[EDGING, ORGASM DENIAL and CONTROL] I (F20’s) am being initiated on sleep play (& other fun things) by someone I hate – Part 3

Just great.
Look, I’m sorry it took me a while to update you, but I was not home. A friend needed help studying and I went over there for a few days. She’s been in quarantine as well so that’s fine. Don’t worry.
I got back home late last night and Trevor was nowhere to be found.
Fine, I guess. I haven’t been daydreaming about what he’d do to me for leaving without an explanation. I haven’t been thinking about his disgusting hands on my body, pinching my nipples in a fit of rage while he growls at me for being a bad girl.
For being the worst of girls.
The ones that leave without giving sir an explanation of their whereabouts.
The ones that go off into the night without asking master for permission.
The ones who smile in the face of danger knowing they were bad and hoping daddy will discipline them.
I have not been thinking about that!
I have not!
I sit with my back against our shared wall and try to listen in, but everything seems really quiet in his room.
Maybe I should go over there?
No, Tess. Just go to sleep.
Flick it a bit until you cum so you can calm down, and then definitely sleep.
I do that.
I moan extra loud and get disappointed when he doesn’t show up, rolling his belt around his hand to punish me for waking him up. Oh fuck yeah, I’d go for a belt-spanking right about now.
My orgasm is weak and brings me little satisfaction.
The next morning, Trevor is in the living room when I get out of the kitchen with a bowl of cereal in my hand. He wasn’t there when I woke up but he is very much there now.
I can see the back of his head while he sits on the couch and watches porn.
Yeah, you read that right. Here, I’ll even type it again: In the living room, sitting on the couch, watching porn.
It’s morning.
My mom is still asleep.
His dad is in the garage working on the weird car (you still remember I said the car was weird, right? Don’t forget this!)
And Trevor is watching porn.
“Don’t you have a job?” I ask.
“Yes. Despite your best efforts to get me fired” he doesn’t turn his head to face me. Instead he keeps watching the petite blonde girl on the screen, talking to a very rough looking guy. They aren’t fucking yet and I know that sounds like it could be anything, I mean… just a girl and a guy talking in a kitchen but believe me! It’s porn.
You can always tell. The quality of the video, the distinctive soundtrack, the tiny skirt the girl is wearing, the fact that a 30 year old rough guy is pretending to be a nerdy 21 year old. It’s porn. You can quote me on that.
“Can we watch something else?”
“No, I think she’s gonna start masturbating in a second. I kinda wanna watch that. Unless you wanna do it for me?”
“Not a chance in Hell”
“We’ll see about that”
“Oh, shut up, you entitled jerk. You’re not that good in bed. You’re just barely acceptable.”
“You know… ever since I told you I like them bratty, you’ve doubled down on it. I think you like turning me on.”
“Or maybe I just like offending you”
“Or maybe you like getting me hard so I can fuck you quiet.“
“Give me that fucking remote”
“What are you, twelve? Give it to me!”
“You have to earn it”
It really pisses me off that I find him hot when he does shit like this.
But alas, vaginas are dumb as fuck.
I put my bowl on the table by the couch and go for the remote, but he is faster than me and shoves it down his pants, very close to his cock.
“Go for it” he grins.
I could roll my eyes and call him a man child.
I could yell at him some more.
I could go away.
Or… I could go down to his level and straddle him into submission.
Wanna take a wild guess on which one I picked?
“Oh, this is gonna be fun” he chokes on his words as if he was just talking to himself.
I have one leg on each side of his lap. I am still wearing my pj’s short shorts. I grind my pussy against his crotch and sway my whole body as if I was riding him. His hands creep up my thighs. He is licking his lips like he can’t control his saliva.
The best way to get a man like this under your thumb is pretend to give him what he wants.
“Gimme back the remote, baby, please?” I moan like a good little girl. An innocent and cute little plead to make even the porn lady proud.
“Why would I do that? I like having you here”
“Cause I said ‘please’”
My shirt has two buttons over my cleavage and he opens them with an unbelievably casual attitude. Like he is opening a bottle of ketchup. Non-fussed. Non-caring. Just undoing my buttons and pulling my shirt down so he can free my tits.
I am not wearing a bra cause I just woke up, but my boobs are round and heavy enough that he can cuddle each of them in his huge palms.
He cradles one of my tits, squeezing his fingers around it. Staring at it like he’s hypnotised by my flesh going red around his tight grip.
