The haunted house in Connecticut (Part-1) [MF]

Joan was alone in the house that night, her husband Mike had to catch the last New York flight of the day as his firm had called the conference at eleventh hour. Joan had never stayed all alone in her life and didn’t want him to go but she also understood how important his career was for their future.

Their house was the last one in the lane, only deep and deserted woods started from there. Joan liked peaceful places where she could enjoy her writing work and that had factored into their decision to buy the house two months ago. But now, Joan was dreading being all alone in her bedroom in the midst of a quiet night. To distract herself, Joan decided to check her WhatsApp messages.

But as soon as she turned to fetch for her phone, Joan trembled in fright as she saw a shadow in the cupboard mirror. But a moment later, it was no longer there. Joan shut her eyes tightly and convinced herself that it was all her imagination. She started thinking about what Mike must be doing right now, had he checked into the flight already? Joan slowly started drifting into sleep.

In the corner of the bedroom, the “ghost” was watching her every movement. “Twelfth family” he said to himself. He had actually kept a watch on them from two months, right since the day they came to that house and started living. But he hadn’t surprised them because they hadn’t disturbed his store-room yet and let it be locked. But today morning, Mike had broken the store-room door out of curiosity and that had irked the ghost a bit.

The ghost wasn’t exactly a benevolent person when he was alive and neither was he a poltergeist. Nevertheless, he did enjoy making sudden noises and frightening people (like he just did to this young lady in the room when she had glanced in the mirror!). But alas, he couldn’t have his “revenge” on the guy who had disturbed his deep slumber by breaking into his store-room this morning, he seemed to have gone away somewhere. But he will frighten this lady and seek his revenge, nonetheless.

As the ghost glided across the bedroom to frighten Joan, he noticed two things. First, the lady seemed to be falling asleep, it’d be a bit difficult to scare her if she didn’t even notice or see him. Secondly, he also noticed that the lady was extremely beautiful. She must be in her mid twenties, had a supple and athletic body, and was lying on the bed almost naked with nothing but a black colored bra and shorts to cover herself.

The ghost couldn’t believe that he was feeling lustful instincts as he glanced towards the distinct dot in the center of her soft belly which was undoubtedly her navel. It must have been at least decades if not centuries since he had ever felt even remotely like that. Nature doesn’t usually let these weirdos have carnal instincts because its no use if you can’t touch anything.

In order to have sex, its important to be able to touch and feel things and ghosts can’t do that you see – in 99% of cases, that is! But in some rare instances (as the ghost was about to find out), some ghosts do get the “touch” power only for a limited time.

But the ghost didn’t knew that yet. He thought even if he couldn’t touch her, he can still glide through her and try to enjoy that feeling. The ghost targeted her belly to be the epicenter for gliding and just dived towards it with a strong intent.


Unbelievable! The ghost’s “head” hit something and it could only be her belly.


Joan moaned distinctly in her sleep as she felt a soft tickling sensation in her abdomen region. It felt somewhat enjoyable but she was too sleepy to notice. Joan continued to sleep and her thoughts again drifted to what Mike must be doing on his journey.

[Continue reading…](
