Pity Handjob gets interesting – M/F

Ok so this is not exactly "gonewild" but I will see if this sub likes this sort of thing. One thing it IS – is completely true.

First off, this is about me and my wife. We have been married for 7 years and we don't do anything worthy of "gonewildcouples" – We don't make tapes of ourselves; we don't watch porn together; I don't rail her in the ass. So the below story was something unexpected. My wife, Abby, is a blue eyed brunette with some highlights, not petite or small. She is athletically built – I often refer to her as a B cup body with C cup breasts.


So this happened about a month ago when I was having a random case of Epididymitis – if anyone knows what it is you know its a pain in the balls – literally. Its a blockage in your testicles. It makes your ball or balls ache and very very sensitive. The best way to get rid of it is to…. well clean the pipes. Usually when I get it I just rub one out, but my wife is aware that I get this (maybe once every few months). On occasion I can convince her to jerk me off or have a quickie to relieve the pain.

This night it was getting late and she knew I was having some pain with it but she didn't want to have sex (was tired and I think her time of the month). I asked if she would tug one out for me and she was resistant. I figured I would just get up after she went to bed and handle it myself. However, she said if I gave her a leg and foot message she would be more likely to help out.

I like giving messages so I was in. I gave her the obligatory message for about 10-15 mins and even tried to move up to her lady parts but she was not having it. I was getting a little sad. I finished and we turned out the lights. I knew at this point I was going to have to do it myself.

Then she turns over and says "If you scoot over here I will rub your dick for awhile, but we are not having sex and no kissing."

"Uh, yeah no problem" I was so happy!

"You also don't get to make lots of noises. You can only enjoy this as much as I enjoyed my message."

"sure" I know my messages are ok, but they aren't handjob levels of good. I was all in though. I was going to get a freebie handjob before bed!

I slide over to her side of the bed and slid my pajamas down to get myself out and she stops "Um, no, lets just do above the pants"

This was a bit off putting, but I assumed she wanted me to just cum in my pants so she didnt have to clean up later. So I hiked up my pants and she started in on me.

Having sex with the person you love is awesome, but its fun to change things up and this was different in the hottest way. She was just so dispassionate about the whole thing and it was such a turn on. No talking, no emotions, just her fingers gently rubbing my cock. She wasn't just railing the shaft to get me to cum fast, like I assumed she would. She was playing with my dick – really playing with it. She would move her fingers around the head (still on the outside of my thin pajama pants) and just kind of stroke it with her thumb and finger. She would go full strokes on occasion but I could tell she was sorta enjoying this. She knows how to make me cum fast if she wants to, but she was choosing to play around.

Meanwhile I was in heaven, but I couldn't moan or say anything – and that was kind of hot. Since she was still above my pants I wasn't getting close to cumming fast at all and after 10ish minutes I was getting worried she was going to give up. I had no idea how long she was willing to go especially if she wasn't getting anything out of this and she was tired.

I was about to say that she should maybe reach into my pants to speed things up when she got up on her hands and knees and put her head over my stomach. She then pulled on the side of my pants indicating that she wanted them down. I was pretty confused at what she was going to do but it was beginning to look like she was going to give me head! Dare I dream?

ASIDE: Abby and I exchange oral sex all the time in our sex lives but its always foreplay. We don't finish each other off with it. She cannot fully climax from it and if I bust a nut from it we are done for 20 minutes and the mood is kinda dead. So its understood that we get each other close but we never go over the edge. That doesn't mean I don't WANT to cum in her mouth but I also don't want to never get a bj again because she is scared I am going to gag her and ruin it.

Back to the story

Abby pulls my pants down to about my knees and positions one hand on the base of my penis and then slowly starts to lick my head and slowly takes the head into her mouth. Slowly she starts moving her head and tongue back and forth around my dick. At this point I assume maybe that the HJ has gotten her horny and she wants to screw around. I begin to feel up her breasts under her tshirt but she immediately swats them away and, still with my dick in her mouth, hums "nm-mm" (meaning don't start). So clearly this is just for my benefit… and as a married person… you know that's hot.

She continues swirling her tongue around and start moving back and forth a little faster, but she never moved her hand on the base of my dick. I knew I couldn't last much longer and I feel like I might cum soon.

