2 te(m)pting (f)or me to resist

This is a followup to the story I shared yesterday, hence the "2". All the buildup and beginning is there and should be read before going any further. Some readers were annoyed — rightly so — that I glossed over the real fucking. This is to appease the people.

Twelve hours ago we hardly more than strangers. Adjoining seats on a long bus trip brought us intimately close and well, now her warm naked body was pressed beneath mine in a hotel room. J's eager mouth had already been filled with my cum earlier and my lips were still glossy from her slick juices. None of that mattered as she guided the tip of my throbbing cock between her legs and we locked lips for the first time. The heat from her pussy around my bare cock was sensational and I remember gasping out loud as I pressed inside. J had been steady out of breath since we reached the room and her subtle panting began to quicken along with my thick shaft rocking in and out of her body.

Being an athletic and taller guy, it was easy for me to grip J's wrists and pin them above her head. There wasn't any attempt at resistance and that pleased me. She did squirm a little bit as my mouth left hers and pressed against one of her pale nipples. The smacking sound of my cock stroking steadily in and out. I squeezed both her wrists together and gripped them with my right hand. The left hand slid down her side and cupped the underside of her firm breast, squeezing while my lips sucked in and my tongue flicked across her nipple. Not enough can be said about the tight hot cunt that surrounded my thick shaft.

J was hungry and her smooth legs were around me. Her calves against my ass pulling me in closer with each thrust. I released my grip on her arm and breast. My hands moving down around her hips. She arched back while I pulled her in closer, grinding against the base of my throbbing hard-on. J leaned up to kiss me but I was breathing too hard to return the gesture. I arched up and tightened my grip on her hips, forcing her body out from mine a few inches before thrusting deep inside. Her leg-lock around my ass was firm enough that I was barely able to pull out in time. Steady white jets of hot cum showering over her abdomen. My panting body collapsed by her side and we kissed again for several minutes. J used reached out for my slick shaft again, but I was exhausted. She let go and her hands moved over the pool of cum, spreading it over her tummy and thighs … probably to keep the mess from running off onto the sheets, but I like to think she was just basking in the moment.

We didn't say another word that night and actually didn't speak until after we woke up and fucked one more time in the morning. This trip was fun and there were a couple others on the way to nationals. Each time we fooled around, but never really discussed sex. I think that was one of the hotter things about it for me. It was just a natural attraction we both understood and never felt the need to vocalize our behavior.

EDIT: formatting

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/346c34/2_tempting_for_me_to_resist


  1. I didn’t know you posted this, that was beautifully hot, even a detail as her spreading cum over her body and your thoughts about it makes it more engaging. How long ago was this OP or is this still going.

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