The Good Student [Excerpt] [Dom-Sub] [M/F]

Hello, I'm back with an excerpt from my latest Kristi Campbell short, The Good Student. This time, Kristi learns that being a good girl has its rewards.

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The Good Student

In my first semester, I met a cute young thing at a fraternity party. His name was Kyle and he had dark brown hair, blue eyes and fine, almost feminine facial features. I met him during a round of “flip cup”, a party game where two teams race to right overturned red plastic cups on a table using only one finger. He and I were last in the line, and when it came down to him and me, he won. Afterward, after I finished chugging the last of the warm beer in the cup (my punishment for losing), he’d approached me and whispered into my ear, “If I can do that with one finger, imagine what I could do with all ten.”

Despite his clumsy demeanor and cheesy pickup lines he was physically attractive, though a bit on the skinny side for my taste. When I was younger, I’d been attracted to rock star types, tattooed and thin waifs with flowing hair and sunglasses. My affair with Hank, however, had ingrained a desire for maturity and strength, a man built of muscle and time, age and experience. However, this was college, a time for exploration and stretching one’s boundaries, so I flirted back with Kyle for a bit throughout the night, letting him know on no uncertain terms that he might achieve victory once again if he played his cards right.

An hour and a few drinks later, we were in the upstairs bedroom and he had my skirt hiked up around my waist and his hands slid between my thighs. He tasted like Jagermeister and cigarettes, and smelled of perfumed body spray and sweat. The stubble on his chin grated against the inside of my thighs and on my neck unpleasantly, and he pawed at me like a little boy discovering a woman’s body for the first time.

Impatiently, I decided to take on the role of teacher, taking his hand and directing it under my pink lace panties, along the thin strip of hair and into my damp slit. He complied, and I allowed his wandering digits to slide into me, and I let out a little moan to inform him that he was on the right track. He kissed at my neck, drunken and sloppy. So, I turned him over on his back and pulled my skirt up over my head, followed by my blouse and bra. His hands grabbed at me wanting, but I pushed them back down, pinning them to the bed. “No,” I told him, “You’re not in charge here. I’m the teacher.”

He grinned at this and relaxed his hands, letting me take control. I pulled his jeans off, sliding them down his skinny legs. He was visibly excited, a bulge forming in his boxer briefs. I decided to lead him along, to tease him to the limit before giving him what he wanted. So I slid my hands up under his shirt, feeling his bony body tense and writhe at my touch. He felt feeble somehow, like I could break him if I weren’t careful.

I pulled his shift off, and again he tried to grab at my little breasts with those outstretched hands. I pinned them back down, shaking my head and making a “no-no” motion with my head. He pouted pitifully, so I gave him a little of what he wanted, dipping my nipples into his mouth so he could take them with his tongue. The sensation worked magic on my body, and within a few seconds my lips were swollen and aching, demanding to be fucked. When I reached down between my legs, my panties were soaked through. I decided that it was time to give the boy what he wanted.

He was smaller than I had come to expect; not too small for the job, but in comparison to Hank’s bulky cock, the stubble-faced boy was just that – a boy. I played with his rigid cock for a bit, licking at the tip and wrapped my slender lips around the shaft, then at the ridge where his shaft met his pink head with my tongue. He shivered and moaned, laying back and letting my suck and lick at him for a few minutes.

He was having too much fun, though. Now, it was my turn. I slid my panties down my legs and straddled him, which was easily done with his slender frame. He was a good boy and had brought along his own protection. He fumbled with the package and then victoriously slid the condom down his rock hard cock. Since he’d been so good, I allowed his hands to grasp at my waist as I positioned my pussy lips over his erect cock, suspended there over him before finally letting him slide into me.

Despite his boyish, sloppy demeanor, he proved to be a capable fuck. His fingers pinched at my nipples gently while I rode him and I whispered into his ear, “yes, that’s good, just like that”, pressing my hips back and forth and letting his cock slide in and out of my slit. What he lacked in size he made up for in resilience, holding off his orgasm until I was able to get myself off. As I inched closer to coming, I let him have freer reign of my body. He sucked at my nipples and ran his fingers along my inner thigh, along my ass crack, even played with my hole a bit (to my surprising enjoyment).

Then, I felt a rush of energy pulse through my body as my pussy contracted on his hard cock, spilling my cum all over him as I bucked and tossed on top of him. “Oh Jesus,” I moaned into his ear while his finger rubbed at my asshole and his free hand gripped me by the waist. “Yes, fuck me like that, fuck me harder, just like that,” I whispered until my orgasm reached its peak and I felt my body release from its seizure of ecstasy.

His stomach was wet from where I’d cum on him, and I let my still-soaked pussy lips glide gently along his cock until he slid out of me. I leaned forward and grabbed him by his face and looked him deep in the eye, “Your turn,” I said, “Fuck me until you cum.”

Energized, he pushed me to the side and then pried my legs open with his hands. He looked down at me, examining his prize as my pussy lips pulsed with waves of orgasm aftershocks. “Come on,” I said dreamily, “Fuck me.”

That was all of the instruction he needed, and he slid his still-hard cock back into me. Immediately, my body convulsed, a shock of pleasure shooting through me. I was not ready for him yet, but I had decided that I would push my body to its limits. This boy was just the first experiment of many to come, a study in exploring the boundaries of pleasure and pain. He pushed into me savagely, his throbbing cock slamming through the wet opening between my legs. I screamed and clawed at him while he fucked me harder and harder, his face turned into an expression of determination. I looked down and saw his cock slam into me, pushing harder and faster until his body shivered slightly.

My education at the capable tutelage of Mr. Hank Miller had taught me that the time was right. To the boy’s surprise, I made him slide out of me and then I pushed him on his back. I pulled the condom off in one swipe, then took his pulsing dick in my lips, sucking at it hungrily until it quivered and shot a massive deposit of sweet, salty cum into my mouth. I didn’t stop, however, but kept sucking at his still-shivering cock until a second explosion filled my mouth and dripped down my chin. I reveled in the boy’s sexual explosion, letting it drip from the corners of my mouth, down my chin and neck, and a bit saturating my sweat-covered tits.

I took it all down in one swallow while the boy lay on his back, paralyzed. His chest heaved up and down while his dick deflated and fell to the side, defeated and drained. I wiped his milky white cum off my chin and chest using a few tissues from a box on the side of the bed, then slid my still-wet panties back on, followed by my skirt, bra, and blouse. Before I left, I noticed that the boy was still laying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as if he was trying to come to terms with what had just happened to him. I decided that there was still one lesson I could offer him, so instead of making way toward the door, I slid back onto the bed.

Before he could protest, I took his cock in my mouth, tasting the remnant sweet cum still on it. I slid it in and out of my mouth hungrily, looking up at him while it went rigid. He looked down in disbelief, his eyes meeting mine while his dick pulsed to life on my tongue. Then, when he was fully hard, I pulled it out with a slight pop and I looked him up and down once more before leaving him there, rock hard and wanting more.

That was one lesson I had learned over time – always leave them wanting more, even if they know they’ll never get it.
