Former employee needs a friend (PART 3)

"Oh my god!" She said as it kept growing. She moved to the side and step and looked at it slightly lower. "That's crazy. I've never been with someone this big!" She giggled and moved to the other side and put her arm next to the shaft to compare sizes (it was smaller than her arm, but not by much). She looked up at me as if to ask 'what are we going to do now?' I reached over and turned the shower off. She looked confused as I grabbed her and picked her up and held her ass as she wrapped her legs around me kissing me. I walked her into the bedroom and sat on the bed, making my cock press against her back as she was now sitting on my lap. She breathed hard as it rubbed on her back and she reached behind to stroke it while we kissed. I figured I would continue my nice-guy routine and go down on her first. I also genuinely love going down on women, so double-plus in this instance. I stood up and placed her on the edge of the bed and moved onto my knees. She started to stop me, and I just grabbed her and pulled her thong to the side putting my mouth directly on her pussy. She was completely shaven and soft and smooth. I could tell that she was actually turned on by breakfast because she was pretty wet already. She stopped protesting once I moved my tongue across her slit. She didn't let go of my hair and head, just half guided my around, half followed me when I moved. I hadn't been licking just the outside for more than half a minute before she suddenly sundered and then relaxed.

"That was amazing. Mmm, now your turn" She tried to pull me up, but I wasn't budging. I held her down and looked her in the eyes for several seconds.

"You're going to have to beg me to stop" I said seriously as I slowly moved back to her opening and started licking again, still maintaining eye contact. She squirmed for a few seconds, not knowing what to do before succumbing to the feeling and closing her eyes again. She was sensitive and was close to a second orgasm within another minute and a half, but I slowed the pace and alternated kissing her inner thighs and belly, trailing my tongue all over. She was breathing really hard and everything I did seemed to make her moan. I finally put my full mouth on her pussy and licked from bottom to top finishing at the clit and spending extra time there each stroke. She couldn't take more than 4 before she arched her back, shaking and spasming for 10 seconds, grabbing my head. She was silent and held her breathe, finally gasping after the orgasm finished. I kept on her and kept licking and licking. She screamed to stop, then to not stop as she came again, shorter but even harder this time. I pushed her legs high up into the air and pressed my index finger onto her asshole, lightly at first and then more and more pressure with each tongue stroke on her pussy. I just barely pushed the tip of the finger into her ass and then rubbed it around in a circle with hard pressure. He muscles were tight at first, but as her next orgasm came, she relaxed and relaxed and relaxed. When she came, he ass literally opened up and I slid 3 fingers in as she bucked and moved. I pulled them out as she tightened back up, but kept the pressure on. She had 4 more orgasms before asking me to stop, and 2 after that before I gave into her begging. She rested on the bed, sweaty and gorgeous for a minute before looking up at me standing at the edge.

"That was unbelievable. I have never came like that even once, let alone a bazillion times". She laughed as she rolled over to the side I was standing on. "I can't wait to feel your dick slide into me." She looked at me so sweetly as she stroked my cock. She started to kiss and make out with the head while looking at me. It was as big around as her mouth so trying to blow me seemed like it would be a challenge but she started in on it. After a few minutes she stood up and pushed me down on the bed assuming the kneeling BJ position. I started to tell her not to bother before she shoved he head onto my dick so hard that I thought she hurt her throat. She made it half way the first time before having to stand up to get a better angle. She fucked my cock with her face for 30 seconds before taking a break and looked at me through the water running down her eyes. "I always wanted to try to face fuck a big dick" She grabbed my hands and put them on her head before latching onto my cock again. "Fuck my mouth" She said with my dick in her mouth. So I started to slowly and methodically push her down and up, a little harder and further each time. She took a breath every 2 strokes or so through sloppy spit and progressively louder moans. She reached down with her hands and rubbed her pussy until she came, head shaking while I held her down hard on my cock. She finally pushed off of me and caught her breath, still rubbing her pussy.

"That was amazing. This is all amazing. Fuck me now!" She half yelled and hopped up onto the bed. Her little boobs still held by her bra. I reached out and undid the clasp and took off the little coverings to reveal two double-pierced nipples. They looked like crosses and were silver shafts with red balls at each end. I grabbed her and popped one entire titty in my mouth. She moaned and reached down grabbing my dick and stroking while I ran my tongue in circles on her nipple. I reached around and spread her ass cheeks hard with my hands and got my fingers right up close to her asshole, putting pressure as I spread her ass open. She moaned again and I switched nipples. After a minute or two, I pulled her close and spun, landing with me on my back and her on top. She immediately went into a squat position and hovered over me, grabbing my cock and taking aim. She took her hand and rubbed the spit from her mouth and face from the violent BJ and rubbed her pussy with it. She rubbed for a second, and then looked up doubtful and asked "Do you have any lube?"

