[MASSAGE, EXHIBITIONISM] I (M30) accidentally went to an erotic massage and bath with my best friend (F30)

I’ve been dreaming about fucking Ellie for 15 years.
Let me take you back real quick to explain: we met in kindergarten, our mothers became fast friends and we grew up together.
She was my partner in crime when we were kids.
Then we hit puberty and I started to notice… new things about Ellie.
I think I was 20 the first time I allowed myself to think about her when I was masturbating. She has these beautiful tits and I had just spent a whole day thinking of what they would feel like around my cock if I ever had the chance to tit fuck her. So I wanked it really good, pretending my fist was actually Ellie kneeling before me and squeezing her breast so I could fuck them.
Never made a move though, because:
1 – I didn’t wanna risk the friendship
2 – There was never a right time
3 – I’m full of shit cause I’m actually a fucking coward
“Hey shooter” she hugs me really tight and smacks a kiss on my cheek “You ready?”
“You gotta stop calling me that” I hug her back.
“It’s cause of the thing with the guy in the place!” She whines, cause yeah, there’s a lot of backstory to that nickname.
“Yeah, but it sounds horrible without context, Ellie”
“Alright, Joshua” she makes a point to enunciate every letter of my name “Are you ready?”
“Yeah, what are we doing here again?” I let her guide us into the spa.
“It’s the prize I got at that sex fair thing”
“What were you doing at a sex fair again?”
“Keeping Andy company while he checked out the male stripper he is dating”
“What is Andy doing checking people he dates at their workplace again?”
“Why do you end every question with ‘again’?”
“It’s called being emphatic”
“It’s called being annoying”
“Andy shouldn’t be stalking people and you shouldn’t be helping”
“Whatever, Shooter”
“Whatever, Stalker”
The receptionist stares at both of us cause, like I said, that fucking nickname sounds horrible without context.
I am shy but Ellie doesn’t care. She gives the receptionist the gift card and her name for the settled appointment and we are asked to sit just for a minute.
“Hey Ells?”
“Why am I here ag…”
“Don’t say ‘again’, Joshua, I will hit you with something sharp”
“What am I doing here, Elise?”
“I told you”
“You didn’t”
“I really did”
“You really didn’t”
“Really? It’s a massage for two people. Andy couldn’t come cause he had a date. Natalie couldn’t get off work”
“I was your third choice?”
“Have you ever been to a spa before?”
“Have you ever wanted to come to a spa before?”
“Do you know what a spa is?”
“Kinda. Maybe. No” I keep correcting myself.
“Yeah, you were my third choice. I still love you the most though.”
The place is nice, I’ll give you that. There’s cucumber water, some low-fi music and the single most relaxing foyer ever designed. It doesn’t take long for the two masseuses to come and takes us to the rooms.
Only it’s not rooms (plural), it’s room (singular) which is an issue because we are two people (plural) and not one person (singular).
“Where do I go?” I ask.
“In here” the masseuse is a petite woman with some Angelina Jolie lips and a sweet smile.
“And where does she go?” I point to Ells.
“In here” Angelina smiles again, pointing to exactly the same door.
The two masseuses go into the room to set some robes for us and I whisper to my best friend:
“What the fuck kind of massage did you win?”
“I don’t know! It was free, I didn’t ask.”
“You can take off your clothes and put these robes on” the other masseuse is tall and has short straight hair like a brunet Heidi Klum.
“Where can we do that?”
Angelina smiles and says “In here”.
That’s three “in here” in a row. Angelina really does have a catch phrase.
They leave. We stay.
“So, we’re just supposed to get naked?”
“I’m wearing a bikini underneath. Aren’t you wearing a bathing suit?”
“No” I widen my eyes, blaming her fully for the lack of instructions I was given.
“I told you to wear one!”
“Stalker, when you have these conversations with me, do they happen in real life on inside your head?”
“I really told you”
“You really didn’t! Elise!”
