and leaving the festival to find a solution. As time passed, even Henrietta was at a loss for loopholes. The entire coven came to the first Taking, watching in rage and heart break as the first daughter was seduced and manipulated by her new master.
As the first born daughter for this year’s Taking, I can feel his presence upon me. He comes to me in my dreams, stripping me naked and using every part of my body. The dreams feel as though they start when my eyes shut and end when they open. I feel his hands and tongue between my thighs even as I walk, forcing inappropriate moments of ecstasy that build inside my body until they demand release. What will he do to me during the ceremony?
I stand in front of my mirror, swirling my black dress as I turn from side to side. The dress is incredibly revealing, hardly covering my breasts and falling just below my ass. The back of the dress ends at the dimples on my back, keeping me from wearing a bra or panties underneath. As the time approaches, I feel heat between my legs and something pinching my nipples. The sensation intensifies as I’m forced to the ground, my legs parted fiercely.
I lean back, allowing him to have me. I can feel a forked tongue slither across my clit, sending bursts of fire into my stomach. Even though I hate the idea of being someone’s property, my arousal leaks out of me thinking about the ways he’ll remind me that I’m his. I moan over the sounds of the coven outside as scratch marks form across my thighs and ass. Suddenly, Aunt Genie walks through the door and I shove my skirt down in embarrassment.
“Don’t be embarrassed, I know what his Darkness likes to do before these things. Trust me, you’re going to have the time of your life in Hell. Just relax up there and give yourself fully to him.” Her eyes were still black and yet filled with sparkles when she said her last statement. Nerves began to fill me again as I thought about Lucifer spreading my legs for the whole coven to see.
“It’s time, come on child.” Genie held her hand out and I took it, rising to my feet and walking out of the tent. A bed of hay was made on a stage with candles lighting every corner. Some men in the audience looked at me as though they were looking forward to the show. I kept my eyes ahead, passing my family without a word. I’m no longer theirs anyway, I thought.
“Ok, now lay down and wait. Our Lord will be here soon to claim you. Remember, have fun!” She gave me 2 thumbs up with an excited smile before running down to the crowd. I look up into the sky, hoping he’s gentle for the first time.
Suddenly, a cloud of smoke appears around me and the stage as a figure makes its way towards me. As it gets closer, I’m able to make out broad shoulders, long, curly hair that’s slicked to the back with horns coming out of the top of its head. I see a loin cloth draped around its waist and hooves at the end of each leg. My body tenses, fearing what will happen next. As the figure is right above me, I feel lips press against mine and a hand find its way between my legs. The cloud of smoke dissipates and the figure is now on top of me, looking at me with blood red eyes.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, child. You can call me master from now on.” He said this to me as he slid each finger in me one at a time. The slickness of my entrance quickly became a mess as he used what was on his fingers to circle my clit. He used his other hand to pull the small fabric from my chest, my breasts falling out. At this, he smiled and leaned his head down to take my nipple in his mouth. He continued to finger me and caress my nipple with his tongue until the sensations were too much. I cried out as my body began to convulse. The warmth from his fingers ran all across my body as I experienced my first orgasm.
“Oh, a good girl, indeed. Your cum face has to be one of my favorites. I love how your eyes roll in the back of your head.” He took the tip of his penis and ran it along my sensitive slit, forcing my body to twitch each time he touched my clit. He bent on his knees and took both my legs in his hands, spreading my them far enough that my entrance was visible to everyone. The Devil shifted so the crowd could see and ran his middle finger over the hole to show how I react to being touched there. The men in the audience watched as my pussy opened and closed with each touch.
“You know, you have a lovely cunt. Hopefully, it feels better than your mouth.” At that, he pushed my arms to my side and climbed up so he was straddling my chest. He grabbed the back of my head with one hand and held his dick steady with the other. “Open your mouth for your new master”, I did so slightly and felt him force his way in, thrusting into my throat. The more I opened my mouth, the faster he would go as he watched me take it with a pained look on my face. He stopped and pulled it out of my mouth and said, “I can’t wait to see you on your knees begging to suck me off when we get home.”
He called all the men on stage that wanted to watch up close as he turned me around to my stomach and made me get on all fours. A hand full of men stood at my sides now, grabbing at my breasts as The Devil spread me open. Before he plunged into me, I felt a hard slap on my ass that made me squeeze my insides. The Devil slammed into me then, breaking my wall and forcing me to cry out in pain. Before long, the pain subsided and all I could feel was total bliss as he rocked in and out of me. The men were at the back end now, just watching as The Devil plowed inside me. My moans grew louder as he hit the perfect spot over and over. Another slap came down hard on my ass as my pussy clenched and fireworks went off in my eyes.