I breathe "Abby, ugh, you are going to make me cum"

She continues

Still breathless "Hey, honey, I am really close, mmmmmmm"

She continues

At this point I am torn between saying "You need to get off or you are going to get a mouthful" and just letting her do what she doing – I feel I have given ample warning

I give her one last chance – "Abby, oh god, I'm going to cum"

And thats when she pulls off my dick for one second to breathe "Shhh" and then starts stroking my shaft and lowers her lips back onto my penis. She buries half my dick in her mouth and I know I just got the green light.

Faster head movement and hand movement from her tear through any willpower I have left and I can feel the cum rushing forward. I feel my seed exit in spasms into her mouth and I make sure through conscious effort that I keep my hips down and resist thrusting harder into her mouth. Her head stops moving and I hear a moan of surprise come from her full mouth, but to her credit her hand kept its rhythm and made me empty my entire load into her mouth. After one of the most intense orgasms started to come down she slowly started to move her mouth around again as the last reflexes shot out and then slowly slid her mouth off my half hard, glistening member. She pulled my pants up a bit and while it was still pretty dark I could see her let the load fall out of her mouth onto my pajama pants and she wiped her mouth off with her hand.

Sorta overwhelmed she sighed "… wow… um… can you go into the bathroom and get me a glass of water?"

"Yeah, sure, anything"

She kinda just sat there on her knees breathing a little faster than normal.

I quick grabbed the water from the bathroom and gave it to her. She said thanks and took a couple drinks. I went and grabbed new PJ bottoms.

When I came back she was sliding back into her covers. I asked if she wanted me to return the favor and she said "As long as you feel better, I'm fine"

I was way more than better.

EDITS: Well this got a lot more press than I thought it would. I have read all the comments and I will reply to some of them. I figured I would make some clarifications here for everyone:

1: My wife and I have hot, passionate sex at least once a week. Its not too wild, its not crazy – its hot sex where we both get what we want and cuddle afterward. Its amazing.

2: To the comments about not wanting to get married if this is what marriage is like. YOU ARE NOT READY TO BE MARRIED. I got married to the person I wanted to BE with for the rest of my life. I wanted to spend my non-sexlife with her as much as my sex life. I know as a man, I would like to think there is little to no separation, but need to realize sex is a very small % of your life. If sex is the primary reason you are with said person… you might want to re-evaluate the long term commitment.

3: The "exchange of services" we had that night is far from normal. I think women in this subreddit will attest that sometimes they don't want sex. However, they want something like closeness or whatever makes them feel loved. For my wife, THAT NIGHT, it was a massage.

4: Keep one major thing in mind… that story was getting long and I really didn't feel like going into the motivations and philosophy of my sex life too much more than I already did. It was meant to be a story about an interesting and unexpected sexual favor being performed. Don't read too much into it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31w2su/pity_handjob_gets_interesting_mf


  1. You think marriage and kids turns your life into an ever-escalating orgy of sexual deviance? Something tells me you are not married – or have kids – or are above age 20

  2. Sorry dude, but if my wife was as frigid as you described earlier in the story, she would be out the door. Having said that, I’m all for silent, unselfish, cum-in-the-mouth blowjobs at bedtime. Good for you.

  3. It was not meant to sound frigid. She just was not in the mood for sex for the reasons listed. I don’t expect her to be turned because I say "my balls hurt, service me"

  4. First of all, thanks for sharing the story. But second, I’m sorry OP, I need to say this for the benefit of people reading this who are not married. I’ve been married over 5 years and have a kid. I’m sorry your wife feels that way about sexual favors. If my husband wants a BJ or HJ I just oblige him (no questions or exchanges/bargains needed), because I know he’d do the same for me in a heartbeat (if he was too tired/stressed for sex). But it could just be that I like doing it, lol. Men out there who like getting head, make sure you marry a woman who likes giving it, purely for the pleasure of the thing itself (not what it gets you in return).

  5. crapping on people who post stories is a great way not to get any more stories. maybe bear that in mind

  6. sometimes the best experiences are when you get a little something you aren’t used to and aren’t looking for. good story OP

  7. Get a nice toy or something man.. it’s great for a quick warm up. Sex guides your life…

  8. I’m married with kids and over the age of 20, and my wife exports more sex than I know what to do with. There are benefits to bothering to do things correctly.

  9. it says what it is in the title kid. if you dont like situations that involve "pity handjobs", just dont click it. I mean did you think that it would be some good looking rich dude getting a pity handjob from Jennifer Aniston at an orgy or something?