“Just be naked then. We are grown ups and know each other for ages. So what if I see your willy? It’s fine”
It’s not fine.
It’s not fine that she sees my willy.
It’s not fine that the woman I’ve had a crush on for 15 years, the woman with the killer body that makes me drool and the sweet smile that makes me melt, thinks about my penis in such a low esteem that it gets called a willy.
“I’m not gonna get naked, Elise!”
“Do you have any ideia how much a massage at this place costs? Fine! I can be naked too, then you won’t be alone”
I close and open my eyes in absolute bewilderement at her solution.
“How does that help?” My whisper is as loud as it can be, while still being called a whisper.
“You’re shy. I’m not. So we do this together. Turn that way, I’ll turn this way. We’ll be wearing robes in no time” She starts undressing and I turn around like a man too scared to look directly at the sun.
She is naked.
Behind me.
With her tits out in the open and her pussy free from protection. I think her nakedness warms the air around her cause I’m feeling feverish. Like something coming for her direction is burning me up.
I get undress and into the robe. She asks if I’m done before she can turn, but I don’t turn back cause my dick is hardening and that’s the kinda of thing you can’t hide when all you got is a thin robe.
This was a horrible idea.
This is gonna be a nightmare.
I’m gonna lay on a table, naked, next to her, naked, and have to… relax? How is that possible?
If I had any remote idea this was how my day would turn out, I would have jerked off the fatest load before leaving my house.
I don’t wanna be a creep, ok? I don’t wanna risk ou ruin our friendship and I would never put her in a awkward position. But I have such an immeasurable crush on this women, it’s pathetic.
The masseuses come back, Angelina taps her table and I know what she is gonna say before she says it. “In here” she smiles, pointing to the massage table. Not even “on here” which I guess would be the right way to say it? Between that and her clear inability to understand plural vs singular, I think someone ought to teach Angie some grammar.
She and Heidi hold out a towel for each of us to protect our nakedness while we get out of the robes and on the tables. Great. Where were they before when I needed help? I’ve never been to a spa before but this makes no sense. Go in there and get naked and then put a robe and then I have this towel and you take off the robe then get naked again.
I lay down and try to pretend I’m somewhere else for the next 45 minutes.
The massage is not bad. But Ellie’s soft moans every now and then are insanity inducing.
I don’t think there is ailment worst than being horny for your best friend.
Actually, there are lost of ailments that are probably much worst, but right now I can’t think of any, so give me a break.
I have to take deep breaths and when Angelina asks me to turn belly up I feel my entire body blush and heat up cause I know I got a half pump going on and there is nothing covering my hips but a towel so she is definitely gonna see.
I wanna get out of here so bad it’s a blessing when they finally whisper in our ears telling us the massage is over.
Thank you, Lord.
“Now, if you two could walk up to the tub for the erotic bath” Heidi says like a news anchor wishing me a good night.
“Go to the what for the what now?” I tilt my head cause I’m sure I heard it wrong.
“The tub. For the erotic bath.”
“I’m sorry?” I shake my head cause stuff still doesn’t make sense and by now I really don’t trust the grammar around here anyway.
Ellie, however, seems to have figured something out as she has her hands over her mouth. Her jaw dropped a little and her eyes are lost in the horizon.
I am afraid to ask.
“What?” I whisper as the two Grammar Crazies go off to the tub to prepare it for us.
“The sex fair” she whispers back “That’s where I won this. Maybe it’s an erotic massage?”
“Hmhum, hmhum” I grunt, only slightly sane “And you didn’t think to check that?”
“It was a massage at a well known spa. I just thought it was a regular massage, I didn’t even know that…”
“In here” Angelina says and I smile like a psycho. This woman really only knows two words, doesn’t she.
“Should we leave?” I ask but Ells has a weird curious smile.
“I kinda wanna see what it is. But you can leave if you’re not comfortable”
An erotic bath with you, Ellie? That’s something I’ve been dreaming about like fifty percent of the times I shower.
