(m)y (f)avorite hookup

When I hookup with a girl, my mission is to completely own her in bed. My goal is to make her realize that no guy has ever owned her as I much as I do. Maybe you think this is twisted, and if you do, fuck off and read another story, but if not, maybe you’ll enjoy my most successful sub/dom relationship.

This is story is about Alicia. She isn’t the hottest girl I’ve ever been with…probably not even 50th percentile. But she’s one of my favorite hookups because of how much submissive she became in the bedroom. I was 24 at the time, and she was 26….we were in a sub/dom relationship before I even knew there was such a thing.

About Alicia…5’3”, petite and athletic frame, c-cup tits, shoulder length hair and just a really sweet girl. We first met a friend’s party, where I didn’t stay long so we just exchanged numbers and ended up meeting about a week later. It wasn’t until our fourth or fifth date when things started to get more interesting. It was becoming clear to me that we were almost perfectly compatible sexually.

Medieval: love at first fuck(episode 1)

Everyone said Caroline was a wench, ever since she turned 18 she had been screwing with almost everyone. From her brothers, cousins, servants and guards to the postman and her father's visitors. Now 20, she had the most tongue watering body anyone could dream of, her breasts were big and full, her stomach flat, her waist slim with slightly curved hips and a perfectly rounded backside. She had a beautiful body and an even more beautiful face. With her beautiful blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, little nose, slightly full lips and tan skin, nobody could resist her. She was always horny and it caused a scandal for her family for her father was a wealthy landowner who was known throughout the lands. And she had become quite the celebrity herself. She had everything she could ever want, or so she thought. She was the only daughter of her father and her mother had died long before. So her father spoiled her. A letter came for Caroline's father, he reads at the dinner table "My brother Hendrick, I haven't been able to spend much time with Caroline and I and the boys will be leaving England for good soon. Please send her to stay with us for the little time we have left. Your sister, Agatha". Hendrick folds the letter and says to Caroline "Dear, you heard what the letter says, what do you think?", "I'd love to go father, I've grown bored of this mansion already" replied Caroline. "It's settled then, pack the things you'll need, Joseph will take you to your aunt's tomorrow". "Yes father" said Caroline happily before running up the stairs. "I'm so excited, I can't wait" thought Caroline to herself "I'll have new people to have sex with, I'm tired of the guards and servants already". She arranged her luggage and drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face and desire in her mind. Caroline hurriedly runs to the carriage, kissing her father goodbye and rubbing the the stewards dick. She sits in the carriage and the sound of hooves fills the air. " I got up so early this morning to make myself look as beautiful as I can, I'm not sure I can hold my desire for sex before I get there", she yawns and drifts off to sleep. She wakes up a few hours later and it's already dark, the coachman stilll driving and Caroline craving some cock. "Nathan stop. Let's rest for the night", she says to the coachman. "It's dark and there might be bandits around" Nathan replies. "It matters not, park the carriage in a hidden place where we won't be found by any bandits". "Yes miss" he says. Caroline raises her dress and puts her finngers in her vagina, moaning so loud. "Nathan" she calls "watch me". Nathan turns around and looks at her wide eyed and open mouthed. She fingers herself, moaning from delight. She pulls nathan by his collar and makes him lie on the seat. She takes off her dress and sits on his face "Lick Nathan lick" nathan licks her vagina, putting his tongue as deep as he can. "Suck nathan suck, suck like you're going to die" Nathan sucked out delicious slippery cum from her pussy. Caroline gets up and takes off Nathan's trousers, "Wow. You're a big boy" she hungrily takes his cock in her mouth and sucks. She massages his balls while sucking his huge cock. " Oh my gosh" Nathan repeats. He moans and moans so loud. Caroline gets up and sits on him, putting his cock in her pussy he mounts him and rides him like a horse. "Fuck fuck fuck yeah" she screams. She feels the heat between her legs and the slippery movement of his cock in her pussy. She kisses him while riding him. She increases her speed and has him moaning louder than her. Finally she gets off and puts his cock in her mouth while he cums into it. "That was amazing" nathan says. "Yeah it was, goodnight" she replies. "Won't you put your clothes back on?" He asks. "Ha ha no. In case I get horny again I can finger myself and stroke my breasts. Goodnight again " she says. "Goodnight my lady" Nathan says

birthday sex [f/m]