  10. Wow…thanks for sharing, but it’s stories like this that have me terrified to get married!!

  11. This may not be a gone wild story but if you play your cards correctly you may have one for us. You have learned a few very important things about your wife. 1. Your wife doesn’t want to have sex sometimes (join the club buddy) 2. Your wife is willing to service your needs 3. Most importantly, your wife has behaved in a way that makes it clear that non-pressure sure makes her more willing to suck a dick. I hope you plan on a quite dinner and talk where you tell her that not feeling pressured obviously relaxes her and makes her more accepting of shared pleasures. Then you tell her that if it would make her happy you would love to explore ways to making sex non-pressure for her. Show her the benefits and you both collect the rewards. Go for it man!!!!

  12. I know, right? I’m here contemplating whether I should propose to my GF or not because her parents are visiting us and this would be the perfect opportunity… but shit. This whole thing just feels wrong. *Join the club?* No, thank you.

  13. Sounds a lot like my married life, aside from the bj that is. Down to quarterly sex and have gotten one bj (from her) since I’ve known her. Going on 10 years :(

  14. My wife has banned me from exporting sex, she expects it all to be reserved for her use.

  15. i’m not offended at all, i just think you coming onto a thread that is perfectly fine and whining about it is silly you being all "ha ha, i’m just loving life, you mad" is about the most boring way you could respond to that so go ahead with it, i guess.

  16. On the upside the internal economy of our tiny nation-state is booming. (also banging)

  17. Look, I’m not going to give you shit about your sex life, only you know whether or not this relationship is where you want it to be. I don’t know what the rest of your sex life, during the time when you’re both up for it, is like. Maybe it’s great. Personally, I found this story kind of hot and it sounds like your wife wants to be surprised with new things, and to be somewhat forcefully led towards those things. She probably won’t talk to you about it but she might like some spice. Thanks for writing it, and fuck the backseat spouses, myself included.

  18. This is the most depressing story I’ve ever read here. If that’s what inspired you to write a story you desperately need a woman on the side.

  19. Yeah, my wife really dislikes giving head too. I love giving it, and she’ll do it if I ask, but it’s hard to get turned on when I know she honestly doesn’t enjoy it it. We still have sex every month or so though.

  20. Screw all these idiots. Marriage is different for everyone – if you have seven kids and your wife still likes it in the ass eighteen times a week, good for you. Don’t dump on those of us who have normal sex lives. Yeah, I said it. Normal. If you are having sex with your spouse once every other week or so, you’re average – probably better than average. If your wife is willing to give a blowjob occasionally without you begging for it, you’re definitely better than average. Have you ever had a cock in your mouth? Has someone ever ejaculated into your throat? I haven’t, but it doesn’t look like a lot of fun for the receiver to me. I want my wife to have fun. For those of you who aren’t married and find this story depressing – I’m sorry, but there’s more to life and marriage than sex. If you’re marrying your girlfriend solely on the basis of the porn star-style sex you have every night with fervor, there’s a good chance your marriage won’t last. I would way, way, way rather be married to my best friend, someone I know I can count on through thick and thin, someone who I know will always be there for me – even if it means the sex is less frequent. My wife and I are very vanilla. We have sex once a month or so – sometimes more, sometimes less. But you know what? I’m OK with that. If that doesn’t sound like your bag, maybe you’re the one who needs to re-evaluate your priorities. Thanks for the story bro – I’ve been there, and I get it.

  21. I’ve been married 6 years and my wife doesn’t react that way. This last year is gonna suck :( ps. Your wife sounds like a cast iron bitch

  22. Were there hints before you were married? Is everything else good enough that it’s worth staying? This sounds torturous to me.

  23. The kids make me stay. She used to be better but has no sex drive now, and I’m spiteful so I don’t initiate anything either. I get pissed because i equate it to being hungry and ask her to go out to dinner and she says no, I keep asking and she keeps saying no, fuck it bitch, I’m not asking anymore so when you finally want to go out let me know and maybe then I’ll say no just to try and piss you off too.

