I Lost My Virginity My Freshman Year [mmf, oral, condom, sex] nothing mm

[This is my true story, names and locations have been changed]

It was during my freshman year, we lived in a small town in Texas. Michelle Burroughs had broken up with me that week. May years later I found out she like girls and not guys. I was hanging with my friend Cal up in Bradford when we ran into Veronica. We'd both dated her back in middle school.

One of the only things to do up in Bradford was go to Tims Ford Lake, the water was really low so there was a land bridge out to the island. Cal asked Veronica if she'd have sex with both of us there on the island. She said as long as we used condoms and luckily Cal had two. We went into trees there on the island. Although she and I had played some middle school kissing and touching games, I'd never had sex.


Last night I dreamed of you, I dreamed you took me to a hotel and you paused before we entered the room. From your pocket you took a padded silk blindfold. You saw me notice it and leant into me and placed a silent meaningful kiss on my lips, I held your gaze as you pulled away from me and your eyes brightened in the fire you saw there. I dreamed you moved behind me and fastened the blindfold around my head, your lips grazing my earlobe as you whispered "Trust me" in so low a voice I had to strain to hear it. The blood in my veins began to quicken as nervous anticipation took its strong but gentle grip of me. I dreamed I heard you take out some keys and turn them in the lock. A warm breeze greeted us as you led me into this unknown, unseen room and I could hear the sound of rock music playing quietly in the background, you were setting the mood for your pleasure and mine and I liked that you had chosen music to suit your taste. I dreamed you left my side and I stood motionless in the room, unable to navigate these surroundings. I sensed you before I felt your hands begin to remove the clothes from my body and I didn't fight you, I wanted you to see me and I wanted to comply. As each garment was removed you traced a hand over the flesh it uncovered and kissed the naked skin, my remaining senses becoming more alive with every stroke and with every touch of your lips, my vulnerability becoming complete and I knew I needed you. I shuddered in the cool of the open window, I had no idea if my nakedness was on view to those outside that window or not, all I knew was that I stood naked before you and you took me in your arms and held me close and you knew that I would not feel the cold for long. I dreamed that in our embrace I slipped a hand beneath your clothing, eager to touch the skin. I knew you liked that and I wanted you to have what you liked. I tried to remember the layout of what you were wearing as I removed your clothing and I knew that you enjoyed that I had to feel my way around your body, negotiating buttons, clasps and belts. I dreamed that once more you took me into your arms but this time garments held no barrier to our embrace as our bodies entwined, your skin against mine for every inch of height we possessed. You took my head in your hands and inclined it toward yours, our lips met and our tongues tasted what each had to offer within. I embraced your head and fondled the softness of your hair, the contours of your face, the touch of my lips against yours as I pulled you closer to me. I wanted to melt into your kiss, to become one with you, to never be parted. Your flavour bewitched me and I knew I would do anything for you, you knew it too. Only once you had taken both my hands in yours did our lips part and you guide me to another part of the room. I felt your body leave my side, although you kept my hands in yours, and I heard the sound of metal against metal, for a moment I thought it might be more keys but you had no need of keys and the sound was too heavy for that. With your free hand you stroked my breasts with this foreign object letting the cold metal brush against my nipple, I gasped in pleasure and you moved closer to me once again. "This is because I need you and you need me", you said in that barely perceptible whisper and you moved behind me handcuffing me behind my back and guided me until I was sitting on the edge of a bed. You sat behind and straddled me, taking my nipples between your thumbs and forefingers and gently massaged them. I moaned my pleasure to you as my head fell to the side to expose my neck to your silken kisses. My hands, as they pressed against your stomach, unable to explore you further, felt your body's pulse accelerate within you and I basked in the effect this sight was provoking. Your fondling became more urgent as the gentle caresses gave way to insistent pinches and twists that sent shots of exquisite pain throughout my body, my back arching throwing my head back to brace against your shoulder and the shackling protruding my chest to permit the greatest admittance of my breasts to you. I wanted you to fulfil your desires, to satiate your cravings and I wanted you to have your way. I dreamed you moved to my front and, amidst my moaned protestations at the cessation of that pleasured pain you had so recently given me, placed your hands on my inner thighs and pushed my legs apart. To tease you I added a little resistance, as I needed you to feel that you were taking this for yourself, I needed to be possessed by you, to feel the intensity of your claim on my body and my desires. I dreamed your breath was warm against my cunt as your fingers played amongst the hot wet bare folds. Occasionally I could feel the wetness from within spread around my pussy lips as your explorations became more penetrative. I felt your finger slip inside my fiery folds; it was so easy, so without friction and I moaned my pleasure. I dreamed I felt your finger withdraw and a second later it was at my mouth, tempting me with my own arousal and I traced my tongue along its length before devouring this tasty morsel you were feeding me. My legs parted to their full extent inviting you to taste for yourself what you were giving me and you accepted ravenously. The first touch of your tongue against my clit sent involuntary cries from my mouth and the circular motions you executed completed my arousal. I was yours, totally. I dreamed that every nerve in my body was on stand by, wanting, expecting, demanding the fulfilment only you could give me as your tongue explored my cunt fully and completely. Now tender circling, now licking hungrily, now prestissimo flicks beating directly on my clit, now greedy sucking and gorging on all I had to offer until I could stand no more, every inch of my body crying out for that sweet release. From the very tips of my toes and the top of my head it began. First the slightest tingle but soon an insistent surge, coursing its way through my body, converging on the centre of my pleasure, holding me in suspended animation for the most fleeting of moments before being overcome with wave upon wave of ultimate sensation, the cries of my own voice foreign and uncontrolled. All care forgotten. All identity vanished. Only the great Oneness remaining, urging me on to higher and greater pleasure, before that, too, subsided into blissful calm, my four senses returning and the visible throbs in my cunt a testament to my pleasure. I dreamed you allowed me a little time to recover myself while you held me and kissed me, the taste of my body still fresh on your wet mouth. You held me close to your body, stroking my hair, loving me.

