Actual English professor here – hope none of you guys are my students! WARNING – BDSM CONTENT.

I come crawling into the room on all fours up to where you sit on the couch. I look at you and after a short while, you nod and I take your pants down. Then you make me sit and wait while you restrain only my legs (a reason for this – stay tuned).

I crawl up to you again and with your permission, I take you in my mouth. I take ALL of you in my mouth. I have the ability to suppress my gag reflex and I deep throat you and all you hear is that "ugh, ugh, ugh" sound a woman makes when she is taking it deep, deep down the throat. You pull my hair, hard, and tell me what a good girl I am. I suck on you hard, so hard – like I am trying to get every inch of you inside of me. After a while, you start to cum and I suck you harder so I can get your whole load. It fills my entire mouth, and I swallow it while "mmmming." There is so much, that it drips down my face and onto the floor. I use my fingers to mop up my face and and then lick them slowly – you taste so good I need every single ounce of you. Then I lie face down while I lick the floor to get whatever was left behind.

You call me a good girl, and I look up at you and say, "thank you Sir, thank you." You pick me up a bit roughly and drag me into the bedroom. You re-tie my legs and then my hands to the bed, facedown. I hear you drag something out, but I can't see it. What is it? I hear the whish and I feel the crack and, oh, god, you are giving it to me good. A little warm up, and then you are wailing on me. You change it up. If I guess what you are using, I get to pick the next one – if I am wrong, you paddle and whip me harder. But I won't cry out; not yet. You bring out the whip with the small chains woven in with leather straps – you know the one; the one I hate the most. You swat me, once, twice, three times. I feel the skin burning and stinging, but still I won't cry out. You stop for a short while and gently caress my sore, aching bottom. You kiss the bottom of my neck so sweetly. And then, with all of your strength, you whip me and I cry out – finally – and we are both relieved.

You untie me and stand before me, naked, at the bed. I get down on my knees and ask "Sir, please, Sir, oh let me take you back in my mouth. I need your cock, I NEED it." I get down on all fours and whine and beg and plead. You nod your assent. I lie upside down on the bed and you jam your cock so far down my throat that I think I am going to gag, but I don't. I hold you in, I moan and squirm and suck you for a few minutes. Abruptly, you stop me. You roughly push me aside. I grope for your hard dick, but you hold me down. A blindfold, cool and dark, glides onto my face. You gently lay me down. By now I am so wet that I am practically dripping. You dive down and eat my pussy like you can't get enough; like I have earned it. Oh Sir, yes, yes, yes. I want you to take your time. But suddenly you're gone. I can't see you. Where are you? I hear a whirring and then, I feel the vibrator, the big, wide one on my clitoris. Oh, oh Sir, it's so good, it's so good. It's too good. I want you to slow down, but you whisper that I can either be difficult and get it the hard way or I can be a good girl and accept that I don't get to cum when I want to.

I choose to be difficult. I squirm and thrash and you are forced to tie me down again, tighter this time. I am stretched all the way out. You hold the wand to my clitoris, all the while roughly fingering my pussy. It is too much, I let out a moan and cum – hard, really hard. And then, you are back in my mouth. "Thank you Sir" I whisper around your dick. It tastes so good. But then, it is gone again. You take off my blindfold and then tell me, very plainly that you are going to fuck me now.

And so you take me, hard, just like I'd hoped you would. You go on for a while, I don't know how long. It is good and time passes so fast, and so slowly. I feel your build up. I feel you getting ready. Your breath becomes short and labored and I know what is coming. "Oh please Sir, please cum inside of me. I want your hot load in my pussy."

You deposit what I deserve in my vagina and take your dick out. You slap my body and face with your still dripping cock. You tell me that I am going to have to lie in your cum for a while, that I have to feel it in my body and on my face. I nod. I search around with my tongue on my face, hoping to get some of your cum in my mouth. It tastes so good and I get a little right at the corner of my mouth and mmmmmm, god you taste delicious. I could never, ever get enough of your cum inside of me. I want to swallow you whole.

I fall asleep, dreaming of the beautiful bruises I will have in the morning. The bruises are the secret that we keep. Just for us. When I wake, you untie me and very gently help me to the bathroom, where you wash my body clean in a warm and wonderful bath. We go to bed, exhausted and blissful.


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  1. Professor you paint a great picture. Can you reverse your creativity and be the dominant one?

  2. I’m not into BDSM at all, but I read yours story and I thought the end where the couple showered together was sweet, and from what I’ve heard is an accurate depiction of a healthy BDSM relationship. Good job :)

  3. Thank you. I very much enjoy writing and I *very*much enjoyed writing this.

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