This is not gonna end well.
This is gonna end terribly.
I should have excused myself but… I also kinda wanna see what it is.
“I’m not leaving if you’re not” I hesitate “You’ll call me a coward for the rest of my life”
Angelina snaps her fingers calling our attention:
“In her…”
“Yeah, yeah!” I growl.
I get to the tub first and Angelina, bless her, holds out a towel so I can undress and get in the tub.
Then it’s Ellie’s turn and look, I’m not stupid. Ellie is not stupid. I graduated at MIT. Ellie went to Law School at Yale. We are smart people. Really smart.
So tell me: how the FUCK did we forget we were gonna do this naked?
Cause, somehow, in the last two minutes I forgot.
And by the pale look on Ellie’s agonising face, so did she.
I am sitting in the bathtub with hot water and bubbles around me, so my nakedness is kinda safe.
Hers, however… I try to look away to give her some privacy walking in, but… she’s gonna be completely naked pretty much on my nose so, I don’t know how to save this.
It gets worst because Ellie can’t walk into the tub as easily as I did. She complicates herself coming and going so I have to look to try to help.
And then I die.
Josh died.
Bury Josh.
Give him his eulogies.
Elise’s tits are fucking heavy. Her mom is latina and her dad is Norwegian so she has these incredible combinations of traits. The luscious lips, the delicious ampersand curves. She has light brown hair and her pussy is slightly covered by some light brown pubes. She waxes the edges and shaves it to keep them almost gone. Her nipples are dark and small and I feel my head going light.
I’m gonna pass out.
I have imagined her for years, but I was nowhere near how hot she actually is.
She leans in trying to get into the tub and her tits drop in an angle that, if I were to stand up right now, I could fuck her tits with ease.
“Oh, for the love of…” I get up to give her a hand and help her in.
I am naked. I am hard. She looks down for a second and notices both these things.
Angie and Heidi have the towels up so they don’t see us, but at this point I don’t even know if I care.
I sit back in the tub, thinking to myself it can’t get any worst, but it can.
It really can.
The tub isn’t big enough for us to sit side by side, so Ellie has to sit on my lap.
I’d laugh in desperation, but I forgot how to.
I try to lean back so there’s the least amount of touch between us, but I’m hard.
I am so hard I feel my dick throbbing and begging for pussy.
I stare at the ceiling and take a deep breath. Angie and Heidi leave us to get some products or whatever. I don’t know, I didn’t hear what they said. All I can hear is a ringing in my ear.
I hold on to the edges of the tub like my life depends on it. I hold on so hard you can see the veins in my forearms popping up.
“I’m sorry” Ellie whispers “I didn’t know”
“It’s fine” I say, but there’s a horrible tremor in my voice “I’m sorry too, but I can’t… control it” I whimper, fully aware that my erection is poking her back.
“It’s ok. I understand. I don’t mind”
I let out a panic laughter and she turns her face to look at me.
She is so beautiful I wanna cry.
“It’s hard for me too”.
“I’m sharing so you don’t feel bad” she explains, with a voice so low it almost sounds like she is shy “Cause guys can’t hide it when they are turned on, right? Girls can. So… it’s hard for me too”
“You mean…?”
She seems to go a bit impatient.
“I mean I’m wet, Josh”
That doesn’t help.
It doesn’t help even one tiny little bit.
I bite my lips hard hoping the pain will control my boner, but it doesn’t. It’s raging under the water and poking hard at Ellies back. So hard, I can feel her soft skint agains my sensitive tip which means it’s getting harder by the second.
“You’re wet?” I ask, I don’t know why.
“Yeah. Really wet” she breathes heavily.
Angelina and Heidi are back. They have oils and start massaging our arms and napes and let me tell you, I’m about to cum in this water.
“Can I lean against your chest?” Ellie asks, quietly “This position is hurting my back”
“Yeah, but… I’m gonna get harder if you do that”
“I know. It’s fine. Can I?”