I smiled and said that it was in the bathroom in the medicine cabinet. "I have to go pee too, give me a minute" she bounced into the bathroom giggling the whole way. As she went, I took her all in. Small little frame, perky tiny tits with abnormally sized pierced nipples, a tight ass and legs. I laid naked on the bed for what seemed like ages. My dick started to go soft before I heard the door open again. She was holding the bottle of lube reading the back and then looked up at me. She smiled and then saw that my raging hard-on was not raging so hard. She took this cue to pop the cap of the bottle and turn around showing me her ass. She slowly started to rub her pussy and ass with lubed fingers. She inserted 2 fingers from one hand into her pussy and 1 finger from the other into her ass. She then moved up to 3 and 2, then 4 and 3 and then she started alternating each hand in and out of her pussy and ass. I was the hardest anyone had ever been and stood up going over to her. I grabbed the bottle of lube and dropped a little on my dick. I stood right behind her as she reached back and stroked me through her legs. She guided me toward her little pussy and I pushed against her. She pushed back and whispered "Slowly. I want to feel every inch of you.

I almost came right then before stealing myself and gritting my teeth. I kept pushing and pushing while she kept pushing back against me. Halfway in and she was gasping. I slowed and she pushed even harder, finally moving back and forth going deeper each time. I thought I might hurt her, but she finally just buried herself on me and yelled as she bottomed out. "Collin, you are sooooo deeeeep in my puuusssyyy!" She cried as she shook and put her hands on the door frame. I reached down and grabbed her tiny waist and started to pump in and out of her. "Holy shit! Holy Shit!" She breathed after 2 strokes and then she was silent and breathing.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?" I asked after she got quiet. She immediately grabbed my hand and squeezed

"Don't stop. Don't…..Stop…..Don't……Stop……" She could only whisper as I kept upping the speed and force. She must have cum 3 or 4 times before I pulled her away from the wall and tilted her up, still fucking her from behind. I fucked her as I walked her over to the bed. She shuddered as I bent her down over the edge of the bed and leaned onto her and started into her even harder. "Fuuuuuuuuck meeeeeee haaaarrddd!" She moaned and I slowed a little letting us catch our breathes.

"Do you want me to fuck you hard?" I asked and she moaned yes. I leaned down on top of her and whispered in her ear "Do you want me to REALLY fuck you hard?" She just cried out a little and nodded. I leaned back up and started to fuck her faster and faster and harder and harder holding onto her hips. I slammed into her every 4 or 5 strokes and buried myself into her pussy as deep as I could. Each time I did that she screamed. I reached up and grabbed her hair on the back of her head and pulled he up arching her back and just laid waste to her pussy. I slammed her as hard as I could for as long as I could. Her orgasms came in screaming wave after screaming wave. She started just making noises and breathing heavy as I reached down and slipped a finger in her asshole, moving it in and out as I fucked her. She was growling and groaning with each stroke. I tried pushing the envelope, seeing as how she was in animal land, and reached up and lightly held her neck in a choke position, but no pressure. She gasped at the feeling and had an orgasm from the surprise. I kept increasing the pressure until she put her hands on mine and pushed them into a full on choke hold. I rag-dolled Shawna for an hour and half. I came three times myself, pulling out and pushing her down onto my dick to shoot my load in her mouth. She swallowed each load and I went immediately back to fucking her as hard as I could. She told me to keep fucking her, and keep fucking her and keep fucking her. Finally she begged me to stop

"No more, no. I'll die if I cum again." She fell on forward on the bed and curled up. I laid down net to her and smiled. She started to move after a few minutes and rolled over and put an arm over me looking at me. She was getting her breathing back to normal. "That was amazing. I need you to fuck me again and as often as you possibly can. You can have me anytime, anywhere, and fuck me however you like as often as you like." She reached down and rubbed my dick, tenderly stroking it over and over. "I would let you fuck my ass and swallow your cum until you are tired of it." She smiled as I choked and looked at her suddenly.

"Jesus, Shawna! You're a fucking dirty little girl" I laughed as she smiled again

"I feel comfortable with you. I would try whatever you want because I trust you…plus you can make me cum like a slut all night long. So if you want to dominate me, or have me dominate you or just have me suck your cock under the table at a restaurant for an hour and see how many loads I can swallow. I will do that for you because I know you would do that for me if it was what I wanted." She closed her eyes and put her head on my shoulder and fell back asleep. I woke her up 20 minutes later and made her scream for another 2 hours before we finally took that shower.
