Some Kind of Interview [Femdom] [Face-sitting] [Ass-eating] [M21|F39]

The restaurant was massive. High ceilings, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, dozens of tables, a stage big enough for a full concert, two fully stocked bars, and a small army of waiters running round, filling drinks, getting orders, and entertaining the clientele. I stood in the doorway, aghast at how big the place was for an underground venue. The stairway I had walked down to get here were hidden in an alley. I assumed the place must have been some old warehouse or industrial facility.

In my hands I was holding my, albeit short, resume. The only entries being a degree in Political Science I was half way to completing and my time spend working at a pizza place near campus. I stood in the door for a second taking in the sights, smells, and sounds, then I saw the women who was responsible for me coming here. She noticed me while talking with a table of customers, but quickly cut off the conversation and headed my direction.

“William! I am so happy that you took my offer! Come on, let’s go back to my office so we can go over your qualifications and make sure you are fit to join the team here at Amazonia’s.” She grabbed the resume from my hands and began quickly walking to the back of the venue. She moved gracefully in high heels and her long strides meant I had to half jog to keep up. She was at least 6’2” and had to look down at me when she talked. Her black dress swayed as she walked, as did her long dark hair.


It was such a strange encounter when I first met her. It was a regular night at Jimmie’s Pizza, and all I could think of was getting cut and going home to a six pack and my cat. She and a few girl friends came in to watch the game. I noticed something was off when I noticed them giggling and chatting as I would approach and leave the table. They stayed pretty late to catch a some game on the west coast, so they were my only table when she asked me, “How is the tip money here?”

She was older, probably late 30s or early 40s, still very beautiful and had an air of confidence about her.

“Bad, but be the *change* you want to see in the world.” I gave my usually response, hoping they would ask for the check and head out, so I could get home.

She and her friends laughed. *Good sign, maybe they’ll leave a little extra,* I thought to myself. “You know, honey, I am a restaurant manager myself, and we are looking for some extra waiting staff. You seem like a guy that could work at a place that does a little more than sell pizza and cheap beer. What do you say?” She slipped a business card out of her pocket, and handed it to me.

The all black card read in white embossed letters “Miss Mary~ Owner & Operator of Amazonia’s Lounge ~ 105 East Street”

“If you want a better job, swing by tomorrow at 2pm sharp. Don’t be late and don’t make me regret this.” As she said that she handed me her signed check and a $50 cash tip.

“Oh my god! Thank you so much! I-I can’t believe…”

She cut me off, “No need to thank me, just be on time tomorrow.”


Her office was furnished with dark wood and black and red accents. A large chair sat behind a large desk. She beckoned me to sit down in the considerably smaller chair in front of the desk. As I did so, I understood why the room was laid out in this fashion. She was a domineering force in the room, to say the least. As she glanced over my resume for a second, before asking me any questions.

“So college boy, huh?” She exhaled, as if she was disappointed slightly.

“Yea poli-sci, someday I’m hoping to work in DC.” I responded in a upbeat tone.

She looked up at me without moving her head, gave a small chuckle though her nose, before moving on. “And you worked at that shitty pizza joint for a year and a half, tell me what does good customer service mean to you?”

I thought for half a second before responding, “Always going above and beyond to make sure that the customer is satisfied with their time in the restaurant. Making sure you know the drink menu, know what might have allergens in it, and doing whatever possible to get them to come back again.”

She looked up at me again without moving her head, though this time she raised an eyebrow. “Now tell me, how far would you go to ensure a customer left feeing *satisfied.*” The extra emphasis on that last word sent a shiver down my spine.

Not wanting to blow my chance at such a nice restaurant I quickly shot a back, “Really anything. Ain’t no mountain high enough as far as I’m concerned.”

“No mountain too high? Okay, then strip down to your boxers.” She asked the question like in the same tone she asked all the other questions. Like it was no big deal she was demanding I strip during the middle of an interview. Of course I froze. Then tried to laugh and assume it was a joke.

In a much more serious tone she reiterated the demand, “Did you think I gave you this chance because of your amazing people skills? Don’t play dumb, though it is a cute look on you. Let me see the ass that got you this interview.”