  24. That’s pretty grim. Have you tried couples therapy? I also feel like kids would eventually notice if there was this level of resentment in their parents relationship. Do you think it could be better for everyone if you were separated/happily with other people? Don’t mean to offend, just genuinely curious as a man who is currently careening towards marriage

  25. tl;dr stop being judgmental. Throwaway bc I’m a lurker. Am I the only one who read this and thought it’s possible that Abby asked for a massage first (and then defined exactly how she wanted the HJ to go, did it her way, etc.) to make OP feel like he’s really working for the HJ, and make him excited by the wait, the gaining-and-losing hope for a HJ, & the wife’s strict requirements and assertiveness? Sexytime can be even more fun if you feel like you really had to beg for it and work to make it happen. This may not be the most likely case, but y’all seem to forget that it’s even a possibility that the wife planned all her actions to try to turn on OP; get off your high horses and stop being so judgmental. OP posted a story for you to enjoy (or not); he did not post a story to receive anonymous criticism about his marriage. Also, even if this is not the case, occasional tit-for-tat exchanges are perfectly healthy. It may seem like a problem if every sexual encounter OP has take this much pre-emptive work, but again, it’s personal and doesn’t warrant judgment masquerading as pity. Don’t pretend you’re all perfectly generous and selfless and giving — occasionally you don’t want to do something, but you’re willing to if there’s incentive. Sometimes that thing is sex. That’s not selfishness or frigidity, that’s human nature.

  26. I enjoyed reading that, whether it’s considered ‘wild’ or not. I can see why it was hot for you! Every couple and every marriage is different – I’d say for mine (with 2 kids) the sex is there, it’s just less often. We still talk about doing ‘wild stuff’ and whether we act on it or not, it’s part of the foreplay and we get off on it. Perhaps one day we actually will. Back to the story; this reminds me very much of a previous relationship that went south after 2 years. My GF announced she was ‘ill’ and all sex stopped that day. The best I could coax out of her was a HJ after a few days. Somehow this quickly turned into a deal where I gave her a back massage (of sorts) and she gave me a HJ in return – pretty much every fucking night we slept in the same bed together, which was most nights – for almost a year! She was never one to turn down a back massage, so I always made sure she got her back massage first. Although I did sometimes get access to her DD’s during the HJ, my favourite position was when she’d spoon me from behind in bed and jack me off. It goes without saying that there was a serious underlying issue in the relationship, which ended around a year after this started. The outcome of all this though is that I became very, very fond of HJ’s and to this day I often – perhaps a third of the time – ask my wife to finish me off with a HJ once she has orgasmed. It helps that my wife is very good at them and she can make my orgasm last longer with a HJ than any other sex we have, but I absolutely love them. I also think in hindsight that there’s an aspect to it that involves subservience, and that when my GF was giving them to me in lieu of sex, it was all about her very deliberately getting me off whilst she didn’t. I’ve also had some very, very hot HJ’s in other relationships/situations!

  27. TBH, when I read the title, it reminded me of a "pity handjob" that almost happened when my best friend’s wife left him suddenly. My wife was going to help him out with handjobs, and had my full approval and encourament to do so… but she never quite got the nerve. Over 20 years later, she still wants to give him that handjob and maybe more. hahaha :-)

  28. That is great for you and your husband. Kudos. However, I married my wife on way more basis that "How much cock do you suck" This isn’t r/relationships – This was a sex story which is just one element of my marriage.

  29. See the EDITS. Jeff Foxworthy said it best. Getting married for the sex is like buying a plane for the peanuts. Sure you get them, but there are a lot cheaper ways to do that. Marry the person you want to spend your sex and NON-SEX life with.

  30. I mean the flow.. it will help your life flow also. Conversations will go smoother.. interactions with ladies will go smoother. Put 6 months of effort and practice.. or don’t

  31. If my wife stopped sucking dick tomorrow forever, I would respect that. I mean I don’t NEED a BJ to make my life/marriage last. Sure, I would like her to at least TRY, but throwing in the towel because of it – that’s not a marriage. PS – Not saying you are/do – but just going off the replies.

  32. This guy gets it. Evidently this subreddit is full of the 1% sex-lifers. If your wife and mother of your children has the energy at the end of each day to blow you for your pleasure then realize that your wife is the exception and not the rule. Marriage is like 1-5% sex – the rest is LIFE. Giving up on marriage because the sex isn’t perfect is like failing a class because you missed a quiz. Sure you want that perfect score, but c’mon.

  33. Read the EDITS: If you are going to purpose solely because she makes your dick feel nice, you are going to have a bad time. I realize thats why you want her most of the time, but that isn’t marriage – that is your dick talking.

  34. I thot I made it kinda clear when I said she was clearly not trying to make me cum fast that she was clearly enjoying and planning what she was doing. The BJ may have been spur of the moment, but it was what she wanted. It was on her terms. Thanks for the support. Clearly you read the whole story.

