[MF][bd][fdom] When she came to bed

Laying on the bed, propped up reading something deep and meaningful, the latest issue of Popular Mechanics, I hear the water in the shower shut off. My Pavlovian response is to begin salivating and develop a throbbing erection in anticipation of what is to come. You came home from the gym, tired and sweaty, but with a certain bounce in your step that hinted at possibility. I like possibility.

There is the rustling of a towel against your wet body. Damn, mirror too foggy to see anything from here. Relying on my admittedly overactive imagination, I see you gliding the towel across your chest, back, ass, and… those legs. When you put your foot on the counter, point your toes and slide that towel down them. That just does something to the animal part of my brain.

You wrap the towel around yourself and walk into the bedroom. You don't make eye contact, but start rubbing lotion on your arms, shoulders and legs. Walking over, you sit on the edge of the bed and lower the towel from your back, while still covering your breasts.

"Would you get my back, please?" handing me the bottle of lotion. Ahhhh, here we go, I think to myself. I squeeze out a bunch of lotion in my hands and begin rubbing them together. Already the scenario is playing itself out in my head. Slippery hot monkey sex. The kind of hot sex the neighbors consider calling the cops on.

Slowly my hands glide across your beautiful freckled back. I work the lotion into every inch of exposed skin, cursing the towel that covers your ass. Then, with a quick smile over your shoulder, you pull the towel back up and tighten it. Back to your dresser and you slide on panties and a flannel nightie faster than I can think, what the fuck just happened here. So fast, I didn't even get a glimpse of the fun parts.

You slide under the covers, ignoring the large tent in my lap, who's only purpose now seems to be holding up my magazine. Not wanting to come right out and ask (or more accurately, beg) I hope you’ll feel the urge before going to sleep. Picking up your phone, you start browsing GWA. Your face brightens when you find something you like and slip your earbuds in. Within a few moments, you’re biting your lip and I’m pretty sure I saw your hand slip under the sheets.

Dammit, I’m right here! All the cock you could ever need (I’m trademarking that, by the way). I realize it now, you’re fucking with me. Waiting for me to break, explode, beg and grovel for your attentions. Normally, that’s my thing. But tonight I want you to come to me. Be careful what you wish for…

With a sigh of, something, you toss off the covers. Frustration? Excitement? You reach into your bedside table and pull out your glass dildo. Pulling up your flannel nightie, you slide your panties down to your ankles, your legs bent at the knees. That audio must really be doing something to you. You touch that glass dildo to the outside of your pussy and already I can hear wet sounds. Well fuck me, I think to myself. Might as well enjoy the show. As I roll over on my side, you look at me as if you didn’t know I had been there the whole time.

“What are you doing?” you ask.

“I’m watching you play with yourself.” I say, biting back the urge to say “You want any help with that.”

“Oh really?” you reply. But it doesn’t sound like a question.

You pause a second and I can see the gear whirling in your head. I’m wondering where this is going.

“All right, you can watch.” you say. And for the briefest of instants, I saw a smile grace your face. Fuck.

You set the glass dildo down and reach over in the bedside table drawer again. There are so many toys in The Drawer. Hmmmm. Rolling back over to me, you have a pair of steel handcuffs. I knew it.

“You know what to do with your hands.” I do.

My hands are soon in cuffs over my head and through the bed frame. You fling back the covers over me. I’m naked with a hard on that’s been throbbing the better part of half an hour. Your flannel nightie is pulled over your head and now you’re naked. My eyes take you in. I don’t care where this is going, I’m just happy to be along for the ride.

“Put your knees up.” I bend my legs at the knees.

You straddle my waist and lean back against my thighs, giving me a great view of you. With a shake of your hair, you put the earbuds back in and go back to listening to the audio. Closing your eyes, your hands start to explore your body, working their way from your breasts to your pussy. You spread your lips and you’re glistening wet. The tip of your glass dildo is rubbed against your clit and lips, lubing the tip. You make that moan that can bring me close to cumming even if I’m in the middle of a tax audit while thinking about baseball.

You push the dildo in and out, getting deeper with each thrust. This is all happening two feet from my face, just inches away from my cock. My cock is underneath that cute ass of yours, which is something, anyway. Your hips start to grind as you pull, push and twist that glass dildo. More of your moaning makes me tug involuntarily at the cuffs. Not being able to put my hands on you is maddening.

My gaze focuses on that dildo you’re sliding in and out of you. I can feel your juices dripping out and down my stomach and thighs. You know what those moans of yours are doing to me. Reaching between your legs with your other hand, you rub your clit hard and fast and your cum splashes over my chest and face.

“I need to suck the cum off your fingers, please!” I implore you. Stopping for a moment, you lean forward and with great flourish, suck the juices off your own fingers.

I gasp in shock and exclaim, “Hey! Now that’s just plain mean.”

You smirk at me. Leaning down close to my ear, your hair tumbles into my face.

“You talk too much.” And that is how I wound up with a ball gag in my mouth.

Returning to your audio fantasy and glass dildo, you bring yourself to the edge over and over. I am now completely drenched in your juices and unable to do anything about it. The most frustrating part though, is not being able to say anything. Being a vocal person, it is the worst torture. I lose track of how many times you edge or how long it’s been. Your body glistens with sweat and you’re positively glowing with body heat. The juices that have accumulated in my belly button could boil.

Pausing for a breath, you lean down again.

“You want me so bad right now, don’t you?” You look into my eyes and see the fire burning and know it to be true. Whispering sultrily into my ear, “You want your cock inside me. Inside my wet, swollen pussy.” I can feel your hand reach down and slowly rub my cock, slick with you.

All I can manage is a muffled, “Please, please, please…”

Taking pity on me, you remove the ball gag and unlock my cuffs. And that’s when I pounce. Before you know it, you’re on your back, arms pinned over your head with me on top of you. I lean down and kiss you hard and passionately while thrusting into you. You gasp. Hard, determined thrusts. With every thrust we both grunt and moan. Animal sounds.

With a quick dismount, I flip you over on your front and pull your ass up in the air. Both hands firmly on your hips and I thrust into you again. Every moan you make, every ‘please’ you utter brings us closer to cumming. I reach up and grab a handful of your hair to hold onto as I thrust, deeper and deeper. We both scream in climax, over and over. Red hand prints on your thighs where I squeezed you. Pulse after pulse, filling you full of cum.

Collapsing exhausted on to the bed, all we can do is just breathe.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/31ttv3/mfbdfdom_when_she_came_to_bed


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