short story lady porn Rex and Desiree

Tobias Rex and Penelope Desiree

He had the aura of a Roman Centaur She was a beacon of sexual wanton Their magnetism was instant How she wanted to feel him on her lips the first hours upon meeting They agreed to meet again that week Penelope was star struck. She saw his name in lights. He was performing that very next night and she laden herself w clothes revealing thigh high boots and bright red lips. She took a seat at the bar where her eyes pierced through the dark audience The spot lights sparkled off his guitar and he played with a passion she had not before experienced Wonder and awe made her sexual desires purr panther like. Bosoms pronounced in the flickering lights of the New Orleans bar. He decided he would approach on the bands next break. The sexual tension between them blinded out the others in the room. Jolts of ecstasy pulsed within each one as if lightning itself coursed through their veins. Hearts racing, Blood flowing into their nether regions, they knew the other must be explored. She felt herself getting wet between her legs just with the utter imagination of his body pressed against hers. His excitement mounting as his pants grew tighter. He approached the bar with a gorgeous smile and a sexy nod offering to buy her a drink. She gladly accepts and let's him slide onto the stool next to her bare crossed legs hidden only by the leather mini and thigh high black leather boots. They order their drinks–Hurricanes Nola style And his hand begins to stoke the leather of her boot She holds back the intense desire to straddle him right there in the bar. The heat between them making their hearts beat stronger. Their eyes were like darts of fire locked onto one another's faces. "Let's get a room," he offers and takes her hand with strength and confidence and leads her out to the crisp night air. The moon was full and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and when they had moved a way past the door, he kissed her passionately and asked "Do I scare you?" With a glimmer in her eye, she mirthfully said, no. The mischievous sprite in her stirring her sexual longings for this passionate stranger. How tender he is, yet how powerful and bold his presence. There was a small boutique hotel across the road with a vacancy sign lit up at the entrance. They chose a 3rd floor suite with balcony and quickly made themselves comfortable. The hotel had offered a bottle of complimentary champagne which he skillfully opened with a resounding pop of the cork and as the bubbles flowed out of the spout, their laughter pealed through the still night air echoed only by the sounds of a live music across the street. Drinking down their first glass and culminating in yet another passionate kiss, he refilled their glasses and led her to the bed. Buttons, zippers and clothes flew open with nimble finger tips. And the ecstasy culminating into a first position of 69.
Enjoying the silky softness of one another, soon led to assertive penetration. His member immediately found her entrance. As if their bodies were built for one another. Multiple positions ensued and their movements danced in harmony, unfolding in an erotic display of passion. He thrilled at her request to finish in a pearl necklace–all over her neck and chest and performed for her like no other lover before him. Falling into the pillows, satisfied and still hungry they caught their breath to prepare for the second round. To be continued….