“Keep your back arched, now!” Satan pulled at my hips and pushed down on my lower back and I regained sense. He pulled his dick out all the way and then slammed it right back into me, putting a thumb inside my asshole. This surprised me, making me move forward out of instinct to avoid the intrusion. “No, no you’re not getting away that easy.” He pulled himself out of my pussy and spit on my asshole before pushing himself into it. Shock ran through me as I struggled to obey his command. Deeper and deeper he pushed, using my ass for his own enjoyment. Another smack came down hard on my cheek as Satan thrust in me another time, shooting strings of cum inside. As he pulled out, I collapsed on the hay bed, feeling used and swollen, knowing this would be the rest of my life.
“That was perfect, usually you girls try to fight me when I want to switch holes. You may be my favorite daughter yet.” He looked up and into the crowd, giving Genie a wink before recalling the cloud of smoke and sending us to Hell.

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[F26]ucking My Male Roommate Pt 3

I just got home from work when I hear my roommate shuffling around in his room. After he found my letter, we talked and decided to keep things casual. He’s not ready to get back into a relationship and I’ve got to admit, non-committed sex is way better anyway. So, we’ve decided to be friends with benefits. I set my things down and greet him from his doorway.
“Hey, I didn’t know you’d be home already.” He stops and looks at me, a smile breaking out across his face.
“Yeah, they actually let me leave early today. I finished what I needed to do early so decided to come back here and get laundry going.” He was packing up his hamper with all his dirty clothes. Sitting on top was the shirt I was wearing when he came in my mouth. Thinking back to that day made my stomach fill with lightning bolts. His hands, tongue, lips, dick; everything felt so good.
As he walked with his basket to the washer, his phone starts to buzz. I caught a glimpse of the screen where his ex’s name sat in a chat bubble. Something inside me started burning with jealousy, I had to know he’s not getting back together with her. I grabbed his phone and tried to tap on the message to get it to open, without opening his phone. A screen to enter his passcode came up and I tried putting in a few different number sequences. His birthday, maybe? Nope. Maybe he didn’t change it and it’s their old anniversary date? Nuh uh. Before I could try another code, his voice scares me out of my skin.
“What are you doing with my phone?” My heart was racing at his clearly annoyed tone. I handed it to him and told him he got a text. After seeing it was from his ex, he accused me of being psychotic and invading his privacy. He told me to leave his room and when I tried to protest, he picked me up and set me down on the couch. He turned and went back into his room, slamming the door behind him.
I’m not one to admit when I’m wrong, but I was really looking forward to him railing me at some point today. I walk into the kitchen for a glass of water and pass by my apron I keep hung on the pantry door. An idea strikes me and I forget all about the water. I grab the apron and run into my room, closing the door behind me.
I pull all my clothes off except the black thong I’m wearing and tie my white, frilly apron around me. I take a look in the mirror and I’m surprised to see that I look amazing. The apron tied around my waist is giving me the perfect hour glass shape, holding my tits at the top so they’re nice and perky. Turning to the side, I see my ass is poking out wonderfully. I stop and start twerking in the mirror, hyping myself up for what’s about to happen. I feel so sexy, I can’t wait til he sees me. There’s no way he could stay mad when I look like this.
I go to the kitchen and pull out some ingredients for cookies. I put on some dancing music and start separating the dry ingredients to one bowl and the wet ingredients to another. Before long, I hear him open his door, most likely to check on his clothes. My back is turned to him but I’m really trying to shake my ass and pretend like he’s not there. With flour on my hands, I run them up from the bottom of my ass cheeks to the top, hoping I made a mess. Before I can crack an egg, I hear his door close again and I feel total disappointment.
My hope is restored when he comes back out of his room and sits on the couch, flipping through tv channels. The couch is off to the side of the kitchen, so he can’t really see me unless he turned his head. After I get the cookies in the oven, I grab an old wash clothe and some dust spray. I go in the living room, walking right in front of the tv and start dusting our entertainment center. Still pretending like I’m dancing to my music, I bend over and shake my ass when wiping down the bottom part.
“Hey, can you move? You’re making it hard for me to watch tv.” I turn around and he’s not even looking at me. My eyes flash to his pants and I can see his boner poking through. I seductively walk to the couch and sit on his lap. In a pouty voice, I ask him why he’s being mean to me. I tell him I didn’t mean anything by going through his phone, that I was just worried he and his ex got back together. At this, he shoves me off of him and makes a teeth sucking sound. The oven timer goes off and I get up to pull the cookies out.
