27 year old sister comes home looking for some dick. Part 1? [mF][inc]

This was from a prompt from over at r/dirtypenpals, but the user deleted their account. Not wanting this to go to waste, I present it for your smutty indulgences. I can continue it if there is interest.

The background: You are 27, living in the city. I, your little brother, am 22, living with you as I work on my degree. You went out partying tonight, hoping to catch some dick and end your dry spell. I'm asleep when you come home and stumble, drunk, into my bedroom.

"Hey, Sis, you okay there-" I start to ask as you look hungrily at me. You have this primal lust in your eyes that I've never seen before. Sometimes, late at night, when I couldn't sleep, I would briefly think about about you coming in like this, drunk, disheveled and horny.

My words are cut off as you press your lips against mine, as your hips straddle mine, trapping me under my covers. I sleep in just my boxers most nights and I become very aware of this fact as you sit on top of my growing erection, grinding back and forth eagerly.

You pull away from the kiss and look seductively at me. Your make up accentuates the sharp curves of your face and brows, making you look like a model in the dim light of my bedroom. I've never seen anyone as hot.

"Come on little brother….have you never thought about my hands wrapped around your cock? Have you never wanted to pound my ass as I scream your name? I know I've thought about interrupting you in the shower as you masturbate." As you talk, your hand slides down my chest, dragging your fingers in lazy circles around my muscled torso. "I might be wasted, little brother, but I still want you to fuck me"

You sit up, black wiggle dress shining softly in the darkness. You sit on the edge of the bed, taking off your black and red pumps. "unzip me, little brother. I want to show you something"

In a daze, I sit up and do as you ask. Well, I start to. I get distracted by the curves of your body and running my hands down your sides and up the front of your dress, taking your breasts in my hands, squeezing and kneading them.

"Oh, little brother…." you moan softly.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2xvr4u/27_year_old_sister_comes_home_looking_for_some


  1. I’m in the midst of writing out part two! I should have it posted soon. ™

  2. Sorry. But what ever happened: you were dropped off in one of the three most decrepit cities in America: NYC, Chicago, or Detroit. What poor dump, did you land in? Or were you blessed with something better?

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