Weekend Getaway (MFMF) This turned out longer than I thought, sorry. To get straight to the sex scroll down to the ***** break

This is my first time sharing a story on here. I have been reading and enjoying the sub for several months now. This weekend something happened that changed our sex life for ever. This story details that adventure. I don't have the kind of friends in my life that I can share this kind of story with. So, I decided to let it out here, anonymously.

First a little back story. My name is Dave (39) and my wife is Amber (40). We met 2 years ago, through mutual friends. A year later we were married. We had a great sex life but were always interested in making it better. Amber is bi-sexual and had several girlfriends before we dated. A few months into our married life we started exploring our sexuality. We have experimented with different scenarios and roleplaying. There are a few stories that might be well received on here. We will see how this one goes first.

This past weekend was our first anniversary. We planned a trip to Gatlinburg for the weekend. Amber was so excited. Just a weekend alone and away from the world. Little did she know, earlier in the week, I was strolling through Casual Encounters on Craigslist looking for something to add to the weekend. I responded to an ad from a guy that was part of a couple looking for the same for some adult fun. We exchanged emails and seemed to hit it off pretty well. We exchanged numbers and decided to meet for drinks Friday night.

After checking in to our cabin, I told Amber to get dressed up to go out. At this point, she didn't have any idea what I was up to. I decided that I should let her in on it so that she wouldn't freak out on me. I told her about the Craigslist ad and that we were going to meet a couple for some drinks. She was very nervous but also extremely excited. To settle her nerves a bit, we smoked a blunt.

We had decided to meet Adam (43) and Brenda (40) at Hoggs and Honeys on the strip. We got there a few minutes ahead of them and grabbed a table and some drinks. Amber decided she needed to go to the restroom before they arrived and excused herself. She hadn't been gone a couple of minutes when Adam and Brenda came in. I recognized them immediately from the pictures we exchanged. I waved them over and introduce myself. You should have seen the looks on their faces when a single guy introduced himself, Priceless! I quickly explained that Amber was in the rest room and would be right out.

After she finished up and joined us, we all ordered another round and began getting to know each other. The girls hit it off right away and I noticed that Adam had a sense of humor that rivaled that of my wife. This was going much better than we had ever anticipated. We ordered a round of shots and decided to go some where a bit quieter and talk some more.

It had started raining a bit while we were inside and the girls shared an umbrella while we walked across the street to Crawdaddy's. We found a corner table and settled in. We started off with a couple of cocktails and shots. Amber loves karaoke and decided to get up and sing a song. When she returned to the table she kind of climbed over me to get in, spreading her legs quite wide. Now, she was wearing jeans but they fit very snug and hugged her fat pussy. She calls her camel-toe Camille and Camille came to the party. Adam remarked that if she keep doing that, either him or his wife would have to put their lips on her lips. We all chuckled and the tension was gone.

I mentioned earlier that Amber was nervous. Well to help settle her nerves she kept ordering shots and was getting pretty drunk. She felt like she needed some air and asked Brenda if she would like to walk out on the balcony. They walked outside and Adam and I started discussing the boundaries for the night. When they came back in, it was plainly obvious that they had been making out. We decide to call it a night and all went to our car for the short ride back to our cabin.

When we got to the cabin the ladies decided to stay on the porch for a few minutes. When they came in I realized just how drunk my lovely wife truly was. I followed her to the bathroom and asked if she was okay and did she want to call it a night and maybe try again the next night. She responded " Hell NO! I have been craving pussy and she isn't leaving until I get to eat her."

She pulled herself together and came back out to the main room. In her drunken state she thought it would be a good idea to smoke another blunt. Adam and Brenda didn't smoke but didn't seem to mind if we did. Amber gets up to a counter at the end of the bed and starts breaking up the weed for the blunt. Brenda is evidently very horny and decides she isn't waiting anymore.

She is sitting at the end of the bed right behind Amber and starts rubbing on her ass through her jeans. Amber is moaning and squirming around. She spreads her legs to give Brenda access to her fat pussy and Brenda greedily accepts the invite. She reaches around and undoes Amber's pant and pulls them down to just below her ass. Just barely allowing herself room to get her hand over the top of the pant and under Amber's ass and into her pussy.

By now Amber has forgotten that she was breaking up pot for a blunt and turns around to face Brenda. They begin kissing and lay back on the bed. Brenda rolls Amber over on her back and pulls her jeans and panties the rest of the way off and dives into her pussy.