Waiting a second for them to cool, I grab 2 cookies and go sit by him on the couch. I offer him a cookie while taking a bit of mine and crumbs fall down my apron into my tits. I turn to him and pull the apron back so he can see.
“Can you get these for me? They’re really uncomfortable.” My eyes are soft and plotting, watching his gaze hold steady on my bust. He looks up at me after a moment’s passed and tells me no. The irritation is starting to build from this game; how could I be losing? His self control is rage inducing so, I get up from the couch and walk back into the kitchen. I start putting the cookies away and before I can finish, my anger gets the best of me.
“Look, what do you want me to say? I’m sorry I went through your phone and invaded your privacy. Fuck, I’ll never do it again. Can you just stop being an asshole already?” My cheeks start to feel hot as he pauses his show. He sets the remote down and gets up off the couch.
“Turn your little ass around and finish cleaning up my kitchen.” I can tell he thinks my anger is funny so, I do what he tells me to because I’m tired of playing with him. I put the pan in the sink and start washing it when I feel hands slide up and down my hips. He puts his mouth to my ear and says, “You get a little feisty when you don’t get what you want.” His breath on my neck sent tingles down my body that made my nipples hard.
He continued to slide his hands on my hips, slightly pulling my ass to hit his dick over and over. He kissed my neck, down to my shoulders and my legs started to feel weak. I’ve been wanting him to fuck me all day and now he’s just going to tease me? Knowing I’m already wet, he pulls my thong off and pushes his cock between my thighs, feeling my juices as he pushed up enough to poke my clit with his tip. Before long, he had me pressed against the kitchen sink, driving me crazy with his breathy moans.
His hands went under the apron and started playing with my nipples. I move my hips downward so my ass is poking out more, attempting to get him to accidentally slip it in. Eventually he notices my attempts and spins me around, throwing me over his shoulder. He smacks my ass a few times, making it jiggle before he tosses me on his bed. In a dominating voice, he tells me to get my ass in the air immediately, and I do so with a quickness.
He shuts the door and turns back toward the bed. In a moment, I feel his hands on my hips again as he pulls me to the edge of the bed. He starts making bite marks on my ass cheeks and goes lower to eat me out from the back. He slides his tongue up and down the length of my open slit, sucking in the clit as he gets close to it. He’s totally teasing me, putting me at the point of cumming without allowing me the release.
“Ohh, my god. That feels so good.” I moan loudly. His tongue is lightly grazing my clit; he knows I’m about to cum. He stops touching me all together for a moment, letting me return to a level state so he can keep teasing me. My pussy aches from the pleasure build up and I know it’ll only feel better when he stretches it out with his dick.
“Babe, please. I want to cum on you so bad. Please, make me cum.” I’m whimpering now, knowing he’s not going to take pity on me. His hand slams down hard on my ass and I jump. His breath is on my neck again and he says, “You can cum when I give you permission. Now, be a good girl and wait patiently.” He returned to playing with my body, moving his dick in-between all my crevices, making sure I felt every inch of what I couldn’t have yet. My pussy is gushing at the sensation of him, the juice dripping down my lips and thighs.
“That’s it, baby. Seems like your cunt wants a taste.” I shake my head yes as obnoxiously as I can. He puts the tip of his dick right at the opening, pushing it in just slightly. His moans grow with each push as my pussy is reflexively sucking him in deeper. Again, he stops completely, grabs a handful of my hair and says, “You really pissed me off today with that phone thing and thinking you can yell at me. Do you feel accomplished? Is this what you were hoping for?” I shake my head no, soft whines coming from my throat. He laughs a little before telling me to open my mouth as he proceeds to fuck my face. He pushes his dick down into my throat repeatedly.
“Yeah, you’re not making any whiney bitch noises now.” He says as he’s pushing harder. I move my head to the side to catch my breath, strings of saliva coming from my mouth and landing on his dick. He gives me a kiss before sitting on the bed and picking me up to put me on top of him. He slams his dick into me like he just did my mouth and I’m elated. He holds me there for a second, grabbing my face so my lips are smooshed into a kissy face.
“How bad do you want to cum?”
“So bad, babe. Please, I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Beg me for it then.” I hold his face in between my hands as I try to ride him and beg at the same time. He holds my hips so I can’t move, staring me directly in the eyes, waiting.