Categorized as Erotica

Update #1 [M]y surprise blowjob from my roommate [F]

As many of you and I hoped there would be an update from my latest post, things went further with my blonde roommate on Friday and Saturday. So strap in an strap on for this ride.

All day Friday all I could think about was Stacy's mouth gripping my cock like she had the week before. After sharing my story and talking more with her about it, how it felt and why guys like blowjobs, I kept catching myself peaking over at her during work. I'd catch a glimpse of her cleavage as she'd been over her desk to grab something. Or when she'd walk to the bathroom, catch a few moments of her firm ass in her dress pants.

When we got home from work, we started getting ready for drinks. We were meeting a few other friends downtown, which is about a two block walk from our apartment. She put on these tight skinny jeans, ones that her ass was nearly pulling apart the seems of the pants. She equipped it with a black, deep v-neck shirt and a leather jacket. He nicely round, perfectly playful tits were easily accessible to the eyes. As we moved through the kitchen, I would "accidentally" nudge her butt and apologize, or she would glide her hand across the front of my pants to "grab something."

[F/F] A female security officer in my office building has become my Domme

We had always kind of flirted a little bit, but I assumed it was just her being playful, I just didn't really get the vibe that she was actually interested in me.

For a little backstory, I'm 27, and started my job here about eight months ago. I work in a build shop, we fabricate set pieces and props for theater productions and sometimes independent films and such. After hours, this whole complex is patrolled by a security firm, we have tons of expensive equipment and tools here, as well as expensive set pieces in various stages of being built.

A project we were working on a few months ago required a lot of extra hours on my part to finish on deadline, and so I would come in halfway into my scheduled shift and then work about a shift and a half, that way I could sleep in and still pull a full shift with the shop to myself so I could focus at the end of the day.

[M]y first bisexual encounter [NSFW]

(PMs very welcome)

The situation first started a long time ago when me and my friend were in elementary school. Me and my friends used to have sleep overs and do the whole truth and dare thing, where we would get naked and jerk it, but never anything sexual with each other.