“I’m extra bratty because you like it” I moan “Can’t you be a little sweet because that’s what I like?”
“Oh baby” he moans, sounding sweet and caring “I don’t give a fuck about what you like” he explains before nibbling the tit he is holding hostage.
I close my eyes.
He is *eating* my nipple. There is no other way to describe it. He is toying with it, nibbling, sucking, licking, biting. And as soon as it’s red and swollen, he moves on to the other.
I intertwine my fingers on his nape for stability, cause I’m starting to lose control of my body.
“What if your dad catches us? Or my mom wakes up?” I try to threaten him.
“Yet will be embarrassing, but mostly for you. You’re the one who’s riding me, naked.”
“They’d go crazy on both of us!”
“Because! You’re like… my step-brother”
“No, I’m n… Oh my fucking God! You’re right” the sudden realisation hits him so hard that he tilts his head back and his eyes go wide. There is a smile on his face of absolute happiness. I mean it. If you google “absolute happiness” none of the images will hold a candle to Trevor’s smile at that second.
“You’re my step-sister!” He points out in a rush of bliss “I’m your step-brother!”
I’m just annoyed cause he stopped eating me.
“Yeah, that’s what I mean. Our parents could…”
“Oh baby, this just got so much hotter”
“Are you for real right now?”
“Can’t you go get stuck under the bed or something and ask for my help to free you?”
“Great. Just great” I roll my eyes cause the moment is now forever lost. I am not horny anymore. He ruined it.
“I promise I’ll come to your aid and I’ll even free you! After I get a little something in return, of course”
“Fuck off” I say and get up, putting my shirt back in place.
“Tessa, get back here”.
“No, thank you. That’ll be that for today”
“Fuck off, Trevor”
“Tessa, get the fuck back here, you cunt. Do not make me go over there and get you.”
His voice changed.
It got harder.
It got more urgent.
It got lower and harsher.
It’s like he has a magical ability to turn his voice into a hook that grabs me right by the pussy. He says something like that and I can’t move away.
“Excuse me?” I choke.
“If you make me get up, I’ll shove this remote up your pussy. Do you doubt me?” He sounds serious. He sounds like he absolutely means it. He sounds like he actually wants to do that and is just looking for an excuse. I don’t move. I don’t say a word “Get back here and straddle me again”
He sounds like a boss.
Like an owner.
Like he owns me.
I am so wet, my pussy juice is starting to soak through the panties and short shorts.
I obey him.
I can’t breathe.
“Grind me” he commands.
“What if I don’t want to?”
“Well, if only there was a magic word you could use to make me stop. Like a color of some kind”
I bite my lip.
“Do you remember what that is?” His eyes are glowing.
“I do”
“Well, I don’t hear you using it”
He grabs my thighs so hard I jump a little.
“You don’t” I stutter.
“Well then… grind me”.
And I do it.
He puts his arms over the couch and watches me like a king, while I grind and move for his pleasure only.
Trevor seems annoyed for a second, but removing the remote from his pants seems to do the trick. He leaves it at his side and I hear moaning coming from the tv. I think the people in the porn finally started fucking.
“Put your tits back out, or I’ll just watch her instead of you”
I laugh out in rage.
“Then do that, you fuck. Think I’m here for your entertainme…”
He smack my ass really hard. A loud spank that, I swear to God, might as well have woken up my mom.
“That’s exactly what you’re here for. To be a wet hole where I can dump some cum in”
“You need a sex doll, asshole. Or a plastic tube and some lube” I grind him harder, not for his sake but for mine. He is wearing sweat pants and between that, my shorts and the position, I’m not getting as much friction as I’d like.
“I got you, I’m set”
“Hm… Well I’m not interested in being just a thing you can use”
“You sure about that?”
“Yes, I am. You can either treat me right or you can watch me walk”
“Or I can just do this”
I brace myself for the spanking, but that’s not what he does.
Instead, he puts his hand between our bodies and places only one finger (ONE fucking finger) right in reach of my clit. The fucking finger (I might as well call it this from now on) tickles my bean with such a light touch it drives me insane.
You see… there are three kinds of touch a woman will enjoy:
1 – The sweet kind. We like being kissed and petted and hugged and caressed.
2 – The sexy kind. We like being taken and teased and foreplayed and licked and sucked.
3 – The serious business kind. We like being fucked and hammered and humped and grinded and spanked and bitten and… oh Lord, we do.
What Trevor chose to do with the Fucking Finger, however, is none of that and yet all of that.
