The PRV Machine Pt 1

Lila stood in front of the interface. The hub was glowing, ready for her input. She looked at the screen floating in the air to the left, it showed the avatar representing her in the virtual world. The woman it displayed was tall and voluptuous. Her skin was a beautiful ebony black and her muscles finely defined. Deep black curls floated in a halo around her head. Triangles of red lace tied with string cupped her nipples and covered the trimmed black curls at the junction of her thighs. Matching lace thigh highs ended in impossible heels that she would not have been able to wear in the real world. She knew she looked like sex, and she knew she wanted sex bad enough that dampness was already spreading across her panties, but still the hub glowed waiting for her decision.

She took a deep breath. Nobody she knew was online right now, and even if they were, it's not like anybody could see what she was doing unless she displayed it. She flicked her fingers quickly to double check her display preferences. Satisfied, she launched Pleasure program. She had only recently purchased her PVR, after many friends had started playing a MMORPVRG and she hadn't wanted to be excluded. She had quickly grown enthralled with what the PVR could do, spending hours trying on clothes and "walking" around famous landmarks. Lila had read about the Pleasure program and its immense popularity on the PVR machines, even leading some to nickname it the Perv machine. She had broken up with her boyfriend a couple of months ago, it had been a pretty serious relationship, so she was just now starting to feel sexual again. She had been getting ready to give herself an evening of romance and pleasure when she remembered the Pleasure program and thought she'd try it out.She read through the first page of instructions and laughed out loud. She was going to need to print a penis. Giggling, she twitched her finger to open the window and started adjusting measurements on the floating penis, choosing one just a little longer and thicker than the average, well, maybe just a little longer and thicker. She hit print, and heard the 3D printer start buzzing with activity. She continued reading through the instructions. Did she want to play online? They had pretty intense questionnaires you had to fill out, plus mandatory account checks for trolls. They were pretty thorough in their security, but Lila didn’t feel ready for that yet. Still, she spent some time browsing through some of the display profiles. She idly wondered what they were like in real life, well aware that avatars rarely resembled their owners, many were in over-exaggerated anime style, something that was very popular in Asia. She had a number of her own animated or fantastic avatars and regularly switched between them as she surfed. An alert came up over the hub, and Lila paused the system with a voice command. The display shut off and she could see the dark interior of the helmet. She lifted it up and swung her legs off the chair. The PRV consisted of a reclining chair and a series of sophisticated interface pads that were strapped onto various portions of her anatomy, there were five on the tips of each finger that recorded her finger movements to interface with the machine. She pulled the strapped glove off to remove the newest addition to the machine from the printer. She stroked the still warm plastic with her exposed finger. She hadn't realized the printer could even make plastic this soft with the polymers she had stocked. Dampness spread even further down her thighs and she considered taking it for a test run before she attached it, but Lila knew it would be better if she waited. She slid open the panel in the chair and examined the strange contraption her newly printed dildo fit into. She fitted the base into the slot. When she climbed back onto the bench it was a few inches below the moist lips of her pussy. They quivered in delicious anticipation. She fitted the glove back onto her hand, then leaned back and fastened the hood back over herself. The machine started the slow interface with her nervous system, taking control of what signals were being sent to her brain. It wasn't complete, she could still feel the chair beneath if she concentrated, but it was still incredibly immersive. The room materialized around her and she could feel the lace at her breasts and the soft constriction of the thigh highs. A soft whirr and subtle vibration felt through her thighs told her that the dildo mechanism was booting up. For a slight second she felt the soft tip brush her slit and she moaned out loud.

Laughing at herself for her own obvious need, she opened the program menu. It listed types of scenarios for her to choose from, and gave descriptions next to it. You could then customize the setting and participant pool. On this side of the program it became more expensive the more complicated your session, not so on the public side. For a monthly subscription you could do whatever your imagination could contemplate so long as you could find people who wanted to do it too.

Deciding to keep it simple and fun for her first time she chose a consenting, romantic interlude. She chose male as her counterpart, but noted the selection of females, already deciding she might indulge some questions she had at a later date. She fiddled with the settings until she was happy with the results. She hit submit. The program beeped softly, then the hub and the room she stood in dissolved into a gray fog before coalescing into a large open meadow. Bright flowers carpeted the large circle of grass, circled with a perfect forest; bird song and a babbling brook could be heard in the distance. She stood on a raised square dais in the middle of the meadow. The dais was mostly consumed with a giant bed, draped in piles of of brilliantly white bedding. She ran her hand over the fabric and was pleasantly surprised by the feel of soft cotton beneath her hands.


1 comment

  1. Oh wow, that was great! It has a certain plausibilty to it with all the technology coming about. Perfect intro to your world, can’t wait for more. :D

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