Breaking in a pornstar – Part 1 [Mdom][Fsub][Str8][bdsm]

"Hold the elevator please!" a female voice cried out. He held his briefcase forward to prevent the elevator doors from closing. A womans appeared around the corner in the hall. "Thank you so much." she said and hurried into the elevator. "No problem." he replied. The woman raised her hand in an effort to press the elevator button for the ground floor, but saw that it had already been pressed. He knew her from somewhere. "You're Gisele right?" the man enquired. "Uh, yeah." she replied. "Have we met before?" "No no. I know you from your work." He had spent many hours in front of the computer watching the very girl that now stood beside him. "Ah, I see." she said, less excited. "I don't get that alot anymore." The nooded in acknowledgement, then turned to face the elevator doors. Rumbling noise was now the only sound filling the small space. "Sorry, um… I just…" Gisele started. He looked over at her. "It's just that when guys meet me in person, they usually try hitting on me. Oh, this must sound so narscisitic, but I was just wondering why you're not." she swallowed. "I mean, you've seen my work, so you're probably not gay. I just…" "Well." he interrupted her. "Let's just say, I've seen your work and you're not my type." That was a complete lie. He had to focus. "Not your type?" she looked confused. "I don't think it would be as good in reality as you make it look on tape." Lies. Nothing but lies. It would most likely be amazing. "But I…" she gave up. She was not used to rejection, he could see that. "It all just seem a bit fake to me." he said. She look up at him. There it was. He saw it in her eyes. "What! No, look. I can prove it to you." she turned to him. "Just take me to your place and I'll prove that I'm the best fuck you'll ever have." He faked contemplation. But in his mind the matter was already settled. "Fine. If it'll make you stop." he handed her his business card. 'John L. Simmons – IT security counsultant' "Call me tomorrow." Baffled and intrigued Gisele remained in the elevator as he walked out. John could almost not believe it. Not only had he met Gisele, she was also on the hook. He had to play this cool; use her distaste for rejection against her.

The following day was blessed with sunshine from morning to afternoon. There was a slight breeze in the air. Flowers were just popping up, and the bird were practicing their mating calls. John looked down at his wristwatch. 8.15, she should be here any minute. The brief conversation they had over the phone earlier was just enough to give her directions to the motel. It's a single room with a small kitchen area, perfect for what he had planned. The doorbells rings, interrupting his thoughts. He takes a deep breath and walks to the door. The doorknob effortlessly turns and the door swing open. Gisele burst in the door, flinging her arms around his neck. Disconscerned with the open door, she lean forward and press her lips against his. John senses an intense eagerness. This girl really wants to prove something. He pulls away. "What are you doing?" he asks her. Once again baffled, she lets her arms fall to her sides. "I… I… I…" she stuttered. "Close the door." He gestured to the wide open door behind her. She turned around and closed the door. "Now take your clothes off." he demanded. In an naive effort Gisele took her jacket off and hung it up on the coathanger by the door. "I mean ALL your clothes." John was calm but firm. "What?" she replied and looked at him. "Go on." he looked her deep in the eyes, making sure not to blink. Finally she looked down at the floor. Her hands slowly traveled to her waist, grabbin her tank top at the bottom. By raising her arms she was able to pull the top off, revealing a set of beautiful breasts held in place by a red 36DD bra with lace. She dropped the top onto the floor and continued. Her hands now reached behind her back to her bra strap. With a swift movement her bra was undone and her breasts released. She dropped the bra onto the floor next to the top. He had seen her naked before, but never like this, never in real life. The thought was exhilirating.

Giseles hands were now ready to unbutton her jeans. She looked up at him. Her mouth said nothing, but her eyes spoke volumes. "Go on." he reminded her. Again, she looked down. Her hands slowly undoing the buttons of her jeans, one by one. With alittle help the jeans dropped to the floor. Underneath was a pair of red panties that matched the bra. Through the thin cloth of the panties, he could see that she had a small strip of pubic hair. Gisele continued by grabbing her panties with both hands and stepping out of them. She gently dropped the panties in the pile with the other clothes. Her gaze was fixed on the floor for a bit, then slowly travelled up to meet his. John noticed how vulnerable she was. Though used to being naked, she had probably never been treated this way. "Mmm very nice. Go stand over by the bed." Without a word she obeyed. "Good. Now spin around." She hesitated, but then complied. As she started spinning around, he started taking his clothes off. He paused now and then to admire the curves of her body. Naked, he walked over to Gisele and sat down on the bed. "That's good. Let's see what you can do." He layed back on the bed and put his hands behind his head. John caught a glimpse of determination in Giseles eyes as she realized what was asked of her. She got on the bed and put one leg on either side of his legs. John could feel the heat of her groin against his upper legs. Gisele spat in her right hand, rubbed it against her left hand and put both of them on his dick. In sync she slowly moved them up and down, squeezing his shaft with the right hand and the head with her left. At first John didn't know how long he could last. But then suddenly she started moaning like a rampant whore. Maybe it was all the years in the sex industry or her determination to succeed. "Stop it!" he grabbed her hands. "What?" she look down at him, concerned. "Stop your fake moaning, this isn't one of your videos." With a gently but grip around her wrist, he turned his body to the right, making her fall onto the bed next to him. He pushed himself up and got ontop of her. With his right hand he guided his wet dick toward her pussy. As he slowly thrusted forward, the head of his dick slid in between her pussy lips. Soon, half his dick was inside her. She hadn't made a single noise so far. Maybe it was because of the order to stop moaning, or she genuinly didn't feel that much. John decided to test her. He thrust forward hard, and the last half of his dick disappeared into her. Surprised, she let out a loud gasp. He pulled his dick back out just far enough not to let the head out. Gisele looked up at him with desire in her eyes as he started fucking her. Johns big throbbing dick was sliding in and out of her wet pussy. It was incredibly tight despite the things he had seen her do. Gisele wrapped her legs around him and started moaning again, just like before. He leaned forward, his chest pressed against her breasts. Then he put his right hand over hear mouth, muffling her moaning. Their noses were almost touching, as his dick was slamming into her pussy. John looked her deep in the eyes. "Is this what you wanted?" he whispered into her ear. She nodded. "Is this your idea of the best fuck ever?" Her head didn't move this time. She just looked at him. "You're a useless whore. Aren't you?" At first she kept her head still, but after a little bit she started nodding. "Say it." he removed his hand from her mouth. She panted. "I. am. a. whore." she replied between thrusts. "You're a what whore?" he demanded. Still determined to please, she took a deep breath and screamed: "I AM A USELESS WHORE." "Good girl. Now that there are no delusion that what you're providing here, let's do it my way." John pulled his dick out, grabbed her by the waist and turned her around. Lying on her stomach, her beautiful round ass was arched towards him. Once again he guided his dick into her pussy. He then leaned forward, letting his whole weight thrust his dick into her. Giseles blonde hair was spread out over her neck and down her back. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear: "Now you can moan all you want, I won't be able to hear it." The opposite was proven as Gisele started screaming into the pillow, but she wouldn't know. Her short bursts of screaming was mixed with the sound of flesh pressing against flesh everytime he pushed his dick into her.

