Staying Out [MM][Anal]

Click on my name for the previous stories in this series Feeling His Way Through and Mark Figures It Out

"Hey, Tad, you gotta minute?" Paige asked before the first bell rang.

"Sure, Paige, what's up?" Tad absently touched his bruised lip as he stopped. Their schoolmates routed around the two of them to create an oasis in the crowded hallway.

Paige's impromptu baby shower on Friday during lunch in the school cafeteria indirectly led to her ex-boyfriend and reluctant baby-daddy to give Tad a fat lip. It wasn't swollen anymore after three days, but the mottled skin still bore the clear imprint of Charlie Johnson's knuckles.

"I wanted to apologize for what happened Friday," she said, not quite meeting his eyes.

"That's not on you," Tad said with a dismissive wave. "You only went out with him. You didn't make him hit me."

"No, but I spun him up on purpose and knew he was unstable. If I hadn't done that he might not have hurt you." She gave him the kind of stern look that implied how seriously she took her apology.

Mark Figures It Out [MM][Anal]

The throbbing beat of the subwoofers made the gin and tonic in Toby's glass quiver in time with the music. He sipped again as his eyes scanned the room for fresh meat. The new semester always brought in guys looking to find out if that twitch they got glancing around the communal showers in high school meant something. And Toby considered himself the best person to answer all their questions.

One guy caught his eye because of the timid way he approached the bar. He was in good shape judging from the way his tight jeans and UCF soccer jersey outlined his muscles. Toby stepped closer before anyone else could and leaned against the bar next to him without getting too close. He drained his gin and tonic and put the glass down hard.

"Boris! Can I get another gin and tonic?" Boris the bartender was only wearing a bow tie and tight leather pants. Despite his cut, muscular body he was currently off the market dating the owner. Such a pity.

"Can I get a bud?" The soccer jersey guy asked.

"You have to ask louder than than," Toby said as he leaned closer, then turned to face the bartender again. "Hey Boris! Add a bud to my tab."

Feelin’ His Way Through 4 [MM][oral][anal]

Click on my name for the previous parts. This is the last part of this story.

Mom came into the kitchen while Tad held a cup of coffee under his nose with a dreamy look on his face.

"I take it the date went okay?" she grinned as she poured her own cup of coffee.

"Not bad," Tad said, failing to hide the smile that forced its way out.

"Mark came by last night."

Tad's smile faded away as he took a sip of coffee. "Did you have to tell him I was on a date?"

"Sorry. Did he call you?" she asked gently. Mom still had on her robe and slippers as she joined Tad at the table.

"I tried to talk to him the first time he called." Tad slid his phone over to show the dozen missed calls and three voicemails he hadn't bothered to check yet.

"Would you like to talk about what happened between you two yet?"

Tad sipped again, then set his coffee mug down with a thud. "I know you always said I could tell you everything, but I'm not sure this is the kind of thing you meant."

Feelin’ His Way Through 3 [MM][anal]

Click on my username to see the first two parts of this story.

Tad bounced into the kitchen to find his Mom sitting at the breakfast table with her cup of coffee and a dreamy look on her face. He was wearing his sweats and running shoes, ready to leave the house as soon as he could without making her suspicious.

Mark had been gone by the time he'd cleaned the puke out of the trashcan at the side of the house. The stench of bourbon and pizza would have raised too many questions with his mom and he didn't want to talk about what happened. Not yet, anyway. He'd taken a long shower after cleaning up and resolved to stop dreaming about being with Mark. It had been a mistake, but he had learned something from the experience; he wanted more. And that meant coming out about who he was.

"Looks like you had a good date," Tad asked with a wide, forced smile.

"He was very nice," Mom said. "Where's Mark? I figured you two would be sleeping off a pizza and video game hangover."

Feelin’ His Way Through 2 [mm][first]

Click my name for the first part of this story.

"Do you trust me?" Tad asked. His stomach was churning from the excitement of being with Mark for the first time, but he didn't know if he could really go through with what he was considering next.

"You know I do," Mark laughed. "We're sittin' here not wearing pants and I just ate your cum."

"Then don't move. I'll be right back." Before he could lose his nerve, Tad ran into his mother's room and opened the drawer next to her bed. She had made a point when they had the talk that he was free to take condoms and lube from her drawer and she'd never question it. Other than getting one rubber to experiment with, he'd never needed anything before.

Walking back to the living room, he grabbed a towel from the linen closet and spread it over the leather couch when he got back. Mark saw the condom and got a shocked look on his face.