I nod and she leans against my chest.
Fuck, she smells good.
I grab onto the edges of the tub even harder. Angie is trying to massage my arms to get me to relax, but I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen.
I try to breath really slow.
I try to think of something else.
But I think my cock is poking Ellie a little too hard, cause she moves a bit and, clearly without giving it much thought, puts her hand between us to get it out of the way. Her fingers brush by my cock when she places it upwards and my entire body shivers.
I’m a pretty strong guy, and I grab the tub with such violence I might crack it.
“Sorry” she squeezes my thighs to apologize but her sweet touch on my legs make everything around me get out of focus.
I’m breathing in her ear, trying to fight the urge to bite it. I think our friendship is already seriously damaged. Honestly, I don’t know how we’ll get back from this.
“You want me to finish you off?” She whispers, so low I can barely hear.
“What?” I gasp, turning my head to sink my nose in her hair, I slide my nose down the side of her face, my ajar lips brushing on her ear.
“I can rub it off for you” she puts her hand between us again “Maybe that will make it a little easier?”
Fuck it.
Fuck it all to hell.
She nods and I place her hand on my cock.
Ellie closes her fist around it and jerks me off. I don’t ever wanna leave this fucking bathtub.
“You need help too?” My turn to ask “You said it was hard for you too. You want me to…?”.
Her turn to nod.
So I drop my hands in the water. I grab her thighs with both my hands and she gasps. I open her pussy lips and finger her. Her thighs squeeze my hands in place and she moans so deliciously I wanna eat her. I wanna eat her pussy so bad.
Angelina and Heidi, who are hot women in their own rights by the way, move on to massaging my chest. And I am 150% sure I will cum in a couple of minutes even if they didn’t say:
“Now it’s time for the rest of the massage. The one you give each other.”
I don’t even ask.
Fuck it.
Fuck everything.
I just close my eyes.
“Can we touch you more privately?” they ask and we both agree.
I think we both agree.
I don’t know, man. I am just a sack of meat and lust at this point.
Heidi guides Ellie’s body so she moves up a little and when her hand leaves my cock I get upset and change my mind. I want the masseuses to leave. Right now.
Angelina puts her arms in the water and holds on to my cock which is so hot and unexpected it makes every muscle in my body tense up. She aligns my cock’s tip with Ellie’s slit and Heidi tells Ellie to sit.
Fuck, I’m gonna fuck Ellie.
Yeah, sweetheart, sit on me. Do it. Fuck.
I can barely control my hips.
Ellie turns to make sure I’m ok with that. And I am completely ok with that if she is.
I nod. She nods. I think we share a smile.
And she sits.
Angie guides me inside her pussy and I stop breathing.
Ellie moans all the way until I’m fully inside her pussy and her ass is on my lap.
Her back is against my chest and she leans her head over my shoulder, lost in pleasure. I start giving her little kisses on her face and neck.
“Good like this?” I move my hips a little bit and her quick gasp becomes a little scream.
“Yeah” she begs, scratching my thighs. The masseuses are absolutely watching us have sex, but at this point I don’t think any of us cares “Fuck, it’s been so long” she moans.
“I haven’t had sex in like… a year” she confesses.
“Oh, honey” I bite her ear, really sweet “This beautiful pussy hasn’t seen a cock in a ear?”
She nods, biting her lips. Her eyes closed, her body arching. God, she looks like a fucking goddess.
“You gotta treat it better” I say, rubbing her clit and she starts moaning louder.
In all my dreaming, for whatever reason, I never thought about Ellie’s moaning. So that’s the bit that fucks me up the most cause she has these delicious little moans and gasps and screams. I want her to cum. I wanna hear her cum.
Ellie is probably thinking the same cause she starts riding me hard.
“No, don’t move” Heidi says, and they both hold her in place.
Don’t move? What kind of torture move is this?
Yes move! Let her move!
Fuck this!
