(M)y Big (F)at Gypsy Titwank

Gypsies, Pikeys, Travellers. They all mean the same around here.

I'm a security guard at a department store in town. You might not like it but it's my job to discriminate. I profile everyone who comes into my store. I play the percentages. It's what makes me good at my job.

That's why I knew what to look out for when a small crew of Gypsy girls came in last week.

They were lead by a girl who looked about 19 years old. She was petite and wore large hoop earrings. She was pale and her brown hair was scraped back into a tight bun. She wore a denim jacket and jeans. So far so typical.

What made her truly stand out was that she was carrying around a pair of truly enormous tits.

Her bra must have had some industrial wiring in it because her tits came out almost horizontally from her collarbone. She had a small back and was fairly petite.

She knew what she had and was more than happy to show them off to the world. That day she wore a tight fitting white tank top with a deep cut at the front exposing her cleavage.

She ventured into the changing rooms with a handful of items and emerged a few minutes later having decided against purchasing anything.

The problem for her was that the tits that were so conspicuously on show just a couple of minutes before were now a picture of (relative) modesty. The Grand Canyon-sized cleavage had disappeared.

As she approached the exit I stepped across her path. "Excuse me but I'm going to have to ask you to come with me to my office. Please come this way."

"You what?" She exclaimed.

"Don't make a scene. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Come with me."

She turned to her posse of girlfriends and said "Tell Ma and Da I'll be home later."

It was business as usual for this girl.

Back in my office I asked all the usual questions: name, age and address. She was Darla Colerain, 18 years old, and had no fixed address.

"So you're homeless?" I asked.

"Nah. I live out by the industrial estate but there's no real address."

"You're a traveller then?"

She nodded. I already new this but wanted to be sure. She had a thick Irish accent like many travellers do, though I was certain she'd been born here in England.

Imagine being so isolated and insular that you had a thicker accent than some of your Irish mates, without ever having set foot in Ireland. It fascinated me.

"Ok Darla. The mistake you've made today was trying to steal from this store. You're unlucky because I'm much better at my job than anyone else in town…

However, if I had a pair of tits as massive as yours I'd have thought twice about coming in here with the twins on show only to walk out again minutes later with them conspicuously hidden."

"What did you just say?!" She was almost shouting at this point.

"You heard what I said. And save the opprobrium. I'm going to turn around now and you're going to take off the top you put on underneath the one you came in wearing… Do it now."

"I'm not doing that in here with you watching." She protested.

"I won't be watching but I can hardly let you into the changing rooms by yourself can I? Do it quickly and without any fuss and it'll be better for you."

I turned around and Darla did what she was told. I looked for any chance reflection I could find but I'm not the type to have photoframes or mirrors in my office. No luck.

When I turned around the white top she'd tried to steal was crumpled on my desk.

"Thank you. Now then. I'm not going to call the police because I don't trust them to do a good job. Instead I'm going to drive you home and speak to your parents myself. I don't have to be as polite or politically correct as the cops so maybe I'll get through to them."

She looked at me with a quiet disbelief. She must have known that her parents wouldn't care in the slightest. But she saw the easy option out and took it. She didn't let on.

We spent the drive in almost complete silence.

At the end of an industrial estate Darla gestured to take a side road which quickly turned into a dusty track. After 50 metres it opened out into a small clearing where three caravans were set up.

"Mum and dad home?" I asked.

"Doesn't look like it." She mumbled.

"Good. I take it that they both have jobs at present?"

She nodded.

"Good. I'll level with you Darla. I have no interest in talking to your parents… …No I'm going to make you a deal."

She looked confused.

"The fact your parents have work tells me that they're probably quite happy here. They could probably do without the council or police turning up and kicking them out which I guarantee you they would do if they knew you and your family were living here illegally."

She was beginning to look angry.

"Before you lose your cool, listen to my offer. I won't tell a soul what happened today if you don't ever come back to my store…"

"Fine." She said as she made for the door handle.

"That's not all. The other part of the deal is that you show me those tits of yours…"


"You have to be fucking kidding me?" She was much calmer now.

"I bet all the boys pester you incessantly for a peek. Show me and your problems disappear."

She considered it for maybe five seconds but she knew a good deal when she saw one. She took off here denim jacket and pulled her tank top up and over her head. Her bra had to work hard to hold in her breasts.

"What size are they?" I enquiried.

"32FF" she replied matter-of-factly.

"Wow. And so young as well." I remarked.

"I was about 16 when they really started to get out of hand."

She slid the bra straps down her shoulders to give her some freedom of movement. One at a time she pushed her hands down into the cups and pulled both of her breasts out over the top of her bra. There they sat awkwardly, held higher than such heavy breasts could possibly be on their own.

Her pale skin was almost translucent on her tits. The size of them had stretched her skin so that you could see blue veins emanating from her large, pink areaols. They must have occupied about a quarter of each breast. They were slightly pimpled and the nipples were relatively small compared to what surrounded them. These tits were magnificent. Without prompting she turned to face me and I saw the full glory of her.

Despite their size they did not sag outwards. The bra artificially supported them for sure but it didn't otherwise affect the view.

"I'd like to see them without the bra."

She reached around and popped her bra strap. Immediately her breasts fell forward and sunk perhaps 5 inches but they were not saggy. She pulled her bra out from underneath and looked up. I was staring into those oversized, dimpled areaols and following the maze of blue veins.

"You really love these tits don't you." She said.

I looked up at her. She was smiling for the first time.

