A Father’s Struggle 48 – Unique Talk (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)

I watched my bookworm groan very loudly *Gawwddd!!!* as she *tried* to *sip* the proffered 18 year old Ole Finnegans scotch.

It was almost comical watching her *try* to stomach the alcohol that cost me about $6,000 for.

Granted Ole Finnegans is a special release from Finnegans as they’re more of small brewing company compared to your normal mass distributed brewing company.

I mean yes Finnegans does release a fair number of bottles of their usual blend though not as much as the bigger names. And their 18 year old blend is a much smaller number of bottles released hence the price.

Normally a ‘*normal*’ bottle of regular Finnegans is about $40-50 respectively. Their 12 year blend they usually charge about $2500. Then their 18 year blend is about $6000 respectively.

And seeing how I have the money to splurge on good alcohol I *usually* get the more pricey scotch’s as that’s my *preferred* alcohol.

Took me a minute to get to what I consider a *preferred* alcohol.

Granted **everyone** goes through that process as they try to find their ‘preferred’ alcohol as they cross out what they **will** drink and what they **won’t** ever drink again.

Like me I’ll never touch schnapps ever again for as long as I live.

Long story.

Which is true for most of my daughters.

Like Heather her preferred alcohol is wine, specifically rose wines. One alcohol I don’t see her touch is vodka.

Nicole prefers tequila or as she’s said more than once *My system runs on diesel*. I think her no no alcohol is gin.

Mackenzie I’ve seen drink just about everything so I don’t think she has a preferred alcohol though I know she despises seltzer’s and wine coolers.

Not sure about Savanna as she drinks about everything so I don’t think she’s found her preferred alcohol nor has she found her no no alcohol.

I know Abs hasn’t found either.

And Haley better not have found her preferred anything though I have seen her drink but it’s not often nor is it a lot.

I smiled as I watched my little Abs go through the normal facial expression’s as she tries to drink more and more of the alcohol in front of her.

Mind you *normally* I don’t allow my daughters to drink underage.

Nor am I the hip dad that allows his daughters to do whatever they damn well please.

I **DO** have rule’s.

Like *if* you do drink you are not allowed to drink and drive as soon from our multitude of Friday night games as my girls and their friends hand over their keys.

*If* you’re at a bar or restaurant I’d rather you call a taxi or myself for a ride home. Then the next day, after you’re sure you’re sober, take a taxi to get your vehicle.

And yes I’ve had the talk with ALL my daughters when I catch them drunk underage. After they’re 21 I just smile and watch them deal with their hangovers.

So *yes* those are my *normal* rules.

This isn’t exactly a *normal* day hence why I’m allowing my daughter to drink because of the *unique* topic we’re having or about to have.

I waited until Abby drank a few *sips* of her drink before we continued our *unique* topic.

I smiled, “So….about your all friends.”

Abby rolled her eyes, “I’m **not** gonna hook you up with **my** friends dad.”

I smiled, “I’m not asking you to.”

I took a sip, “**But** if they are interested in me would you tell me?”

Abby sighed before she spoke, “You’re not gonna give up on this are you?”

I smiled as I shook my head slowly, “Nope.”

I smiled at her, “How about **we** talk about everything and clear the air? I’ll be honest as long as you be honest.”

She looked at me, “Really?”

I nodded, “No topic is off the table **but** have to agree to be honest.”

She squinted, “And you’ll be honest?”

I shrugged, “Sure.”

Abby sighed, “Fine.”

I smiled and thought *perfect*.

I then watch Abby take her glass and proceed to **pound** it and giving more facial expressions before setting the glass in front of me, “But I’m gonna need more liquid courage if we’re really continue this topic.”

I lightly chuckled as I **topped** her off nearly filling her glass as I proceeded to do the same to myself.

Abby then took a large gulp her expressions becoming less comical as the alcohol was dulling her senses before she exclaimed, “Alright who goes first?”

I smiled, “Seeing how **I** want the truth I’ll let you go first,” I pointed my glass at her, “**but** I expect the truth.”

Abby thought about it as she looked at me, “And I can discuss *anything*?”

I nodded.

She continued, “*Including* who you think has the prettiest body?”

I smiled and shrugged, “Sure.”

She smiled almost evilly, “And who has the cutest pussy?”

I shrugged, “Sure,” I looked at her, “though I haven’t seen *everyone’s* pussy.”

She eyed me, “You sure?”

I nodded, “Yep. I haven’t seen *everyone’s* pussy.”

She looked at me, “Even though **we** gave **you** photos?”

I took a *healthy* sip before answering, “The same photos you all **demanded** I delete.”

She chuckled, “Oh yeah.”

She looked at me, “But did you *at least* glance at the photos?”

