After Class [Str8, bd, Fsub, Mf]

School Girl

One day just as class ends and the day is over, I ask you to stay behind. As you close the door behind yourself you turn to see me leaning on my desk. I tell you that i've noticed how you've looked at me and how i've caught you with your hands between your legs in class looking at me. Embarrassed you look down, cheeks bright red.
before you can say anything I put my hands to your face and lean into beside you. I whisper " have you noticed the way I look back?". A shiver goes down your spine as you look up at me and we lock eyes and kiss. Just lips at first but I move down onto your neck and to your chest. I can hear your heart racing.
"Now I want you to bend over my desk. you must be punished for these thoughts." I bark in an authoritative manner.
Youre heart stops and you slowly walk over to the desk and bend over exposing your cute ass to me. I can just see your panties out from under your skirt. As you do that I take off my belt and fold it in two. The anticipation rises and you get more and more fidgety and you start to squirm. finally a crack is let out as it hits you for the first time. your back arcs and you let out a sharp pleasure filled moan. Mouth open you recoil back only to be met with a slightly harder hit. You can feel it shoot down your legs and back as you can't help but raise one of your legs in pleasure. The swats continue until you lose count and simply sucumb to them. Your ass red and your legs shaking you slowly feel my fingers slide down your side. Starting just in line with your breasts and going down till they met your hips, then like a feather they flow down and you can feel me see how wet and sticky you've become.
Your panties are soaking wet, so I tell you to take them off. You slowly bend over away from me sliding them off just do I can barely see your lips almost dripping with excitement.
At this point i've taken off my pants and you can see me bulging out of my boxers. Its almost too much for them to contain, so you get on your knees and begin you grope me and fondle me. Ever so slightly biting the tip through my boxers. Upon taking them off it springs up and at attention, the head also dripping with excitement as you are at this very moment.
You smile and lick my head and tease it. One hand on the shaft and your tongue swirling around the tip. Your other hand between your legs playing with yourself. You so slightly begin to suck the tip of my member swirling your tongue to lick up the juices that are erupting from it. My hands in your hair guiding you along and holding your head continually letting you know that i'm still very much in control. You try and take it all at once but you just can't manage to get the whole thing down. kneeling there unsatisfied with yourself, and thoroughly embarrassed you look practically begging to be punished more for incompetence.
I oblige, but this time I ask you to strip down to nothing. I do the same, and begin to tie your ankles together and tie your wrists out in front of you.
I wipe everything on my desk and pick you up and sit you down there. You lay back with your ankles tied I spread your knees apart and begin to kiss all around your dripping wet pussy. slowly, I lick each lip up and down until you beg me to kiss you there. So I take my tongue and ever so gently flip your clit back and forth, with each movement you become more and more squeamish, your hips moving back and forth, in an almost primal manner. My tongue then plunges inside of you, I can feel the walls of you wet and hot. I swirl my tongue around and hear you moan. without a thought I take two finger and play with your lips for a moment then reach in and curl them up ever so slightly till I can feel your g-spot. I slowly rub you there progressively getting faster and faster, harder and harder till all at once with one large energy filled moment your whole insides squeeze together, muscles tighten, and your legs close together. I you hang in this moment of bliss for just a moment longer until you come back down chest pumping and legs shaking slightly.
I lick off my soaking wet fingers, my cock still hard as stone. I lift your legs up over my shoulder and look at you saying" Thats only the first." as you can slowly feel my cock slide up against the your lips, not entering but feeling just how wet and hot you are. I begin to probe at your hole, feeling your wetness begin to surround my member. I can feel every muscle you have squeezing around me.
You let out light little squeaks and moans as I stretch you. You bring your hands down and place them on my hips pushing me away.
I can see in the little facial expressions you make that your enjoying it through the pain. “You want me to keep going don't you?” I say with just my head inside of you. Reluctantly you nod your head, with your head moving back and your mouth wide open, as you feel the rest of me fill you up. Pressing up against every bit of you. you feel a shock and a feeling of ecstasy flow down your thighs and into your insides. With every thrust you feel yourself getting more and more comfortable. You can feel me swelling every time I thrust, stretching the walls of you. As I plunge deeper into you with every motion I pull your shirt off and bury my head into your chest kissing your breasts. I quickly slip your bra off and begin to lick and play your hard perky nipples. Sucking on them as I My cock swells inside of you with every thrust. “Do you like the way i fill you up?” I whisper into your ear.
“OIh god yes! but I need to be punished more…” as your cheeks blush, you say with little breath you have.
“Ok. I'll need to make you cummore time before I do that. I say as I wink and begin to thrust faster and harder making you squeal and moan ever so slightly. Wth every thrust you get closer and closer to finishing. This time as I end by thrusting deep and long into you, your insides squeeze and your legs wrap around me. Back arched and and mouth gaping you feel another rush of energy fly up your back and down your legs.
We sit and just lay in one anothers self, until slowly I pull out, still rock hard. You just lie there and pant away trying to gain your energy back, but before a moment longer I grab you and sit in my teacher's chair, and bend you over my knee. Your pussy soaking wet and your legs still trembling. I play with your tight little pussy lips sliding my finger down one and up the other. Feeling every bit of wetness, I begin to pinch and play with your clit, flicking it back and forth with my thumb, while my middle finger enters inside of you, curling ever so slightly and rubbing you. Just before you begin to feel yourself building with pleasure I stop.
"You don't get to come again yet” I say swinging back my hand and spanking you harder than I had before, and quicker now. You have almost no time to recover from each hit. Any recovery you made from earlier was lost. Your ass was now peppered with redness.
Untying your ankles I slowly whisper in your ear once again “You want to ride me don't you you naughty girl?”
Biting your lip, you slowly nod your head and say “yes, master”.
With that you put your still bound wrists around my head and climb on top of me naked from head to toe. Your knees on either side of my hips, you can feel the heat coming off of me. My cock pressing up against you front, swelling and throbbing you begin to grind against me with your soaking wet pussy. Your lips ever so slightly brushing against the tip of my cock. I fidget and begin to breath deeper as your perky bosom hangs in my face. Licking and playing with your nipples begins to make your chest, and your cheeks redden.
With much hesitation, you slowly lower yourself onto my rock hard throbbing cock. We can both feel the heat from each other pouring off of ourselves like dew. Again feeling me fill you up makes you arch your back and open your mouth wide, as you reach the base of my shaft. shivering almost you begin to move back and forth riding me faster and harder as time goes on. your hot wet lips sliding along my rock hard cock. faster and faster. harder and harder, until you tighten up now, a third time. This time you keep riding willing through your overwhelming flood of passion, until in one grand motion you feel me explode inside of you. filling every bit of you up and making your finally orgasm supercharged with erotic, sensual energy. Continually grinding, your insides convulse and spasm around me as we both lay back and hold one another, for what seems like minutes. Untying your hands you climb off of me, I wince in pain for my throbbing cock is now sensitive and shrinking. You get on your knees and lick of what sweet juices are left

Both of us standing, you put your head on my chest and your arms around me. “I'm sorry. I'll be better next time. I promise” as you look up to me and smile. I wrap my arms around you head and tuck it into my chest. “Its ok. as long as your good, things don't have to be so rough next time.” “well i'll have to get into more trouble next time then.” smiling devilishly.
