[M]eeting a guy of[f] Tinder

So, I've been feeling lonely and frisky, so I decided to get back on Tinder. Skip ahead to the bolded word for when the story starts to get good.

One of the things I want to experience is learning how to hunt, fish and ride a motorcycle at least once. And this guy had a motorbike! He's pretty much the perfect package. 33, successful, Pretty light skin, pretty eyes, good sense of humor. Not from America so he has a sexy accent. He was a lot thinner in person and not super tall, maybe 5'8-5'9. But still quite attractive. I'm about 5'7, 24, a little heavier, curvy, I have quite the large bosom (F cup), long dark curly hair, and green eyes.

He suggested we meet for dinner in his city, which is about 20 miles away from mine. We hit it off really well and we were at the restaurant for three hours. Needless to say, we both enjoyed each other's company.

Two days later, we were texting and he told me that he had wanted to kiss me at the end of our first date. I laughed it off and said maybe next time. It was a bit later in the evening and he invited me over to his place for a drink. And I decided to go ahead and go. He lives in a nice neighborhood, nice spacious house. I was a little worried that he would try to drug me and lock me in his basement or something crazy, but I decided that he was so small, I could definitely take him if anything started to go awry.

We sat in his kitchen and talked and listened to music. He had a few beers, I was drinking vodka with ice. I was buzzing and my eyes must have been smoldering because he leaned over and kissed me. It felt like instant electricity. I could feel myself getting wet already.

We eventually moved over to his couch and started having a full on make out session. Turns out he likes to bite, I like to bite, and I like being bit. I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth and nibbled on it a bit. His sharp inhalations let me know he was enjoying himself. I crawled on top him and straddled his waist while I sucked on his ear lobe, and kissed down his neck. I pulled his shirt up so I could kiss, lick, and nibble my way down his chest until I made it to his pants.

I tugged on his pants to release his engorged member. I was not expecting such a tiny man to have such an impressive penis! He's at least 7 or 8in and quite girthy. He tapers towards the tip, which I love. He has a magnificent dick. And I LOVE sucking dick.

I slipped the tip into my mouth and sucked gently while swirling my tongue around the head. Feeling him in my mouth only got me wetter. I started bobbing my head and taking him deeper and deeper until I was deepthroating his huge cock. Watching him with his eyes screwed shut and hearing him mumble "Oh my god" with his sexy accent made me even more enthusiastic.

I would take him deep and then let up and focus on the head. I licked all around the head and down the shaft and spent some time gently sucking on his balls, which most men love. He was begging me to fuck him by now. (but I didn't want to) I didn't respond, I just put his dick back in my mouth. I started to take him again, sucking harder, taking him deeper. He moaned again and again and got louder until he came in my mouth.

I let him cum, and then I swirled my tongue very gently around the tip of his dick, got every last drop, and swallowed.

I went to the bathroom to freshen up, and by the time I came back, he was already asleep. I ended up spending the night (he's got a super comfy bed!) and I left in the morning.

I've seen him twice since, he's gotten another blow job but we haven't had sex yet. I wanna build up to it. lol

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/31vfav/meeting_a_guy_off_tinder


  1. LOVED reading about how much you love sucking cock, and how you skillfully got him off. Thanks!

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