"And you really love the fact that I do, don't you?"

She nodded very gently.

"Can I touch?" I asked.

"Go ahead."

I reached over and cupped her left breast. It was more pillowy than I imagined and was cool to the touch.

"They're cold. Let me warm them up."

I leant over and massaged both breasts individually, bringing a gentle figure of eight motion to a close at each nipple where I lightly tweaked them between my thumb and forefingers.

Her breathing became more pronounced and I could feel the raised pulse of her heart through her tits. I looked into her eyes again. She said nothing but her look was a clear direction to carry on.

She cupped her right breast and moved her nipple to her lips. She bit hard and then stuffed as much as she could fit into her mouth. Her tongue worked in a wide circular motion and occasionally protruded from between her lips and her boob. When it did saliva drooled out and ran down her cleavage.

She cupped her left breast and leant forward all the while sucking and tugging at her other tit with her mouth. I followed the lead.

I took the whole areola in my mouth and gulped at her full breast like a goldfish. It was like placing a half-full water balloon in my mouth without the tacky plastic texture.

She was almost panting now. She pulled her tit from my mouth with a loud "pop" and released her own, saliva stained boob from her mouth.

"Drive down that lane" Darla pointed at a break in some trees across the clearing.

I moved quickly and within 20 seconds we were rumbling along a dirt track.

"Pull in here" she said after about 100 metres.

She jumped out of the car and rushed straight round to my door. She opened it and as I swung my legs out and made to stand up she pushed me back into my seat in such a way that I had to brace myself against the door frame to stop myself falling backwards across the front seat.

She had me where she wanted me.

In my exposed position she expertly undid my belt buckle with a flourish and flicked my top trouser button undone with a twist. My flies were undone and trousers pulled low before I could recover my pose.

I was wearing button fronted boxers. A nice pair I'd bought from the store. She tore at the buttons, popping them loose without any care. I think she expected my dick to spring loose but, when it didn't, she delved into the my boxers, grabbed what she could and pulled upwards. My cock was getting hard and It had curled underneath my balls. She struggled to pull it out initially but eventually it snapped free. She was on her knees and held my dick at its base.

She licked her lips and pursed them before placing them on the end of my dick. Immediately her cheeks sucked inwards as she made a vacuum seal around the tip. She began to move her head in a small motion back and forth up and down the head, maintaining a tight seal all the while.

I leant back and closed my eyes. Even in my wildest dreams my plan didn't have this at its conclusion.

She took my dick out of her mouth and deposited a long, thick spool of spit onto the head. She moved to the side to catch a better view and watched her own hand wank my shaft up and down, spreading the drool all along it's length.

"I want to fuck your tits" I said in a state of semi-conscious lust.

"All you boys are the same." She smiled.

She pulled out a small handbag-sized pot of baby lotion from her jacket pocket.

"That's why I always take some of this with me wherever I go."

She moved her left arm underneath both of her engorged tits and squeezed them together. With her right hand she squirted half a bottle of oil across her tits, allowing it to pool in her cleavage much like the drool that had slipped from her mouth earlier when passionately sucking at her own tit.

She rubbed the oil in, focusing on her cleavage, and then shifted forward.

She wanked my dick between her tits making sure to keep a firm grip and covering every inch in oil. When she was satisfied with the coverage she removed her hand and squeezed her veiny tits together, pinning my dick in a wet, pillowy embrace.

She pushed at her tits from either side, at the point where they met her chest, so that they formed perfectly round orbs of glistening flesh.

By pinning them in that fashion she cut off some of the blood supply and so her tits began to change colour from a pale white to a flushed pink. The veins I'd admired earlier became more prominent and I felt the pulse from her heart through my dick.

She moved up and down squeezing her tits together hard and occasionally changing the pace but never slowing to a stop.

The sounds were awesome. "Squelch", "slop", "furt", "schlip", "thud, thud, thud". This was the soundtrack to my moment of bliss.

The tip of my dick became more and more engorged as it filled with blood, it throbbed with excitement and turned from a deep red to a shade of purple the longer she wanked me with her tits.

"Darla, I can't take much more of this." I said in the kind of pathetic, garbled way that men do when they're close to coming.

"What kind of security guard are you" she said as she upped the pace "to trick a girl into fucking you with her tits like this?"

"Schlop", "flop", "thip, thip, thip" the soundtrack continued.

"You're going to cum all over my face and tits aren't you?"

I closed my eyes.

"Then you're gonna drive away and leave me here with my tits out covered in your cum like the little slit I am. Aren't you?"

My dick began to pulse and shudder.

"I fucking love it" she said as the first spray of cum erupted from my dick.

Speckles landed on her lower chin and lips, then came three solid spurts of thick white sperm-filled spunk. The first hit the top of her forehead and deflected onto her hair. The second shot straight up her left nostril. She didn't blink. The third landed horizontally across her lower eyelids and again she took it without a flinch. Further globs of cum came after that but they did not have the force to reach her face from between her throbbing tits. Instead they shot upwards and then fell back down in wads onto her tits. The final strokes merely tricked down the sides of my dick into her cleavage. By the end she was covered in a fine film of semen, thoroughly used and manipulated, just as she liked it.

I drove away down the path leaving her with her tits covered in my spunk, just like she said I would.

My only departing words to her…

"I'll see you in the store. Same time next week… And come alone."

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2wzet4/my_big_fat_gypsy_titwank


  1. Don’t worry, Darla will return I’m sure! Hoping to introduce her mum into the story sometime as well.

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