Former employee needs a friend (PART 2)

I woke up earlier than Shawna and slid out of bed to get breakfast started. She was snoring super loud so I grabbed my phone and made a recording of it to blackmail her with it later. I fried up so bacon and eggs with toast and jam and put it onto two plates. I set one on a tray with a flower from a bookshelf and brought it into the bedroom. Shawna was awake and smiling when I came in with a tray and set it down at the foot of the bed. I pulled out a prop up tray that made it so she could eat while propped up in bed. "What's so funny" I asked as she giggled when I set the plate and tray on top.

"Nothing…Well, it's not nothing, it's you. You don't see all the little things you do, do you?" She crunched the toast and looked at me for a second

"What do you mean? The breakfast thing? I just thought it would be nice. I was going to make this anyway for myself, I jut thought I'd cut you in on the action" I quickly skipped back into the kitchen and grabbed my plate and two glasses of orange juice, handing her one. She smiled again and laughed.

"Collin, you're an idiot. Why are you single?" She sipped the orange juice and started on her eggs, still looking at me, like it was a test or something.

"I don't know. Just like you, I think I'm a catch. I told you how things didn't work out with the last 2 girls I took out." Both to a show, some food and drink, one I took to mini golf on our second date, the other to a bowling alley. Neither returned my calls after that. "They just didn't call back."

Shawna closed her eyes "You should have gotten them wasted and then cooked for them after a sex-less evening. I can't tell you how hot this is." She was going to town on her eggs and the bacon was disappearing too.

"Really? This works that well, huh?" I smiled watching her desperate munching and washing down with OJ. "More?" I asked when she was finally done with the toast and jam.

"No. I ate too fast." She pushed the tray away a little and leaned back closing her eyes. "Seriously, Collin. If you want to get a woman hot and bothered, fix her a chaste breakfast. I can't emphasis how much that drives us wild. It makes me want to fuck you." She smiled, eyes closed for a second letting her statement sink in. She opened her eyes to see me looking at her cautiously. "Too forward?" She asked coyly.

I decided this was my chance to mess with her. I put my plate down and grabbed her tray and made my to the kitchen deliberately without changing my expression. She looked confused at first then worried. "Oh god, Collin I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." She was panicking and followed after me. I set the dishes in the sink and stood there facing away from her. "Collin, I'm sorry. I thought you would laugh like when we used to joke at the shop" I turned to look at her, still not playing my hand and looked at her for a second.

"How much of you was hoping I'd go for it?" I asked and stood expressionless for a second before I smiled. Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth when she knew I wasn't mad.

"You asshole! I thought I fucked up our friendship by…."She stopped trailed off after slapping me a few times while she shouted.

"Ruined by what? Suggesting that I was a nice guy?" I turned and started to clean the dishes

"No! Ugh, honesty time" She sat at the counter behind and to the right of the sink. "I was serious about how it is hot and that I'm surprised that you're still single" I thanked her for the compliment as I turned and finished the dishes. "I was honest about the other thing too. I like that you spoiled me with breakfast. It made me feel wanted and loved and I haven't felt that way in a long time." I could tell that she was serious. I turned around drying my hands and she was looking down at the counter. She looked up at me and I noticed her eyes were a little watery.

"Shawna, I'm sorry that you ever had to feel anything but love. You deserve so much more than what you got from Cameron." I went to hug her as she stood up. She grabbed me tightly and squeezed for a long time before letting go. "Did you want to take a shower? I figured we could watch movies and hang out…" before I could finish she jumped up putting her arms around me and kissed me hard. It was pressure, and tongue, and her head was moving around violently. She was moving her hands all over my head and face and I could barely breath. She finally pulled away and we stared at each other for a little bit.

"I do want to take a shower…with you, right now" She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom and turned on the shower. By the time I had my shirt off, she was out of the t-shirt and sweats and was testing the temperature of the water. Her ass was round and defined and the way she was bending to check the water made her hamstrings kind of pop too, which turned me on. I reached out and touched her legs and ran my fingers up to her ass cheeks and cupped them. "Oh my god" She breathed as she stood up. She turned around and stared at me while she pulled down the waist band on my pajama pants. I wasn't wearing boxers so I was immediately naked. She looked at my dick and stopped. I'm not the biggest guy on the planet, but I'm big; about 8 inches fully erect, but also I'm thick. She slowly reached out and put her hand on the head and pet it slowly. I wasn't hard yet, but when she started to touch me, she could see the blood start to pump and throb its way to the area. She smiled unconsciously and looked back up at me. "It probably looks so big because I'm so small" She smiled and grabbed me tighter.

"You wish" I said as I grabbed her other hand and placed it onto the head. She gasped and it took a second before she started to stroke me, looking up occasionally at me and then back at my dick as I quickly came to full steam.
