Kate and Ben: Kate’s Secret Finally Comes Out. [Incest] [Furry] [straight] [M/F]

Kate and Ben: Kate’s Secret Finally Comes Out.

“Why?” Kate cries wondering why she has to have such an attraction to her brother. She lays on her bed still wet between her legs from her little adventure into his room. She holds her soft pink pillow against her chest laying her snout on top of it. Still crying she lays longing to just come out to her brother. She Knows she never can because her brother would never want anything to do with her again. The tears of lust turn into tears of pain as she wishes she could talk to her mother. After their father died their mother soon could not take the pain. Instead of killing herself she turned to hard drugs to relieve the pain. Soon She would just wander out the house for days at a time without calling or anything. About a month ago she wondered off and still has not come back. Kate rolls onto her side as the running thoughts keep feeling her head.

After about three hours Ben walks in the door home form work. Kate now sitting on the couch with her legs up against her chest watching tv. “Hey sis” Ben says walking past the couch rubbing her head. Kate’s ears lay flat against her head as Ben’s hand rustles her Fur. As Ben walks to his bedroom she looks laying her head against her knee. She feels her heart pound faster and faster watching her brother. After he disappears into his room she turns back to the tv trying to zone back out watching her romantic stories.

“Kate I am going to jump in the shower…when i get out i will cook us some dinner” Ben yells down the hall. “ok” kate says back with a low yell feeling a little depressed. After Ben shuts the door to the bathroom kate finishes up her shows. As she walks returning to her bedroom she passes what seems like a wall of his sent leaking out the bathroom. It almost knocks her out as she takes a deep breath in smelling every part of his body. Her heart already pounding like the time she was peeping on him. Her snout drags her body to the crack on the door. As she smells her hand rest on the handle. With every deep inhale her hand slowly turns. She keep breathing as she leans more and more on the door. Lost in her fantasy she leans too far as the door swing open. She falls forward still in a slight daze. She forgets to catch herself as she falls hard onto the tile floor.

A loud thud echos through the bathroom as Ben jumps. He pulls back the shower curtain to see his sister on the floor “KATE” she yells “are you alright” he jumps out the shower. Kate now crying on the floor with the bottom of her mouth cut open from falling. She looks up to see to see her brother dripping wet kneeling down “I am sorry…sorry” she cried out knowing she messed up. She holds her chin crying harder and harder. Ben leans down “What were you doing” he says pulling her up and sitting her against the wall. As she cries she takes more and more deep breaths Smelling more and more of her brother “i am sorry” she cried out shaking her head as she starts to feel the way she did before she squirted against the wall and when she peed all over his floor. “sorry for what?” Ben asks laying his hand on her shoulder “please stop crying” he tries to calm her down but its not working. His touch sends her over the edge still shaking her head side to side she loses control of her pussy. A strong smelling puddle of both her pussy juice and pee start to form under her socking her fur in it. Ben trying to stop her from crying does not notice until the puddle gets to his feet “KATE” he yells looking at his feet. “Whats going on?” he yells again standing up. Kate looking into the distance slowly falls to the side shaking as she keep cumming all over herself again losing the last bit of control she had to hold back her feeling for him.