It is sweet, like he is caressing my clit. Like he is asking for permission to touch me and have me, as if he hadn’t just ordered me to straddle and grind him five seconds ago.
It is sexy, like a naughty little foreplay designed to get me a little wet, as if I wasn’t already drooling through my cunt since he said that I like being put in my place.
It is serious business, like he is letting me know he plans to fuck me hard right now, so I better get ready to get dicked until I beg for mercy.
But at the same time, it’s none of that, because it’s something else entirely:
That light little brush of that one Fucking Finger making me moan and roll my eyes so hard my eyelids drop dead feels like torture. Feels like Trevor wants to get a confessions out of me. He wants truths or names or who do I work for. He wants something. He must! Cause there is no reason in Heaven or Hell to submit a woman to that otherwise.
I grab his shoulders so tight my nails sink into his sweater.
I want more.
And I want it now.
He’s not giving it to me, so I’ll take it myself.
I ride him deeper, rubbing my pussy against him as hard as I can to get closer to his touch. He reacts by moving the Fucking Finger just slightly away, keeping it in a position where it’s always just barely brushing me.
I still want more.
I still want it now.
I’ve forgotten about the porn and the parents and the bowl of cereal. There’s a very strong possibility I may have forgotten my own name.
Because of one finger.
And that’s the thing about rough sex, isn’t it? What vanilla people never understand is that you don’t *need* the whips, paddles and ropes. You like those. So it’s fun to have them, sure. But you don’t *need* them for sex to be rough.
Sometimes all you need is a light brush and a heavy attitude. Sometimes, all you need is to be denied. To be told you can’t have it.
And right now, Trevor decided I can’t have it.
I want that Fucking Finger inside my pussy more than I want my heart to beat. I honestly think my chances of surviving a heart attack right now are better than surviving without that finger.
I grind it like a little animal on heat for far too long. And he keeps denying me.
It seems I have to beg, but that’s quite alright because just like everything else, it seems I have also forgotten my dignity.
“Stop that, baby, just finger fuck me, please” Am I moaning? Am I crying? Who knows?
“Wow, you want it that bad?”
“Yes. Yes, please”
“Hm…” he moans against my lips “What was that word you used before? ‘No’”
He sounds mean.
He sound so fucking mean, like he wants to spank me hard and fuck me dry.
God, I am so horny right now I could agree to just about anything.
I’d beg, I’d plead, I’d cry.
And I think he wants to see all that happen, because at the very second I am about to orgasm he removes the Fucking Finger.
He takes it away. Completely.
The build up to a delicious climax get’s unceremoniously destroyd like if the perfect cake you just baked suddenly got ran over by a car. That was dragged into your house by a flood.
I let out a painful cry of “No!”while I try to grab his arm and his wrist and put him back. That makes him laugh in genuine satisfaction.
“Oh, she wants it”
“She needs it” I beg “Please” oh, fuck, please. But the grin on his face tells me he wants me to work for it. The issue with being this close to an orgasm is that your body feels like climaxing is far more important than saving face, so I open my mouth and what comes out is “Please, master. Please, sir. Please, daddy. Please, just please.”
“Oh fuck, Tessie” he grabs my thighs hard enough to make it hurt. Like he needs to control himself to keep punishing me, or he’ll just give up and give in “You’re such a good girl when you’re horny. You really fucking want this”
“I really fucking do” I whimper.
“Yeah, baby? Then tell me what you are. Tell me what you are and you can have it”.
“I’m your good girl” my voice shakes in absolute despair as I am still holding on to his wrist for dear life, trying to force his hand back on my pussy. My desperation makes him giggle.
“That’s not what I mean. That’s not what you are.”
Fuck, I am so horny I can’t think straight.
“Tell daddy what you are. Or master or whatever the fuck you want me to be”
“I’m… I’m…” what the fuck does he want from me? “Your good girl? Your bad girl? Your girl?”
“Yes, you are all those things. But what else?” The Fucking Finger comes back but I don’t let go of his wrist cause I’m afraid he’ll take it away again.
“I don’t know” I growl in frustration “What do you want me to be? I’ll be whatever you want”
“Fuck” he drools, clenching his teeth and trying to stop his hips from moving too much into me “Fuck, you’re so hot when you need it bad, Tess. There is one thing I want, baby. What is it?”
He sinks his free hand through my hair, grabbing me there to keep a hold of me and I finally understand.