  35. I really hope your aren’t in a committed relationship. If you think getting serviced by a wife who doesn’t want anything in return on occasion is depressing and an excuse to have an affair – you need to reevaluate your priorities.

  36. If your no-fuck wife did what mine did for you… would you not be happy? Also, if she is banging another guy – you need to be out of that relationship.

  37. WTF? I’m married – I don’t have interactions with ladies. I have interactions with my wife. I know her, I know what she likes. 6 months of effort in what? Talking? Sex?

  38. My dick kinda runs the show, so either way it seems I’ll have a bad time. She does cook and clean and wash too, [so I got that goin for me which is nice](http://i.imgur.com/lB67A70.jpg). Still, I’d like to think that I’m marrying because she’s primarily my woman-lover, not my maid-mother.

  39. Obviously you’re locked into this mindset that this is just okay in a loving relationship. Right off the bat she knows you have this problem, you tell her it’s hurting, she shuts you down, you then give her a 10 to 15 minute massage, and she’s still pretty cold about even giving you a quick and dirty hand job. Let me tell you something if my girlfriend had a problem and the solution was making her cum in a few minutes with a vibrator I’d do it. I mean unless we’re missing a piece of this story where you’re hounding her for handjobs 7 days a week I don’t think it’s crazy for a wife to want to ease her husbands suffering. Also, the things you quote her as saying just speak to her constantly shutting you down. I’ve been in relationships like that, and man that shit ain’t cool. If I’m wrong so be it, but I mean take an honest look at your life. As one guy said in the comments…you’re only seven years in and she’s saying shit like this to you.

  40. What’s with the " " i didn’t say any of that. English class is that way.

  41. Uhhh sex is a huge part of a marriage. Guys want sex. We don’t just one day start not wanting it. If the sex goes from decent to barely there it’s pretty fucked up. Also, sex in a relationship is one of the way of expressing your love, releasing stress, and showing you care about the other person. If you were to break up marriage into a pie chart i’d say sex would be a pretty substantial portion of that pie chart. It consistently breaks up marriages when the sex component of a relationship is broken.

  42. its called paraphrasing and its definitely a part of english class maybe you should just stop, since you haven’t actually added anything in about 4 posts now

  43. Exactly. I don’t want to marry someone because they’ll always make sure I have a sparkling bathroom when I get home or dinner on the stove. I want someone who loves me and gives a fuck if I’m in pain or not. I mean this story started because he was in literal pain and he needed maybe five to ten minutes of her jerking him off. Instead he has to grease the wheels with a massage and then listen to her say…okay I’ll give ya a handjob but none of that kissing or taking your dick out. I have to imagine that a little bit into it she had human moment and realized what a first class ass she’d been, then made up for it with the head.

  44. I can think of several kinds of hot pity handjob stories. Guy hits on girl at a bar, strikes out, mopes at the bar, and right before she leaves she drags him into a stall. She whips out his cock, jerks him off fast and mean, then he cums right in her mouth. Boom. GONEWILD!

  45. This. Obviously I married her even though she didn’t give bj’s but I always hoped that she would come around since she loves to be on the receiving end. In the past 3 years everything has slowed down as I said to a quarterly pace (around 4 times a year for those who don’t speak business haha) and I have stopped going down on her, again out of spite since she won’t do it to me why should I do it for her.

  46. I’m not going to ridicule you, man. You’ve faced a lot of antagonism here (and so has your wife). You and your wife are your own people–your own relationship. Obviously you know the two of you better than any of us. But I have to tell you, I was worried about you while reading this. If an internet bro’s input means anything to you, I was in a shockingly similar situation for a long time–my life has changed so much (for the better) since being out of it. Finding women who actually really enjoy being with me. Who initiate sex as regularly as I do–I had never known that such a give-and-take could exist. I had never felt wanted; I had always felt like a chore. If you know for certain that this does not apply to you, then I am truly happy for you. Ignore me, and ignore the other dissenters. I recognize that even if you’re thinking maybe it does apply to you, the cost-benefit ratio of talking about it with your wife may be too high. But I believe that honesty is still a hugely important part of a successful relationship, and I don’t think it’s wrong to say "my needs aren’t being met regularly. Are yours? What can we do to find balance?" For real man, all the best to you and yours. Throw me a PM if you feel like talking about it.