“Please let me cum, babe. You fuck me so good, I need it; I need the release. Please, I’ve been waiting all day for you stick your dick in me. My pussy is your’s already, just please. Please, please, please, PLEASE!”
“You’re so damn pretty when you look like that. I’m going have to make you beg more often so I can see that look in your eyes again.”
He grabs my ass, spreading my cheeks apart and starts pounding my pussy. The sensation is so breath taking, I almost can’t moan. As I’m getting to my climax, he grabs my hair again and says, “Tell me you’re sorry for going through my phone and pissing me off. You better say it right quickly or I’m going to stop again.”
My head is reeling, I need to cum already. I let out a pathetic, “I’m sorry” to which he grabs my chin and says, “Look at me when you say it!” Our eyes are locked while the intensity is building between my legs.
“Baby, I’m so sorry I made you mad and that I went through your phone.” A smile runs across his face as he focuses, finally, on making me feel good. Our eyes are still locked as my pussy gives in and tightens and loosens around his dick in pure ecstasy. I cum so hard, I see spirals in my vision. He shoots a huge load into me, moaning against my lips as he does.
After we get every bit of pleasure out of cumming, he stops and puts me back on the bed. He gets up and, before leaving the room, leans down as if to give me one last kiss. Just before he touches my lips, he says, “Don’t you ever pull that shit again or I’ll tie you to my bed and make you beg me to cum every day for a week.”

Categorized as Erotica

[F26]ucking My Male Roommate Pt 2

I look up at my roommate and lock my eyes with his. His breathing seems a bit heavy as he takes steps toward me from the couch. Our faces are inches apart as he grabs my neck with some grip and says, “I’ve wanted to fuck you the moment I saw your picture when you requested to see the room.” His lips press hard on mine and rockets go off some where in the distance. His hands wrap around my back and down to my ass where they squeeze tightly while forcing my lower half to press up against his dick. I’m so turned on, I reach down and start un-doing his pants. Not a second later and I have his dick in my hand. It’s so much bigger than I thought it would be, I’m almost worried it won’t fit in my mouth. He stops kissing me and waits for me to start sucking him off.
I kneel down and spit on his dick before choking myself with it. I’m opening my mouth as wide as I can so I can fit every inch inside. I come back up for air and look at his face. His mouth is dropped open and his eyes are softly shut. My pussy starts to throb thinking about how good this must feel to him. I start sucking again, only this time I keep my mouth around the head and twist my hands around the length of his cock. I can feel it twitch and harden even more and I know he’s about to shoot it all down my throat. I bet his cum tastes sweet and I’m not wrong. He pushes out a huge load that fills my mouth. I keep sucking it down though, accidentally getting some on my cheeks and t-shirt.
“Looks like we need to throw that in the washer.” He pulls me up and rips my shirt off. My tits bounce in his face and his dick is already hard again. He reaches around and unhooks my bra and starts sucking my nipples. Exactly like I said in the letter, his tongue is doing amazing circles while he’s sucking them at the same time. His fingers find their way to my pussy and I’m soaked, right through my pants. At that, he stops playing with my nipples and pulls my pants off. He lowers me to the couch and positions himself on top of me. He moves his dick up and down my clit to get the head wet before slamming it into my pussy over and over. I grip around him and feel electricity in my lower stomach as I start to cum. I can’t hold back my moans and they’re pretty loud too. He whispers in my ear how good I’m doing and how good it feels to fuck me while I’m cumming. His voice is so intoxicating, I start to feel another come on.
“Hold on, it’s my turn again.” He stops thrusting and waits for me to stop fidgeting from the pressure build up.
“The minute you slide back into me, I’m going to cum. Please, I need you to fuck me some more.” I gave him my best pouty eyes and he seemed to like me begging.
“Oh, yeah? Only if you tell me how good it feels the whole time it’s in.” I agreed sheepishly. I’m not good at talking when I’m turned on but I need more. He slowly slid back inside and I let out a breathy moan.
“Oh my god, keep going. Your dick is so good, I love every inch. Please, go deeper, I want it all the way in. Yes, yes just like that. Oh god, I’m going to cum.” He was fucking me so good, I knew exactly what to say. His moans started to get louder and just as he came, I did too and we rocked our hips in sync to get as much out of the sensation as possible. When we were done, he went in the bathroom and started the shower. He came back out and grabbed my hand and led me in. He cleaned me off and I cleaned him off. We went back out to the living room and watched the movie, cuddling the whole time.

Categorized as Erotica