“Oh” I smile, licking my lips so lustfully that he moans in response “I’m your little wet hole”
He moans louder and grabs my hair so hard he tilts my head.
“Yes, you are. That’s what you fucking are. Tell me”
“I’m your sex doll. Your tight little plastic tube with some pussy juice on it”
“Fuck, yeah, that’s what you are” he finger fucks me. At long long last. His finger goes in and I gasp cause Trevor does it good. Some guys will finger fuck you like a cat licking a water bowl, weak and forgettable. Trevor finger fucks me with the strength of his whole hand. Of his whole arm.
He grabs my hair to keep me in place, leans himself towards me to the point where I am almost falling off his lap, and finger fucks me like it’s his cock going up my pussy.
I feel him.
I feel him everywhere.
Oh, fuck yes.
Who the fuck cares about dignity when sex is this good?
“Don’t stop” he commands me “Or I’ll stop. What are you?”
“I’m fucking wet for you, is what I am” I close my eyes. I’m about to cum.
“You really are. Here” he says and…
If I finish this day without commiting murder, I am safe for life.
“No!” I think I slapped his chest in despair, cause he holds both my wrists in his hand.
“Shh. Quiet. Or the controller goes up the pussy, yeah? Though I may need to find something larger, you’re so fucking wet it would slide right in”
“Finger fuck me! Do it!”
“Who the fuck said you decide what we do? Apologize”
“I’m sorry” I whimper “Please, finger fuck me”
The orgasm was there! It was so very right there, I could taste it my tongue and feel it in my fingertips. I’m going insane.
“I already did and you didn’t thank me, did you?”
“Thank you” the words keep pouring out of my mouth in absolute agony “Thank you. I’m sorry. Please. Please, baby, please”
“You’ll have more when I say you can have more. For now you have this” he has his finger right over my lips “Taste that. See how wet you are”.
It’s the Fucking Finger. The one that was just inside me, still covered in my pussy juice.
“I…” I hesitate “I never… I never licked… that”
“Yes, you did. You licked my mask covered in it”
“Not really. I just…”
“You just pretended, baby?” He fakes disappointment “Were you lying to me?”
“Yes” I say, shyly.
“Well, that’s a waste. You taste so good. Try it”
He hover his finger on my lips and I lick them. I taste salty and sweet and… strange.
“Arent’t you good?” He whispers against the corner of my lips.
I don’t answer. Instead I just suck his finger.
And let me tell you something about me: I suck really fucking great.
I suck on his finger like a baby being nursed and I moan like an expensive whore while I’m at it. And Trevor… well, Trevor does what any man in his position would do: he thinks about what it would feel like if that was his cock instead.
He groans with such urgency that I think he’ll give up and fuck me.
It’s raw and animalistic.
He frees my wrists so he can use his other hand to grab my jaw. His hand is so large he grabs the whole thing. And he is so strong that he can control nearly all my movement just by holding me there.
He stares at his finger in my mouth like he is hypnotised, moving it in and out just a little, slowly finger fucking my lips.
“You want me more than I want you” I tease, biting his finger a bit.
“No, I don’t”
I don’t even reply. I just lick his mouth and push my shirt down to free my tits.
And you know what? He does want me more than I want him.
Trevor pushes his sweatpants down and I see his cock. It hits me that it’s the first time I actually see it. First time he fucked me we were in the dark cause I asked for it. Second time he had me on all fours like a dog.
Now it’s there. Pressed up against my pussy with nothing between us but my pj shorts.
It’s large and thick with a swollen red head leaking with pre cum. I can see the green-blue veins all around it, all stiff and juicy.
I really wanted to deny him that blow job, but fuck me if I wouldn’t lick that right now and cum just by grinding the carpet. I’m salivating, and he can absolutely tell.
I get up on my knees, shoving my shorts to the side so I can slide him in, but he stops me. He has his hands on my hips and instead of sliding in me, he slides me along him. Up and down his shaft, covering himself with my honey.
That’s fine by me.
His cock rubbed against my clit is all I need. I was already on the verge of orgasm two or three times before, so it takes me all of five seconds to start panting again.
And then this fucking asshole stops. Again.
“No” he repeats, like he fell in love with the word.
“Fuck! Fuck you” I grab his hair and try to hump him like an animal. Being denied an orgasm once or twice is kinda fun. But three is a crowd. A crowd of angry horny people who say “enough”. I want to cum and I want to do it now.