John leaned over to bedside table and grabbed a vibrator that he put there before. He then leaned back over Gisele and whispered to her: "Grab this." He put the vibrator on max and put it in her hand. Gisele instinctively grabbed the vibrator and put it against her pussy. Being pressed down on her, John could even feel the vibrations in his dick. Gisele started squirming. The vibrator was too much. Her body started twitching. She turned her head sideways. "I'm gonna' cum!" He didn't care. His hips thrusted faster than ever. "I'm gonna' cum!" she repeated "I'm gonna… I'm…" Her sentence was cut short by a deep groan. The groan got louder and turned into a high pitched scream. "AAAHH. AAAAAHHH. FUUUCK." Her body was shaking uncontrollably. John did his best to hold her down and continue fucking her, but to no avail. She managed to squirm free of his grip. The vibrator was flung onto the floor. "OOOH. MYYY. GOOOD." Gisele was still twitching on the bed. But as the orgasm faded away, she regained control of herself. She was panting, gasping for air. "Did…" she had to swallow "Did you cum?" She wasn't even looking at him, just straight up at the ceiling. "No." he replied. "Just like I expected." "I'm… I'm sorry it's…" she started. "Get on your knees." he interrupted her. "What?" "You promised me the fuck of my life. I expect that you atleast make me cum." She understood. Her still shaking arms managed to lift her up as she sat on the bed. Gisele then kneeled on the floor next to the bed. John stood up in front of her, his dick swaying just inches away from her face. With his left hand he grabbed a hold of her hair by the back of her head, and with his right hand he took a firm grip of his dick. As she looked up at him, he noticed that she had tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying?" John asked. "I'm just… This is the first time anyone has made me feel that good." she replied "It was amazing for me." More tears were coming. There was something about a naked girl crying that turned him on more than he could ever imagine. "I…" she sobbed "I just want you to feel the same way." "Well, here's your chance. Open your mouth." She obeyed. John let the head of his dick rest against her lips as he admired the broken beauty infront of him. With a firm grip of her hair, he pushed her mouth onto his dick. She couldn't take all of it, but she made up for that with her tounge. The tears were now streaming down her face and it turned him on so much. "You're a worthless slut." he said. Behind her tears he could see something new, acceptance. Being called a slut was no longer an insult to her, she had accepted that as her identity. Atleast in his presence. With a final thrust into her mouth he could feel that point of no return. His leg muscles was tensing up, his abs were too. With a swift motion he pulled his dick out of her warm mouth and leaned her head back. John grabbed his dick with his right hand. It was contorting. He pulled his foreskin back and aimed at her face.

He wanted to close his eyes, but he wouldn't let himself miss this moment. With a last tug, strings of warm, sticky cum started shooting out of his dick and landing on her awaiting face, mixing with the tears. The first one landed over her nose, the next on her lips and the third under her left eye. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling that was taking place as three more string shot out.

As he opened his eyes again, he was presented with the face of a sobbing girl smeared with cum and tears. The orgasm faded and he remembered his critical mission. He walked over to the pile of Giseles clothes, picked it up and threw it over to her. "It's time for you to leave." No response. Gisele got up off the floor and started putting her clothes on. Before putting her top on, she wiped her face clean with it. John opened the door and handed Gisele her jacket. She stopped infront of him, looked down at the floor and asked. "Did I please you?" John was amused. "No you didn't. I thought that was obvious." She remained still, this time looking up at him. "Will you teach me?" she asked with utmost sincerity. John sighed. "Fine. When you get home tonight, I want you to text me your number." Gisele took the jacket, put it on and walked out the door.

To be continued.



  1. The introduction of the characters felt weak. They met at an elevator and then went straight to fucking. There’s a potential story in between that got left behind. I know the whole point of a sexy story is to get to the fucking; but it is, nonetheless, a story. Characters and relationships need to develop. It felt like I was reading a porn script, which isn’t necessarily a good thing.

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