One of my friends was a year older than us, so he hit puberty first and a couple of times when it was just me and him, he would get his dick out and it was much larger than any of my other friend's that i had seen. Nothing sexual happened between us, I was just intrigued by the size of his penis.

One day as a joke he pulled it out in front of me and started stroking it for a few seconds while i just watched. He put it back in his pants pretty quickly. Nothing else happened from there.

Flash forward 8 years, and this scenario had been in my mind for years. I would jack off to this quite regularly, the thought of his hard penis and possibly getting off together. but i had a series of long term relationships so never said a word, and handled them as fantasies pretty well.

[M]y surprise blowjob from my roommate [F]

Hey all! First time poster, long time lurker. Love reading the stories and my friend convinced the story about how I got a random surprise blowjob from my roommate. I live in a small town with one of the people I work with. She's a 5-foot-8 blonde. C-cup boobs, a really cute smile, piercing blue eyes and a really firm ass.

We're really good friends and are pretty close at work. We've lived together for about a year now. She's seen me naked and I've seen her naked and it's really not that shocking at all. I won't use "she's like a sister" because she's definitely someone I would fuck sometime, if the occasion arises.

Anyways, last Friday we got home from work and decided to let loose. It was the weekend and it was time to celebrate. I bought a 24 pack of beer, her a few bottles of wine. It was around 11 p.m. when we got settled in; me in my basketball shorts and her in a sports bra and spandex shorts. We have a relatively long couch with recliners, so we each took a seat at the ends of the couches, like we have 1,000 other times.

I fucked a man before meeting him. [22f/29m]

I met a nice man on fetlife, about 29. We talked on kik for a while before I propositioned him to meet up. After confirming that we were both disease free, we settled on our first meeting being a scenario in which I would leave my apartment door unlocked, blindfold myself, and he would enter to find me in whatever clothing or position he chose. We would have sex before ever seeing each other's faces or voices.

The day came. My roommate was out working, and he had requested that I blindfold myself, and be waiting at the door stripped completely naked and kneeling. By the time I heard him buzz the door downstairs, I was so wet I couldn't stand it. I was shaking as I pressed the button to let him into the building, and as I heard him walk up the stairs. He hesitated before opening the door, and paused in the doorway before closing it.

[Str8][Mf] All that sweet cream: Chapter One[Build up][Long story]

When this RP was originally written, we both took turns sharing the story from 1st person perspective "I say to you – You grab my hand" etc.

I advise you read this story slowly, and really try to immerse yourself in it by reading carefully. Don't just skim through it.

I re-edited this to look less like a roleplay and more like a third person perspective erotic story, merged our messages, and added a bit more details. I hope you all enjoy… Oh and any females that like my writing feel free to send me a message haha.

Chapter One

John and Lindsey have known each other for years, due to Lindsey being long time best friends with Ally, John’s 22 year old little sister.

Despite knowing each other for so long, Lindsey had a little secret that John had no idea about… Until recently that is.

It all started one Saturday afternoon, when John was visiting his little sisters new apartment. He sat laid back in his chair, his hazel colored eyes darted back and forth, first on the cell phone on the table in front of him, and then the doorway to the kitchen, beyond which the owner of the phone prepared lunch.

Meeting my [M]aster for the [F]irst time!

This is about the first time I met my Master in person:

I was nervous waiting for you in the hotel room, wondering if it was a bad idea, and pacing around with excitement. My pussy was wet from anticipation.

You came to the door and I was grinning ear to ear because you're so fucking hot. I couldn't believe you were finally here.

I loved the way you came in and threw your stuff down to grab me and kiss me. I couldn't even think it was so sexy. Your hands running over me, everywhere. My hands pulling on your hips and squeezing your ass. I wanted you to feel how much I needed to submit to you.

When you stopped to ask me if it was good or too much, I wanted to tell you it was better than I'd even imagined.

Running my hands through your hair, kissing your neck, hearing you moan in my ear. Mmm wow!

When you grabbed my face and slapped me for the first time I gasped. I like it when you're mean. Smacking me around any way you like gets me really horny. Looking in your eyes as you get ready to hit and seeing how much you enjoy it makes me want to take more and more.