  47. You are right, this isn’t r/relationships and it is just a sex story, and a nice one too. Thank you for sharing it. I meant no offense. I don’t think I did a very good job at explaining my intentions and I’m sorry for that. My husband did not marry me because I suck his dick. Our relationship goes way deeper than that. It’s about communication, knowing and respecting each other’s needs (in all areas, not just sexually). I was merely trying to inform the unmarried people who read your story and may have mistakenly gotten the impression that marriage is boring (and wives don’t like to give sexual favors unless they get something in return) that it’s not and can be very fun and exciting if you both want it to be and put in a little effort to make it that way. I’m truly am sorry for causing any offense. I never meant to put down your marriage. I just meant to offer a different perspective on marriage in general. Edit: also, I did make sure to preface my "make sure you marry…" comment with "men out there who like getting head" and I guess I need to point out the obvious that I wasn’t talking to you (yet another preface I made when I said "for the benefit of people reading this" … i.o.w.this comment isn’t really directed at you OP). I was talking to all the men/boys who are commenting saying they’d dump their wives if they didn’t oblige their needs. If that is an important issue for them, those men should find a woman who likes to suck dick, in addition to all the other lovely qualities that make them a suitable life partner. It wasn’t a necessity for my husband, but he sure enjoys it nevertheless. Hence why I also said "it could just be that I like doing it." I was pretty sure I didn’t say that "how much cock do you suck" (as you so rudely put it) was a basis for marriage, and now having broken down my whole comment for you I’m positive that I didn’t. That was just you being defensive of your marriage, which is a good thing. Regardless of what your wife does or does not do, it sounds like you love her a lot and wish to defend her virtue so "kudos" to you.

  48. I apologize as well. I was being a bit harsh with you because I assumed you were on the same level as all the other nay-sayers here. Clearly you have more thought into your comment than I gave you credit for. Thank you.

  49. Thats apples and oranges. If my wife had a secret past doing ANYTHING (drugs, illegal acts, etc) and it was something that had bearing on our relationship (and from the sound of it something they discussed often) and she lied for YEARS about it. I would have a very hard time trusting her. Its not the weird sex stuff she did then refused to do. Its the lying about it.

  50. Yes SEX can be a huge part of marriage. Its not a huge part for all relationships and keep in mind that I said that I was talking about BJ’s in the prior comment. Oral sex is not a requirement for most people get the physical love/care/release with their partner. If sex is still regular and both parties are getting physical needs met and yet your lack of oral sex is bringing you down; You may have to realize your partner is not into it and weigh that against having no sex at all or no marriage at all. In high school I broke up with a girl who refused to go down on me. She gave great hand jobs and really liked me and we had a great time together. I look back at that relationship and realize I was an asshole.

  51. I get it. My dick runs the show as well, but you will realize that her vagina does not run her show. She does not have the same impulses and motivations as you do. Also, the way you wrote this makes you sound like a giant fucking douche bag. She cooks and cleans are her only strong points out of the bedroom? If you really feel this way – Don’t propose. PLEASE! You will ruin both your lives.

  52. Great reply. The latter is true. My wife and I have a solid sex life. Would I like more? Sure. Would I like her to be the insatiable slut I see in porn? Fuck yeah. However, I love the person I married, the person who loves me for me. If I wanted a insatiable slut – I would have tracked one down and married her instead.

  53. Thank you for your advice random internet person. I will head to the lawyer right now. I shall cite "People in a sex story subreddit said I should totes get a divorce because of a story they didn’t enjoy."

  54. No wonder your love life sucks… you don’t even care to make it better

  55. He wouldn’t have a "No-Fuck" wife. Your mindset is like a submissive dog. OP.. YOU DESERVE LOVE! Trust me bro. And he said she was going to give his friend a handjob.. not cheating at all in an adult relationship when he has given her the go ahead. I’ve had MFM with my wife and she didnt "cheat" at all.

  56. 5% of a day is 1 hour… so 1 hour a day? Sounds right to me. Don’t believe the hype either as if the "1%" of sex is what we are talking about. Were talking bout a standard relationship. I am not a 1% guy. I suggest a few weeks of study on the topic. And i mean unbiased study. Not the type that when something makes you uncomfortable and may be true you go into deny and skip over it mode. I mean the learning type. We all have done it.

  57. This. That was a depressing read precisely BC it does sound ‘real’ for the author. The phrase "pity hand job" should never enter one’s vocabulary.

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