I never had the good fortune to have sex on my birthday. It always sounded like a great thing — especially on Jeremih’s water bed, right? But, I had always somehow missed out and that needed to change. Having a steady boyfriend, especially one as wonderful as him, is a luxury in this way; we requested off work, and we made plans for a nice few days together, making meals, playing video games, and fucking to our hearts’ content. I was excited, too, because this year I was putting my birthday virginity behind me. The days leading up to my birthday with him were unsurprisingly great. We don’t live together, so it’s important that we make the most of the days we get to share under one roof.

I love how well his fingertips know every inch of my body, every dip and curve and slope. His fingertips always press and stroke me in exactly the right places, to make me moan and bite my lips and tug on fistfuls of his hair. He teases me, he pushes one single finger inside me, then he slips it onto my tongue so I can taste myself and god, if that doesn’t turn me on, I don’t know what does. He’ll kiss my neck, my collarbone, he’ll suck on my nipples for just a second and he’ll move further down my body, brushing past my navel, until —

35M/36F I cannot believe I got laid this way!

So an hour ago my workfriend Jenny and I were talking about how difficult it is about having a sexual relationship with a workmate or superior in work. I said it was worse for a guy due to the nature of sex sometimes. She asked why. Knowing that I can joke and be a cheeky sod with her and also she has asked me to be brutally honest in talks like this I said:


"Well I can be thinking 'I really respect you as a professional and a person' and 'I want my cock in your mouth' at the same time and genuinely mean both!"


She snorted tea laughing and punched me and I helped her clean up. After she recovered she said "so have you ever felt that way before" and she purred it, really purred it at me as a flirt. I replied "yeah but how would any guy go from talking about the annual figures straight into flirting?" She said "well if you know she's an adventurous type of girl you can sat something like 'I really want to have sex with you and it's driving me wild' otherwise yeah it's difficult"

Must follow bedtime and morning-after fucking protocol & instructions

Ask questions; never assume! Not even when my eyes are closed and my toes are scrunched up and my face is sweating in weird places like under my eyes and I’m quivering all over, on my insides and out! There’s no hard and fast rule for getting me there, but at the end of the day I almost don’t care. Climaxes are different, no one the same, and I’m not always sure I can say, “I came.” With a hand, a mouth, a dick, time alone, there are so many ways, ways to make me moan. But no matter who or how or when, any day I come is a ten out of ten. Continue reading

Small Towns, Big Messes. Where should I start, Reddit? [M/F]^5

I've been a long time lurker/commenter here and related subreddits, and have my fair share of stories I've never told. I've done very well for myself in various conquests and relationships, and if I had to be honest, I'm proud of where I've been and what I've accomplished sexually, but am far too guarded to share with friends. So let me unload my secrets on you, Reddit.

A little about me: I'm just shy of 6' in height, 165lbs and athletic, blonde, handsome enough that with a little product in my hair and a tousle with my typical fitted-everything, matching watch per outfit and mischievous smile, I turn heads frequently.

As I sat down with my former best friend Sam and my 2-year ex (who met my bestie through me and became close friends) Elizabeth, and my current partner Erin at the local Olive Garden Elizabeth works at… I notice that our server is my bestie's old friend Jen. I am about to sit down at a table surrounded by four women who I have slept with, none of which know my full sexual history and certainly have no clue that I have slept with more than two people at the table. I'm in purgatory. "Karma is coming for my ass," I think to myself. "Please don't get near any remotely sexual/romantic topics." No sooner do I finish the thought than I get a text from Vicki, the fiery alt latina I cheated on my current partner with less than a month ago. She's mad that I haven't been talking to her since. Fuck.

