Fucked my wife’s best friend after finding out how much she wanted me [Part 1/2] [MF] [light BDSM]

My wife had been storming around the house all morning, slamming doors and sighing aggressively as she went. When I’d asked her what’s wrong she brushed me off, but after several hours of tantrumming she sat down to talk. She told me that she was upset because of some things her best friend Jessie had said when they’d been having drinks last night.

Jessie was the hottest of my wife’s friends, by far. She had a beautiful body, soft delicate features and long red hair that begged to be wrapped around your hand and pulled. I’d jerked off, secretly thinking about how perfect her tits and ass must be under all those clothes, a few times. Jessie had always had bad taste in men for as long as my wife had known her; she loved rough treatment in the bedroom, she’s told my wife a lot about that, but all her boyfriends seemed to be assholes to her outside of it too. I get hard when my wife relays all the stuff Jessie has said she’s into; she honestly sounds like a perfect little slut.

I eventually teased the crux of their argument out of my wife. When they’d had a few drinks and talk turned to sex, Jessie had asked what sort of stuff I’m into. My wife had told her that I’m a pretty normal guy, into having sex and watching the football afterwards kinda guy. Jessie said she was surprised that I wasn’t into anything a bit more hardcore, that she could picture me being really dominating and sadistic if given the chance. My wife asked her to elaborate and Jessie “described a full fucking erotica scene, of you choking her and spitting on her and calling her names.” Ah. I see where this is going, I thought. My wife furthered that Jessie had revealed that sometimes she touches herself and imagines my strong arms holding her down, touching her and stroking her body. My wife had turned bright pink saying all of this to me, and looked up at me expectantly for my response. I reassured her that she had nothing to worry about, Jessie is just indulging a fantasy and it doesn’t matter. She still didn’t seem happy but dropped the issue regardless.

Later that day, I took a detour on the way to the grocery store. I stopped by Jessie’s house, and she greeted me at the door in her gym clothes; a thin grey sports tank and tight black leggings. I felt my dick push against my jeans, already stirring, thinking about what my wife had said. I asked to come in and Jessie stepped aside creating a path. She looked sheepish as she closed the door behind us.

We sat in the living room, and before I could even start to speak she began gushing a stream of embarrassed apologies. She said she knew why I was here, she was so sorry, she didn’t mean to make me uncomfortable and definitely didn’t mean to admit to it when she was so drunk.

I kept my expression neutral as she spilled her words out, and then fixed her eyes with a hard stare. “What I can’t figure out Jessie,” I said slowly, keeping her gaze, “is how the hell you figured out exactly what I’m into with us hardly exchanging a word on the subject.” I squeezed her thigh tightly, and she winced as her mouth broke into an enormous surprised grin. “Even my wife doesn’t suspect anything like that of me, and you’ve got me pinned detail for fucking detail.”

Her whole demeanour changed, no longer seeming apologetic but flirty and dangerous. “Well, I guess,” she ventured, “I just got lucky.” She leaned her face closer towards mine, her eyes meeting mine the whole way. Our lips met and we burst into a passionate kiss, tongues swirling around each other. I pressed my lips forcefully into hers and bit her bottom lip hard as she pulled away slightly.

She pulled my hand up to the very top of her thigh and gave me a devilish look from beneath her eyelashes before kissing me again. My dick was straining almost painfully against my jeans, when we broke apart for air, her eyes wandered down to take it in. She climbed off the sofa, onto her knees and positioned herself between my legs. Her hands reached forwards and stroked the bulge in my pants, then deftly unbuckled my belt and unzipped my fly. I pulled my jeans and boxers down slightly, letting my dick spring out, hard and pink. Her mouth fell straight on top of me and she got to work.

She worked my shaft in and out of her mouth, reaching closer and closer to the base every time. My dick isn’t exactly small, so Jessie clearly was an experienced deepthroater. She used her hands to stroke me while she suckled on the tip. I grabbed the back of her head and shoved it down violently a couple of times onto my dick, and instantly she matched the rhythm. I was technically pushing her head down but she was more than willing to help me get her deeper and deeper down her throat.

After a few minutes I felt a very faint sensation, I couldn’t believe I was close to cumming already and wanted to make it last longer. I pushed her backwards and she fell onto her ass, looking confused. “Stand up,” I ordered, taking my dick into one hand and continuing to stroke with a slow rhythm. She stood, and I hooked my fingers into either side of her leggings and pulled them down to her knees. I used one hand to push her top up, revealing her perky breasts. I drank her in for a moment, almost exactly as I had pictured her looking. “Take them off and show me how you touch yourself when you think about me.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/115tshr/fucked_my_wifes_best_friend_after_finding_out_how

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