The problem for me is that I am a very small woman and Trevor is a very large man.
I don’t have much power against him.
He grabs me by my thighs and throws me on my back on the couch.
“Trevor, enough, ok?” I cry “Just let me cum”
“Already? I was just starting” he bites my nipple and my legs are just all over the place. I feel like convulsing. I feel like dying.
He reaches out for the bowl of cereal and picks up the spoon. He licks the cold milk off it and presses it against my clit.
I’m not gonna lie, I was about to ask ‘Yo, what the fuck?’ but that cold spoon pressed up against my hot clit doest something to me.
The orgasm that has been building slowly, slowly, through what can only be described as long and delicious minutes start to vibrate underneath my skin. I feel it rising from under my bellybutton and spreading to my legs and my chest.
I think I’m screaming cause Trevor covers my mouth and whispers me shut. But his hand on the spoon presses it harder against my clit. The metal edges of it sink into my flesh and hurt just the way I like it. A little punishment in my pussy making the pleasure so much more satisfying.
I feel my whole body shaking.
Is he gonna deny me at the last minute again?
“Can I cum this time?” I beg.
“Oh, sweetie, just cause you asked nicely, I’ll allow it. But I’ll count you down, ok?”
What is this new nightmare?
“You’ve never be countdowned before?” He smirks, looking down on me, almost as if he pitied me “I own your orgasms, baby. You can cum when I get to 1. Not before. Can you be a good girl and hold it?”
“I can try” my voice is nothing but distress.
He has his mouth on my ear, biting me when he goes:
And as if God himself was watching me from Heaven and decided to change Fate on a whim just to fuck me up, we hear noise coming down the stairs as my beloved mother has woken up.
Fucking fucker fuck and fuck!
I try to sit up and cover myself but Trevor is one very large man who has decided against it.
He holds me down so I stay put. My eyes widen in panic. Mom can’t see me from that angle, but fuck me all the way off, right? This is a horrible idea for so many different reasons.
And yet, he pressed the spoon harder agains my clit and I forget all of them.
“Good morning, kids!” My mom says.
Trevor removes the spoon and pinches my clit. Fuck, I’m gonna scream. I bite my lips until I’m afraid I’ll taste blood. You’d think he’d let go of the pinch? But no.
He just smiles and says:
“Morning, Janet. Sleep ok?” And as she goes in the kitchen, just to me he adds “Play with your tits. Nine…”
Oh fuck.
We’re doing this.
Are we doing this?
This is wrong. This is wrong and I’m gonna get caught.
And yet…
I grab my tits like the horny cunt I am at this moment and he groans a “yeah baby” underneath his breath, “a little tighter” he orders and pinches me harder down there as I go a little rougher on my tits “Eight…”
“I slept wonderfully, darling. And you?” My mom says.
Fuck, this is wrong, right?
That’s my mom.
“Trevor…” I whisper, really softly “We’re gonna get caught”
He shoves three fucking fingers in and my mind goes numb. My body arches back on the couch and I have to be mindful of where my head is so mom doesn’t see me.
“You’re my plaything. My toy. I’m not done with you yet. Say it.”
He lets go of the pinch and immediately covers my bean with the cold spoon.
I let out an audible gasp and a moan. FUCK ME, what the actual fuck is this fucking feeling? The hard warm grip in contrast with the cold touch makes my whole clit tingle.
“Say it” he cleans his saliva with the back of his hand”
“I’m your plaything” I swallow my shriek “I’m your toy”. I am so wet his three fingers are sliding like it’s nothing, so he adds finger four.
“I didn’t hear you, darling” mom is back “Did you sleep ok?”
He stops the finger fucking again and I grab his sleeves like an animal. A wild beast. I can’t hold it. I can’t hold it in.
“I slept great, thank you”
Mom is saying something about lunch and I think she walked back in the kitchen cause Trevor leans over to me all the way until his nose is pressed against mine and I can feel his breath against my lips.
He takes the four fingers out of my pussy and shoves them in my mouth to shut me up. I taste me in his fingers. Salty and sweet and… strange. I suck on them like a whore.
“You’re gonna be quiet” he says “and you’re not gonna cum early, do you understand me?” He sounds angry. Raging. “You’re gonna wait and cum when I tell you to, or I am gonna take my belt off and beat your ass so hard you’ll have to stand until Thanksgiving”.
The belt line was suppose to discourage me. What it does is make me hornier.
Fuck it, I’m into kink.