I shrugged, “Not long enough to memorize *every* detail Abs.”

She looked at me, “So you didn’t see *who* was,” she leaned forward with a wicked smile, “**shaved** and *who* **wasn’t**?”

I blinked at her before I took a *LONG* **sip** before I gasped. Abs looked at me with a shit eating grin as I answered, “No Abs I didn’t see who was,” I sighed, “*shaved* and who wasn’t.”

Abs lightly chuckled.

I looked at her, “You know Abs whether a girl is shaved or not doesn’t matter.”

This time it was my turn to smile, “Tell me Abs do you prefer your guy’s to have a **BIG** dick or a **SMALL** dick?”

Abs turned a little crimson causing her to take a **BIG** gulp then she gasped as shivered as the liquid traveled down her system.

I smiled, “Come on honey I answered **your** question you can answer **mine**.”

She looked at me before she sighed, “I prefer a more **average** dick. If it’s a *little bigger* than average then the better.”

She pointed her glass at me, “But what **really** matters is the guy not his dick.”

I spoke, “But **if** you found a really cute guy and found his dick was small you’d be disappointed wouldn’t you?”

Abs turned a little crimson but remembered our *deal*. She spoke, “A little but if he made up in *other* areas then his small dick isn’t really a concern.”

I smiled, “Like?”

Abs quickly took another drink as her face turned more crimson before answering, “Like his stamina. Or if he goes down. Or a million other things.”

I smiled, “Uh huh.”

She smirked at me, “How about you?”

I chuckled, “How about me what?”

She smirked, “So you’re saying you don’t care if a girl shaves or not?”

I shook my head, “No Abs I don’t care. Is it helpful?,” I shrugged, “Sure but it’s not **mandatory** that a girl shaves.”

Abs smiled wickedly, “So you’d still go down on a girl *if* she had a **HUGE** bush?”

I coughed as she chose to ask that question just as I was taking a sip causing me to inhale some of the whiskey to go to my lungs making me gasp and hack as I tried to regurgitate the whiskey out of my lungs.

*Like I said she knows when to ask a question and shock you.*

I coughed, hacked, and wheezed for a few moment’s before I rasped, “Excuse me?”

She smiled, “You heard me *would you go down on a female **if** she had a **HUGE** bush?*”

I looked at her for a moment as I *tried* to answer this diplomatically before I found what *I think* are the right words, “Now Abs I’m sure you’re aware that *most men* **should** be grateful **and** honored when they’re allowed to see a female’s most intimate area and should *respect* it when they’re able to gaze upon it.”

*I know I can sound so suave that I even impressed myself.*

Abby looked at me as she squinted, “You **really** feel that way?”

*Now to sell it*

I smiled as I nodded, “Sure do.”

She continued squinted, “So you **really** don’t have a preference?”

I shrugged, “I mean I’d prefer if it is disease free but other than that I *really* don’t have a preference Abs.”

She looked at me, “So if I *showed* you a series of photo’s, the same photos that were sent to you, you’d tell me if you’d hit it or not?”

*Uh oh! I don’t like where this is going.*

I spoke, “And what *would* be the point of that?”

She smiled and began to semi slur, “Just humor me.”

I looked at her, “And **what** do I get out of this?”

She smirked, “Peace of mind.”

I shook my head, “No because I don’t know which one is one of you.”

She smiled, “And if it is?”

I held up the bottle that still had quite a bit of it, “Then I’ll need **ALL** of this to unsee the photos if it is one of you.”

Abby smiled, “Just humor me.”

I looked at her, “No!”

She pouted at me as her slurring increased a little bit, “But it’ll be fun.”

I looked at her and held my ground, “No!”

She thought about it, “How about if I sweeten the pot and tell you *if* the attached image if that person is attracted to you or not?”

I looked at her, “Will you tell me if it’s one of my daughters, including you?”

She thought about it and an evil smile spread across her lips, “Nope.”

I rolled my eyes and *was* about to firmly tell my daughter my answer of *No!*

That is until she decided to add the *Cherry* to her little *game*.

Abby slurred, “If you tell me if the pussy is cute or not. Not only will I tell you if the person attached is attracted to you or not **but** I’ll also tell you if that pussy has *spied* on you or not.”

And just like that I knew I had to play.

I took one last look at my glass and realized that I was going to need another drink…..or ten.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uron81/a_fathers_struggle_48_unique_talk_fiction_family


  1. …there you go, again…”a female’s pussy”? That is not normal…perhaps you meant a woman’s pussy? No woman would talk that way about other women.


    I enjoy the world you’ve created…but. Using that word, in that context….it’s dehumanizing. Women are no less human than men. Men who use “females” often tend to be women-haters…and/or incels.

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