Beach Aftermath [m,f]

Part 1

We walk hand in hand in no direction in particular. Having had our fill of the beach for the day, we stopped at a local ice cream shop to get to know each other more before we decided to go for a walk. Before long, we came up to the local bakery where my friend, Amy, worked.

"This is where my friend works. I should stop in and say hey." He stared at me bewildered, dropping my hand.


"My sister works here."


He opens the door for me and let's me go ahead of him. "John!"

I look over to see a cute European-looking girl running up to him and wrapping her arms around him.

"Lo!" A second later I'm nearly tackled as Amy's blonde hair whips around me and her arms squeeze.

"I'm sorry, do I know you," I smile at her.

"Ha! Jo-Jo, this is my friend, Lauren. Lauren, this is Joanna."

"And this is my brother, John," Joanna says.

"Finally I get to meet your brother! I've heard so much about you! Is your wife coming down to visit soon?" Amy asks.

Wife?! I felt my hands go numb as those words rang out over and over again. He's married. He has a wife.

He looked at me almost saddened as he responded.

"Sorry, she got held up in Toronto with family stuff," he says.

"Well that sucks. Lo's husband couldn't get off of work," Amy responded. "I was planning to have a girls night tonight, but you're welcome to join us if you want, John," she added.

And there it was. Both of our secrets laid out. Both of us married.

"Sounds good. I'd love to come. If you girls wouldn't mind," he says looking directly at me.

"Not at all! It'll be fun! Anyway, Jo-Jo will fill you in later. Right now we need to get back to work," Amy says giving me one more squeeze. "Me and you tonight, Lo! I promise!," she yelled as headed back to the kitchen.

"Well it was nice to meet you, Joanna. John. I'm gonna head back to Amy's, but I guess I'll see you both tonight," I say as I turn to walk out.

"Wait! I'll walk with you," John says running up to hold the door for me. "See you back at the house, Jo-Jo," he adds.

We walk out of the bakery and back in the direction we came in silence. Neither of us knowing quite what to say. How do you start a conversation up with a guy that you just slept with after finding out that he's married? Both of us are married. We both did the same thing. It was one time. It didn't mean anything. So why was I so mad?

Before I knew it, we were back at my car. Not a word had been spoken. I open the trunk to grab my bag and as I slam it shut, words spill out.

"Why didn't you tell me that you're married?!" I asked, throwing my bag into the front seat.

"Why didn't YOU tell ME?" He snapped back, closing the distance between us.

"Because I didn't expect to meet you. Or to have sex with you. Or to see you again afterward."

"Neither did I."

"I didn't even know your name beforehand!"

"I know, but why are yelling?"

"Because I like you. And I'm mad! And none of this makes sense!"

His face relaxed into a sexy smirk.

"You like me, eh?" He asked moving closer.

"Oh hush. It doesn't matter anyway, you're married!"

"So are you!"

"That's different."


"Because I'm not happy."

"Who says I am?"

"Well you didn't say you weren't."

"Does it matter?"


He paused and smirked again.

"Why? It won't change the fact that I like you too," he says as he takes my hand in his. His thumb slowly rubbing the top of my hand as he tilts my head up to look up at him.

"We can't do this. We're both married."

"Can't do what?" He asked, pulling me to him and planting his lips on mine.

A faint voice in my head told me to back away, to stop there and be done. But that voice was drowned out by the screams from my body that told me to take him. To have him again. The heat radiating through me as he pins me against the car, my body taking on a mind of it's own. My hands running across his smooth tan skin, paying close attention to his abs and the curves of his hips barely holding his shorts up.

He reaches behind me and opens the door to the backseat, allowing me once again to go ahead of him. I sit down and face him as he climbs in, pinning himself on top of me. He lays me down in the seat as his hands run up my shirt and untie my bikini top. My legs part, allowing him between them. He presses his lips on my neck and kisses up the side of my face until he reaches my lips.

My hands run across his shoulders and down his back. His hands run up my legs and into my shorts. I feel his fingers slide the small piece of fabric aside and press against my lips. One finger slips inside of me with ease as my wetness covers it and begins to spill out of me. The heat from the car making itself known as sweat runs down my face.

"Wait," I say, pushing against him to get out of the car. I stand up and look around, making sure we are still alone in this deserted parking lot before I put the key in the ignition and turn the air on full blast. He sits back down in the back seat to feel the cool air and I can't help but to stare. Even with his eyes closed, the sexy seriousness of his face shows. The hardness of his body apparent to the naked eye. And the hardness of his cock not easily concealed by the thinness of his shorts. I close the drivers door and walk back around towards him.

He starts to stand, but I push him back down and nudge him to the middle of the back seat. As he moves I climb in and close the door, shutting the world out one more time. I pull my shorts off and position myself on top of him. His hands run rampant all over my body as I take my untied bikini top off, letting my hardened nipples show through my shirt. He leans up slightly and wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to him as I wrap my arms around him and do the same. Our lips meet once again and the passion ignites.

My hands run between my legs and slide his shorts down to his knees. I can feel his cock spring out as I lean against him and slide my bottoms to the side. My growing wetness now dripping onto him. It doesn't take long for the tip of his cock to slip inside of me. I let out a moan before I slide further down, taking more of him inside of me.

All of him fills me up and it feels amazing. I rock back and forth wanting to feel more. I want to feel everything. His hands slide up and down my body and settle on my hips. He guides me faster, pushing me harder against him. I can feel myself getting louder as I get closer and closer, but I don't care. Back and forth. Back and forth. I don't want to stop. He feels so good. Too good. I break away from his kiss as I feel it coming. The wave of ecstasy floods my senses as my cum coats his cock. I continue to ride against him as my orgasm continues, pushing me even further over the edge. I ride harder and faster until I feel his hands tighten on my hips and hold me down as he unloads into me.

I collapse against him as he wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. I lay there for minute, catching my breath before I back away.

"This. We can't do this any more," I finally say.

"I'm going home tomorrow, so you just have to make it through tonight," he said with a wink.

Shit, I forgot about tonight.



  1. It says she’s not happy, then does all this hot stuff without really carrying. Don’t get me wrong though, I kind of dig the fantasy.

  2. That’s probably just due to my small vocabulary. But hey, no offense meant from here. You are a great writer nonetheless.

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