"It's for you, not me," Tad said as he sat on the towel. "Look, sometimes when I'm in the shower I like to play with my ass when I'm rubbin' one out. It feels amazing to me. I just thought maybe you'd like to…"

Feelin’ His Way Through [mm][oral]

"You wanna stay over tonight? Mom's makin' pizza." Tad hoped it wasn't obvious how badly he wanted Mark to stay over. The last time Mark had rolled over in his sleep and put his arm around Tad's waist. Feeling his friend's breath on the back of his neck gave him the biggest boner he'd ever gotten. And thinking about it when he rubbed one out was better than anything he'd felt.

"Sure. Lemme call first." Mark put down the xbox controller and pulled out his cell phone. "Hey Mom. Yeah, I got a 96. Tad asked me to stay over. Naw, his Mom his here and makin' pizza for dinner. Thanks, I'll see ya tomorrow." After hanging up the phone, he picked up the controller. "It's cool."

"Cool," Tad said, hiding his smile. "Lemme go tell Mom."

Jumping over the couch, he jogged out of the living room and stopped in the kitchen. His Mom had changed after work and was all dressed up. "You mind if Mark stays over tonight, Mom?"

"Did you remember I had a date tonight?" she asked.

"We're just gonna play xbox. It's no big deal."

The Ski Trip Surprise 3 [MM][MMF][oral]

This is the last one of the series. I appreciate the kind comments and PMs of encouragement, despite the anti-MM downvote brigade.

John opened his eyes and found Frank staring at his face with a faint smile. The room was dim, but the morning light peeking in around the edges of the curtains gave enough light to see.

"Mornin'", John mumbled, hoping Frank hadn't gotten second thoughts overnight.

"Did you know you talk in your sleep?" Frank asked as rubbed his arm.

"No," he laughed. "What did I say?"

"Something about looking for your guitar. It was kinda cute." He paused for a moment to sigh. "It made me want to kiss you."

Instead of answering, John scooted closer and slipped his arm under Frank's pillow. The kiss started soft as Frank reached around to pull John close. It was interesting when their bodies touched. The muscled chests, rough stubble, and growing cocks came together under the sheets as the kiss began grow more passionate.

Hugging suddenly in the midst of the heat, Frank buried his face against John's neck, drawing deep breaths. John caressed his hair and back, humming deep in his chest at the tickling kisses he felt on his shoulder.

The Ski Trip Surprise 2 [MM][MMF][oral]

John woke up with Frank's morning wood poking him in the lower back. Before he could move away, Frank stretched and yawned.

"Mornin'," Frank grumbled and gave John's thigh a friendly pat.

"Hey," John said, unsure of what to do. The idea of snuggling was out of the question, but Frank took matters in hand when his fingers slid forward to grasp John's semi-erect shaft.

"Looks like we got the same problem," he chuckled and pushed his cock harder against John's back. "Lemme help you out." It wasn't exactly a suggestion as he began to stroke slowly from balls to tip. The sensation made him push back a little, encouraging Frank to rub himself against John's back and ass.

"Fuck," John whispered as he felt teeth against his shoulder biting him as Frank pulled and released. Eventually a bit of precum made it out allowing Frank's hand to slide along his head. Soon the feeling was as fine a hand job as he'd ever gotten.

Frank moved down to slide between John's ass cheeks and pushed harder. Not to penetrate, just to rub along in between, dripping his own precum along the way to slip and slide more easily.

The Ski Trip Surprise [MM][oral][first]

I got a little carried away with a writing prompt…

"You must be Frank," John said as he extended his hand. The weekend ski trip was a spur of the moment thing, but the only downside was travel agent who set it up required double occupancy in the hotel. John had planned to spend the weekend with his buddy, Stephen, but he backed out at the last minute. Now John was stuck rooming with a stranger.

"I am. You John?" Frank asked as he gave John's hand a firm shake. They were about the same height and Frank had the fit look of someone who worked out.

"Yup. Good to meet you." John stepped back and held the door to let Frank wrangle his luggage into the room.

"Same here," Frank said as he tossed the larger suitcase on first bed. John had already arranged himself on the bed closest to the window with his laptop on the night stand streaming a Pandora jazz station. "You a jazz fan?"

"Yeah, I used to play guitar in a quartet back in college and never lost the taste despite losing my chops." John returned to his bed to lean back against the headboard where he'd been before Frank had arrived.