Alleyway [MF, exh, repost]

"You – you wouldn't dare! I know you too well!" Claire said, taking another swig of rum straight from the bottle.
"Oh ya think so, huh?" Chris answered, snatching the bottle from her and taking a slug himself.
"You can't even walk straight," she sniggered "let alone fuck me against a wall!"
Chris threw the bottle, only dimly aware that the glass shattered as he planted his lips on hers, silencing her cry of dismay at the waste of alcohol. The kiss was fierce and passionate, demanding and dominating. Her drink riddled mind just couldn't cope and she melted into his arms, returning the kiss just as fiercely, their tongues snaking over each other.
They broke the kiss and Chris smirked at her dazed expression.
"I still say you wouldn't do it…" she whispered
Chris grabbed a fistful of her hair and dragged her into an alleyway, pulling her up against the rough brick wall "You're so sure, this can't be happening then, right?" he growled, planting his lips back on hers and sliding a hand up her tshirt, groping for a breast. She moaned into his mouth, completely unwilling and unable to fight back, her hands scrambling under his tshirt to run her nails along his back. Without warning he spun her around, pressing her face against the brick and pinning her there in an arm lock. "I'm gonna make you cum" he growled in her ear "I'm gonna make you squeal like a bitch in heat in a dirty alleyway in the center of town, and then I'm gonna fuck that tight little cunt of yours over and over." He slid his hand into her jeans, into her pants and plunged two fingers straight into her pussy.
"Ohmygod yes-" she moaned, knees almost buckling under the sudden fingering. She lost all control of her hips, grinding on his palm and not caring that even past midnight the main road less than ten yards away was still roaring with traffic. He was not gentle with his fingers, ploughing her sodden pussy while his cock poked into the small of her back. She wished it was his cock in her but she couldn't form the words even to beg.
From out of nowhere an orgasm blossomed from her pussy, taking her breath away and turning her knees to jelly and just a suddenly as it arrived it was gone, leaving her breathless and trickling liquids down her thighs.
"We have to fuck right now!" She gasped "please, I need your cock in me!"
"I don't have any rubbers on me…" he groaned.
"I don't care," she snapped back "I want you in me!"
That was all he needed to hear. He dragged her by a fistful of hair and a hip to stand on top of a wooden crate, breathlessly he tugged at her jeans fastening, pulling them and her pants down to her knees, exposing her rounded ass and thighs to the warm night air. He quickly dropped his own jeans and boxers and, bending her over, plunged his cock into her with a groan of satisfaction. It was all she could do to keep her knees straight, to lean against the wall to keep herself from collapsing as he pounded into her, stretching her wet, wanting cunt around his girth. With one hand on her bare hip, pulling her back onto each powerful thrust, his other hand covered her mouth to muffle her cries of pleasure. Without thinking she started sucking on his fingers, imagining another dick in her mouth.
He grunted and paused, pulling out of her, his fingers digging into her hip. Without warning he spun her around again to face him, pinned against the wall. He pulled off one of her shoes and tugged her leg out of her jeans and then lifted her feet clear of the ground, her jeans and pants hanging from one foot, balancing her on his hips and spearing her to the wall with his now throbbing, glistening cock.
"I'm going to cum in you Claire" he snarled in her ear as she slid down his dick, taking all of it down to the root in one motion.
"I'm going to fill your cunt till it's overflowing and it's going to dribble out into your panties on your way home!"
With each word he fucked deep into her, hard enough to make her toes curl and her nails claw into his shoulders, her hips grinding back of their own accord.
"Yes!" she panted, "Don't stop! Oh god don't stop!"
Claire felt it rising, slow and explosive, an orgasm that made the muscles in her thighs twitch in anticipation. Each thrust filled her up a little more, sent the world a little further away until all that was left was one last penetration that sent her over the edge with a cry. Her legs clamped around his waist, ankles knitted together holding him in place, her face screwed up in climactic agony and her nails leaving deep marks in his shoulders. She was only dimly aware of the blast of warm liquid spurting into her pussy from Chris's cock, of his grunts and of his nails digging into her waist as she came down after what felt like an eternity in the throws of climax.
Panting, reality returned to both of them slowly. Still connected at the hips they smiled at each other and kissed, the fierceness gone but all the passion still there. Gingerly they disengaged, her stiff legs lowering to stand on the crate so he could put her down and dress themselves again.
"ahem" Claire cleared her throat as they reached the end of the alleyway, "Wow."
"Yeah," Chris replied, still a little out of breath "you… you sure you have to go home tonight…?"
