[M, Heterosexual] First swing at this, would love feedback…

The Dinner Date:

We’re at dinner, and you’re wearing your favorite sun/fun dress. While looking at the menu, you kick off
a heel, and slide your toes up my shin, in between my knees.

You know what you want.

I accept this gesture, and after committing my order to memory, I grab your ankle and slowly pull you
towards me. I drift my finder along your calf to the inside of your thigh, you stutter while asking the
suddenly present waitress about the wine list.

Like a familiar journey, my fingers follow the smooth, warm road to where your thighs converge. The
humidity of anticipation rises as I roll my thumb against your silk, feeling the perfectly timed pulse of
your heart passing through your now throbbing clit.

I effortlessly slip my hand under the relaxed tension of your panties (the ones you know I love), and drag
my thumb up the hood of your now saturated clit, making you pause your discussion with the waitress
with a squinty smile.

Not missing a beat, I casually withdraw my hand, licking the deliciousness from my thumb before
commanding her attention before informing the waitress what I’d like for dinner…

While clearly thinking about dessert.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uroq3o/m_heterosexual_first_swing_at_this_would_love

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