[F]rom Wroclaw to Ro[m]e

Wroclaw, Poland April 12, 2012

The city was deserted. All the college-aged women I came to pick-up were at home visiting their Catholic families, it was Easter.

I take a break in a hipster coffee shop, order an espresso and browse the selection.

Olga was there also, reading a map. Middle-aged and quite appealing. She had shorter hair and sexy reading glasses.

“You’ll have to flip the map, its upside down.”

We agreed to meet later that night, as I had never had pirogis and she wanted to be the first to enjoy them with me.

We met for dinner and drinks. Although it was Winter in Poland, she was wearing a skirt and boots, very business-like appearance. She was recently divorced, and twice my age. Her daughter was 4 years younger than me.

Afterwards, we left the restaurant and found our way into a brew-hall. Here she bought us a round of a bier from Bavaria. She was a CFO of a recognisable beer company in Germany.

She was screaming sexual frustration. She was a C-level exec- she craved to be put in a feminine role. To have a younger man control a flirty and sexual situation was very stimulating for her.

Boyfriend lied about penis size

So I have been dating this guy for a few months. We get along great, and sexual tension has definitely been rising, to boiling over. And we finally got hot and heavy tonight. We had shared explicit photos with each other because let's all be honest, at a certain level size matters, and sigh of relief, he was average. So things were getting heated and my panties are literally soaked I'm so excited to finally suck his cock. He pulls it out and I kid you not, his balls were almost bigger than his dick was. What the fuck!? Why would a grown man [31] send false pics? And yes, they were false because no matter what angle that 3 inches would not look like the fat 6ish incher he sent me. What was I supposed to do that?! And fuck you for putting me in the most awkward position ever! For the record, I'm not bashing small dudes, just ones that LIE.

Update: The Innocent Girl [m/f]

A few months ago I wrote a few stories about a woman I met and dated while I was in grad school:

Making her beg/Making her squirt/Eating her out/Introduing her to anal

My relationship with her had been, quite simply, the most satisfying string of sexual encounters of either of our lives. Sadly a job pulled me to the opposite coast after graduation, and we did what we thought was the mature thing by breaking up.

Fast forward 3 years, to last weekend. I'd recently accepted an offer back in the city where I went to school and have been working my ass off. This past Friday, some buddies and I decide to blow off some steam and head out to a nice leather-sofa, scotch-on-the-rocks bar in my neighborhood, which had become one of our regular spots over the last few months. It was the sort of place a grad student might take a girl he really liked– in fact I'd taken Caitlin there 4 years ago on one of our first dates before we realized that we were much happier drinking a 6-pack and fucking the night away in my apartment.

[FF oral Les] Shawna: Roma Revenge – Part V – How to Win Friends

My first stop was back at the mall. Cindy was just getting off her shift, and she recognized me on her way out of the store.
“Oh hey, Shawna, right? How are you liking the wardrobe?”
I smiled. “Well, I guess you could say that it’s turning some heads.” I left out my theory that my head-turning was augmented by pheromones. Half-truths make better compliments.
“That’s great!” She seemed genuinely happy. It was refreshing to meet someone who honestly liked being helpful. “So why are you back here, then?”
“Actually,” I admitted, “I came to see if you were still here. You see, I’ve got this… this date tomorrow night, and…”

Cindy’s smile grew as I explained the situation, pressing me for details along the way. I had a date with a guy, no I just met him, yes he was pretty hot, no I’d never been to the pub, yes I was thinking about wearing that little red dress…
“Anyway,” I said, “he’s bringing a couple friends and I’m going the same. And I just moved here, so…”
“Omigod yes that sounds awesome. I’ll meet you there at seven!”
That was easy, I thought as we said goodbye. We’d known each other all of a few hours, but it felt comfortable, even natural that I should take Cindy along on my date. I hoped my next meeting would go as well.