“Yes ma’am” I responded, slowly rising out of my chair. She got up out of her seat, walked around the desk, and sat on the front facing me. I began to slowly unbutton my shirt.

“Yes, please undress like a shy boy in the middle school locker room. Bitch! You are in an IN-TER-VIEW! How about you try and actually impress your potential future employer.” She glared at me. I swallowed hard, before mustering the strength to recall the Magic Mike movies I had seen years before.

I quickly pulled my shirt open and untucked it from my wait belt.

“Okay, now keep going.” came her stone cold voice.

I spun around and began undoing my belt and pants. While slowly shimmying my shirt off my back.

“Throw that rag over here, babe.” She called, her voice warming up a little.

I half turned around and tossed her my shirt with my wrist. Then i slowly began sliding my pants down my legs. Bending and poking my ass out as I danced. When I dropped them to the ground, I bent over to untie my shoes when I felt it. A hard slap on the ass. I yelped and fell forward on the ground.

“Well, you are gonna have to get used to that kind of attention baby.” I could tell she was fighting to hold back laughter. As I began to collect myself and get up, I noticed she was standing over me. My eyes saw her heels first, but they followed her legs up until I was looking in her eyes. I should have noticed, from where I was laying that she was missing a crucial piece of undergarment.

“How about you stay down there for a second.” She said still almost laughing. “You have one last part of the interview to finish.”

Before I could do anything she put her legs on either side of my torso. I could see right up her dress, noticing now that she was wearing no panties. Her fit ass hung in the air above me for a moment, as I was frozen on the ground, before quickly falling and landing right on my face.

“Tongue out slut, I thought you said you would do anything to make sure the customer was *satisfied.*” She wasn’t holding back her laughter now.

I stuck out my tongue. I could taste her pussy. She was already very wet when she started to ride my face. She ground her clitoris on my tongue for a moment. “Fucking do some work why-don’t-cha, I’m could ride that arm chair if I just wanted something still.”

I started moving my tongue side to side, pressing against her clit as she sat down harder on my face. She began to moan softly. I moved my tongue down towards her entrance, making it into a point and running it between the folds of her labia.

“Now that’s more like it.” She moaned as she pressed me harder into the ground. I took that as a sign and pushed my tongue up into her as much as I could. She rode my face until she was so wet that it was running down my face and onto my neck and chest.

“Mmmmmmmm, how about the other hole?” She wasn’t really asking. Before my oxygen starved brain could react, she picked herself up slightly and moved forward a few inches before placing my face between her ass cheeks. My tongue slid into her ass as she let out a loud moan. “Keep fucking going!” She commanded, and I could feel her hand moved to rub herself as she almost suffocated me underneath her beautiful ass. As my tongue went in, out, and around her asshole, she kept moaning and touching herself. I lost track of time.

After what seemed like forever of pleasing her with my tongue, I could feel her kick into another gear. She pressed down so hard on my face, I thought she might kill me. “Holy fuck, I’m gonna cum. Don’t you dare fucking stop bitch!” She yelled at the top of her lungs. Soon after that, she began to shake and scream as she orgasmed on top of my face.

Once she was done, she fell to the side of me on the ground. pulled the bottom of her dress back over her ass, and got up. As I was helping myself up, I noticed she was already behind her desk. I had no idea where my clothes had gone, and I stood up before her in just my boxers. I noticed for the first time that my dick was throbbing hard and she could clearly see how much I enjoyed the “interview” she had just given me.

“We are going to call that a successful interview, honey. You still have some training left to do before you can begin working here and you have to meet the rest of the staff. But something tells me you are going to be a customer favorite her.” She smiled and hit a red button on her desk. Soon a younger woman came to the door and opened it.

The new woman in an exited tone exclaimed, “Oh good, another trainee! I love getting to teach the new ones all about working.”

Miss Mary turned to me, “This is Cristina, she will be taking care of your new employee training and on boarding stuff. Do *whatever* she says, okay?”

“Yes ma’am.” I respond.

“Don’t worry about you clothes, we are going to get you fitted for your uniform!” Cristina says as she leads me out of the room.

(Working on pt. 2, hopefully this will be a running series. Let me know if you have any feedback/critiques/ideas for the story)


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