I’m really fucking hard and heavy into kink.
And just now I decided I wanna try them all.
I start moaning with his fingers down my throat and he understands.
“Of fucking course. The belt thing turned you on, didn’t it, you needy whore? Six…” He looks up to the kitchen to make sure mom is still away so he can talk more “But if you make me use my belt I’m gonna spank you until you’re red and raw, you understand? Nod if you understand”
I nod.
I don’t think I have ever been this ravaged by an orgasm, ever in my life. And I haven’t even had it yet!
I can’t feel my toes. My feet are numb and tingling, shaking out of control.
I try to speak he takes his fingers off my mouth, still partially covered in whatever pussy juice I didn’t lick off and now also some of my saliva, still lingering like a naughty fucking bridge connecting my lips to his hand.
“What do you want, toy?” He growls.
“Please count faster” I beg.
He lick my mouth clean of pussy juice and saliva.
“No” he checks again to see where my mom is and smashes his four fingers back inside me. Finger fucking me with all his rage. So hard the couch is moving.
I don’t think any woman could hold this in.
I’m gonna cum.
And as I am about to, he suddenly stops cause we are no longer alone.
“Four…” he mouths to me.
His dad left the garage and is talking about maybe watching a movie on Netflix as a family.
I turn my head to the side and bite the cushions cause if I bite my lips right now, I’ll cut through skin.
“I’m gonna be really nice and say three…” he add with a whisper.
“Have you seen the old Top Gun, Trev?” His dad asks.
Oh for fuck’s sake. I have tears in my eyes, falling down my cheeks. Trevor isn’t fully finger fucking me anymore, so he just casually brings back the Fucking Finger teasing my clit in between little pinches.
“I haven’t. You want me to put it on?” He asks. I am scratching his arm, laying down by his side on the couch that way, with my legs partially on his lap. Trying to find any position that lets me rub any part of me against any part of him. His cock is still hard and out in the open.
My mom asks for something and I think his dad walked away a little bit.
“Almost” he leans back towards me, licking my lips “Two…”
“Please. Pleasepleaseplease”.
“Yeah? What do you want, baby? How do you want me to end this?”
Before anyone comes back.
“Slap it” I beg “Slap my pussy”
“Yeah? You enjoy that?”
“I really do. Slap it really hard, ok? Please?” I pant “Really really hard”
“Yeah, I can do that. You were such a good girl, I am so proud of you. You ready?”
“Yes, please” the vowels go on forever.
“One…” he whispers and rubs my clit violently as he slaps my pussy just as hard as he promised. The slap makes a loud noise but he doesn’t care and spanks it again.
I didn’t think it was possible to orgasm like this.
Everything went numb.
Everything went blurred.
I honestly don’t remember where I am.
I honestly don’t remember how to speak or move.
I am only kind of aware of the fact that I am naked.
Trevor pulls my shirt back up and puts my short back in place. He turns over a cushion that, I am guessing, is covered in a mix of my lube, squirt and cum.
He then helps me sit back on the couch. Fuck, he looks good. He is charming and handsome. Hot as fuck even for someone who just had it handed to her.
“You think you can walk?” He asks.
I think about it for a second, still unable to feel my legs, and shake my head no.
“It’s ok” his smile is weirdly caring “You ok?”
“Yeah” I stutter, still catching my breath.
“You sure?”
I lean against his chest and he pats my hair for a moment, playing with it.
“Hey, Tessa is here! I didn’t see you there, Tess, you gonna watch a movie with us”
I nod, having trouble with words and Trevor jumps in to save me.
“Yeah, she’s joining us” he quickly winks at me before putting the spoon in his mouth. I hold my breath. He doesn’t break eye contact, the motherfucker.
He has the whole spoon on his tongue and he closes his eyes like it’s chocolate. Then he licks it some more.
“Oh great!” His dad says, coming to join us in the living room.
Trevor covers his lap with a cushion and I notice he is still hard. Of course he is still hard!
I look at him, feeling guilty and he raises his eyebrows as if quietly making fun of me. He holds my hand and discreetly takes it under the cushion so I can feel his cock.
He is thick and luscious. I close my grip around him and he closes his eyes for a second before removing my hand. I get disappointed cause he feels good to grab and I regret never having done that before.
My mom and his dad are talking about whatever and he turns to me and whispers “Tessie, tonight after you fall asleep…”
“You can expect me”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zatm8l/edging_orgasm_denial_and_control_i_f20s_am_being