Heidi and Angelina have their arms in the water again. I feel their hands on mine. The three of us competing over Ellie’s pussy lips and clit. They guide my fingers, then they finger her themselves. One of us is always grabbing Ellie’s slit, one of us is always grabbing her thighs, one of us is always grabbing her bean. And she feels us. With a never-ending moan that sounds like pleasure filled agony.
“Now you touch her” Heidi orders me and she doesn’t need to say that twice. I grab Ellie’s body like I wanna eat her with my fingers. I slide my grip up her stomach all the way to her tits and they feel even better in my hands than I’d imagined. I squeeze her fat tits and play with her nipples like I’m living the dream. I bite her ear and I think it’s too much, cause Ells sinks her hands in the water looking for her clit. And I think that makes me even hornier. She starts rubbing one out while eating my cock with her pussy and she would come if Heidi and Angie didn’t stop her.
They hold her hands, stopping her from rubbing it out and I think Ellie will cry.
“Now you turn” Heidi says.
They remove her from my cock only to turn her to face me. Ellie doesn’t wait and neither do I. She grabs my cock herself and guides it inside her without waiting for the masseuses, and as soon as my tip is aligned in her I move my hips in hard making her scream.
Her nipples brushing on my chest making patterns of their own while she wiggles around my dick, since the horrible women won’t let her ride me.
Ellie holds on to my shoulders and I kiss her. Really kiss her. Feeling her tongue on mine and my whole body is set on some kind of metaphysical fire.
Heidi and Angelina massage us both, pressing her body against mine so I can fully feel her tits, and I gotta say I love them for it. If I ever said a single bad word about these women before, I was fool, forgive me.
But again, they don’t let her ride me. And after a few minutes worth of massages, they guide her out of my cock again. I am desperate for more of her pussy and I hope the masseuses are just gonna give us a new position to fuck, but instead, they sit Ellie on my lap, like she was at the very beginning… completely out of my cock. And now I hate them again. They massage our napes and then excuse themselves for a few minutes and tell us it’s ok if we drift off and nap.
Drift off?
Sweetheart, are you fucking crazy?
“Get up” I say to Ellie as soon as they are gone “Get up get up get up get up”
She obeys me really fast. She gets out of the tub and hurries to her robe. I think maybe she misunderstood me. But when she bends over to get the robe I get the tip of my cock in her again, holding her hips in place.
“Ells, is this ok?” I say, in a fever dream.
“Yeah” she begs, pushing herself back to swallow my cock with her puss.
And then I fuck her.
I hold her waist and I fuck her like I’ve been dreaming of doing for 15 years.
She is wet and warm and delicious.
“Flick it” I tell her “Flick your clit, cum with me”
She does it. Fingering herself, one inch away from it. So fucking beautiful she is, fingering herself like this. I think I wanna watch her masturbate beginning to end.
I sink my cock in her, feeling her hole tight around me.
“Do I need to pull out?” I ask in a haze.
“No. You can cum in me”
“Yeah? Say that again?”
She starts moaning loud as fuck. She is cumming.
“In me, Josh. Fuck. Fill me up”
I let go.
My load explodes from my cock filling her up just like she asked. Making my legs and my arms shake, lifelessly. My breathing out of control while the orgasms burns through my body.
I move out of her and watch my jizz dripping out of her puss to her pubes and thighs.
I pull her in and kiss her. She holds me with a smile.
“We should have done this sooner”
I laugh quietly.
“You wanna keep doing it?”
She licks my lips before saying “Oh yes. Absolutely”.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/1054hn5/massage_exhibitionism_i_m30_accidentally_went_to


  1. “Josh died.
    Bury Josh.
    Give him his eulogies.”

    Seriously though, this is one of the most well written pieces of erotica I have read in a LONG time. It managed to be witty and serious at the same time, not to mention HOT.

    Well done.

  2. The tension, the humor, the feelings. Just awesome writing. I need more of this

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