Slowly the long jets of pee slow down as the crying stops not because she wants to stop crying but because she can’t cry any more. Her brother standing over her “Kate…what the hell is going on” he demands an answer. He pulls her wet fur out the puddle as she cries out finally having to come out “I…LOVE…YOU” she manages to say between shaky breaths and knowing this will be the last time he talks to her. “Why?” Ben ask “i love you to…what does that have anything to do with this?”. “No i love you…i love love you” she says again. Slowly Ben starts to understand what she means by love. “what…what do you mean you love love me? I am your brother”. she looks away “i know…that's why i know you are going to hate me…i know its wrong but every inch of my body shakes for you” she says as the shaky breathing starts to calm down and just the hate for herself stays. “Kate” Ben says pulling her head up “i don’t hate you…what your saying is wrong in so many ways but…i can never hate you. You are my sister and no matter what i will never hate you”. Kate looks into his eyes not saying anything just still full of self hate knowing that everything she was hiding is now out in the open. Ben slowly picks her up and lays her in the bathtub to get her out the puddle all over the bathroom floor. Ben reaches and grabs a wash cloth “Kate…you need to clean your fur now” he tries to hand it to her. All Kate does is keep looking at him. After a few seconds when Ben sees Kate is not going to move “Kate…if you don’t clean yourself i am going to have to do it for you” he says plugging up the tub. He turns on the water making sure it is warm as it starts to fill up the tub. As the tub fills Ben grabs some towels to put on the floor to soak up the huge puddle that Kate left. Kate sits motionless in the tub as Ben works on the floor. Her eyes watch him no longer with the lust that she had but with the pain of his knowledge of her lust. The only movement she makes is when she turns her head looking against the wall when Ben turns back to take care of her. He breathes out grabbing the watch cloth and starts to clean her fur. Slowly he soaps up her arms as her fur drains of the dark yellow color that has soaked in. He softly hums a song their dad hummed when he would wash them when they were babies. Ben moves for the arms down the body and legs washing everything but her breast,butt,and pussy. He leans back still seeing the stains on those last three parts of her body “Kate you need to wash your private parts” he says loudly trying to get any reaction out of her. All Kate does is stare at the wall. Ben knowing he has to clean her just decided to get it over with. He starts with her breast slowly soaping them up with his bare hands then going over them with the wet wash cloth. The touch of his hands on her breast makes Kate softly open her mouth. No Sounds come out but just deep breaths leaves her mouth. After he finishes with her breast he moves down to her butt. Doing the same his hand almost massage her butt as he has to force his hand under her in the tub. More reaction out of her when his hand moves from her right butt cheek to her left his finger rubs against her soft pink butt hole. A short moan leaves her mouth. After the painful scrubbing of her butt he pulls his hand back out. Now He can clearly see her breathing faster as he gets to the last part. He soaps up his hand and reaches in between her legs. As if he turned on a light switch she come to life. A long moan as she arches her back. Her eyes almost pop out her head as she looks over at him. His touch…his soft but firm touch on her pussy almost gives her a heart attack. Every little movement he makes to clean her gives her an orgasm. Long moans and screams leave her mouth as every orgasm washes over her. Ben knowing what’s going on trys to finish as fast as he can. He pulls his hand back out the water as Kate’s body tries to push up following him.

Kate back motionless as her heart starts to slow back down. Ben pulls the plug as the water starts to drain out the tub. Ben reaches in after the water drains to dry her off. Her fur returns to its soft state as he leans back up “kate…please say something…please just get out the tub” Ben pleads with her but all Kate does it lay there. Ben wanting to just call it a night reaches in slowly picking her up. She lays in his arms as he slowly carries her to her bedroom. Softly Ben works her in under her covers “please kate…i am not mad at you…please say something” he look down with a face as if she was dieing. He shakes his head to walk out the room. As he turns he feels a tight grip on his wrist. He turns to her her hand poking out under the covers “please…just sleep with me” She mumbles laying on the bed “Kate i am your brother i am not going to have sex with you” he says trying to pull away and leave. “No just…sleep….just tonight please i don’t know if i will make it if i know you hate me” she tears up. Ben’s weak heart for his sister gives in “fine…i will sleep with you tonight but after tonight you have to get over this” Kate shakes her head as Ben slowly sides in next to her. Ben lays next to her as Kate move close to him. She lays her head against his chest still lightly crying. Ben look down seeing her in pain as he thinks to himself ~How could she love me like that~ He thinks slowly laying his head on top of her’s as they slowly fall asleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2d1vif/kate_and_ben_kates_secret_finally_comes_out


  1. There will be a continuation. I really did not know anybody liked it. Thanks for the support and yes there will be a continuation. How can i leave those two like that. ;)

  2. I’m just dying to know what happens.. great story! Can’t wait for more man..

  3. I’m just dying to know what happens.. great story! Can’t wait for more man..

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