Now my wife gets very wet when she is excited and Brenda noticed right away, saying she couldn't wait to taste that dripping pussy. She was licking Amber lick her life depended on satisfying that pussy. Amber had her head thrown back and was letting the world know how good it felt. She had her shirt and bra pushed up and was rubbing her cute little titties and pinching her huge nipples.

Now, from where i was sitting, all I could see was my wife's tits and face as Brenda was covering the rest of her up pretty good. In the position that she was in, on her knees eating my wife, her ass was pointed straight at me. She was wearing a dress that had pulled up. All I could see of her was the back of her blonde head bobbing up and down on my wife and her beautiful ass clad in black lace panties. I started rubbing my cock through my jeans and looked over at Adam. I motioned that we should join in. He motioned for me to go ahead.

I moved in and started off by making out with my sexy wife. We kissed and bit each others lips and neck. I moved down to her tits and started sucking on her right nipple while Brenda pinched the left one and continued to devour that cunt. I placed my right hand on Brenda's lower back, looking over at Adam to make sure we didn't cross any boundaries. He motioned for me to continue. I rubbed the small of her back and the top of her ass through her panties. I again motioned for Adam to join us and he came over behind his wife and started pulling her panties down her smooth ass. As his fingers hit his wife's pussy she let out a huge moan and then started moving further up Amber's body, licking as she went.

She came to rest on Amber's tits and left her pussy available. Adam reached over and began stroking and then licking Amber's wet pussy. I moved around behind his wife and started licking her from her clit all the way up to her asshole. We each continued to eat the other's wife's pussy and then I heard Amber gasp for air. I looked over and Adam had three of his fingers buried in Amber's dripping pussy.

I got up and grabbed the dildo out of our luggage. I lubed it up and handed it to Brenda so she could fuck my wife with it. She slid it into my wife's pussy and really fucked her down with it.

I moved back up and started making out with my wife some more. The look on her face was one of pure bliss. She was babbling by this point and I knew she was about to cum. I told them that she was a squirter. In a few minutes she started yelling fuck me and bucking her hips. When she came, she exploded everywhere.

As she was coming down a bit I helped her remove the rest of her clothes. She laid back and Adam moved up and started kissing her and sucking on her nipples. By the way, when they are hard they look like the eraser on a jumbo kindergarten pencil.

By now she was coming down and was ready to taste Brenda's pussy. She took control and rolled Brenda onto her back. Brenda still had her dress on but it had been pulled down off her tits and up to her waist. Adam told her to take it the rest of the way off and Amber gladly helped her with it.

The two of them started kissing and Amber began making her way down Brenda's body. She stopped to lick on her large pink nipples and nibbled hard enough to get a yelp out of Brenda. She then moved down to Brenda's pussy, which she already had two of her fingers buried in. When she got her first taste of Brenda's pussy she moaned very loudly. It was so hot hearing that come from my wife.

She ate Brenda for a bit then started in on her with the dildo. Adam moved around behind Amber and stared licking her soaked pussy. I moved in to help Amber fuck Brenda with the dildo. After a few minutes of having her pussy pounded and her clit attacked, Brenda came. When she came she just added to the mess that was already our wet sheets.

We all laid around and chilled for a few minutes then decided to leave. I crawled into bed with my used up but completely happy wife. She was starting to get sleepy from the alcohol and the intense orgasms. I pulled her up onto her knees and slid my cock into her soaked pussy. She moaned and pushed back against me. I fucked her till I filled her pussy up. We cuddled up and went to sleep.

The next morning, when I woke up, my wife looked at me and asked what happened. She said she remembers getting back to the room and making out with Brenda, but not much after that. She was upset and couldn't believe she couldn't remember anything. Since then she has had some vague memories come back. She does remember what Brenda's nipples looked like, and what her pussy looks like. Of course the pictures they have exchanged since then have helped some.

I also had text from Adam. His wife lost one of her earrings and he was fairly certain that Amber had knocked a "shit ton" of pot on the floor. He was right in both cases. I found Brenda's earring and a couple of good nuggs on the floor. He also wanted to know if we had plans for later that night.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31t81d/weekend_getaway_mfmf_this_turned_out_longer_than


  1. No. We actually met up with them later that night. But that’s another story. We will also be seeing them semi regular moving forward.

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