First Time post:Lost in The Woods (ff)

Chapter 1

I woke up alone in the dark. The ground was soft and damp, fresh from a light rain that was just turning to a fine mist. The sounds of the forest were slowly starting to rustle and chirp now that the rain was letting up.

I felt refreshed from my sleep but oddly tranquil, considering I'd no idea how I'd come to be in the middle of a forest. I lived in a 5th floor walk-up in Brooklyn, and even though I could sprint to the park in less than 10 minutes from my doorstep, I was clearly not in the park. Or the city for that matter.

I should have been terrified, or at the very least, alarmed. Instead, I was relieved and comforted, like I'd finally arrived at my destination after a few wrong turns. I must admit, I wasn't entirely sure that I wasn't still dreaming in my bed, but I figured I might as well have a look around until I woke up for real. Most of my dreams were usually frightfully dull, so I'd try to enjoy this one while it lasted.

I stood up and brushed myself off. As I glanced down at myself, I was mortified. I must have been rolling around on the wet ground a bit because my jean shorts were now muddied and my white ribbed tank top was wet and splattered with dirt. The wet fabric of my shirt was no match for what the cool air was doing to my nipples, which were as hard and pointy as little mountaintops. I must look like a loon for sure, I thought to myself as I tried to tame some of the curls that escaped my messy ponytail. At least there was no one around to see me, I thought gratefully. I was thankful I was still wearing my leather motorcycle boots. If I had to find my way around this forest, at least my feet would be saved.

As I stood in the small clearing I looked up at the sky to see that the moon was trying break through the fast moving clouds. It was high enough in the sky that I knew morning was still quite far off.I looked to my left and saw that the forest on that side started to rise into what looked like would be a steep incline. I started off that way in the hopes that I would get a lay of the land from a higher vantage point.

The terrain was rough and rocky in parts, and it felt good to move my body after what felt like such a long sleep. Plus, the air had acquired a bit of a chill and I was happy to be on the move. I chuckled to myself as I navigated the uneven ground. I'd certainly been complaining to John about the rut I felt we'd got stuck in. You know how it happens, going to work all week and then hanging out with the same group of friends every weekend can get a little stale after a while. I kept bugging him about getting away for the weekend, even if just upstate. I'd been missing the fresh air and greenery. Well, I had plenty of that now!

After I'd been walking long enough to break a pretty decent sweat, I saw that I was coming to the top of the rise. The air was getting dryer, and I was starting to feel tired from the long climb. As I reached the top of what turned out to be a steep ravine, I saw a lush meadow spreading out below me for miles. Here and there were small shrubs and oak trees. My eyes had gotten so used to the dark that when I saw the flickering glow of a sizeable bonfire I winced a bit. Though I'd been at ease all of this time, I was suddenly on alert. After all, where the heck was I? Was I asleep or was this really happening? I suddenly became overwhelmed with confusion and thirst. I'd sweat quite a bit during my climb and had nothing on me at all, not even my house keys. I sat down on a rock while I sifted through a few scenarios. As I sat there thinking, I heard my stomach rumbling, but I also heard something else. The forest was still very quiet, with just the soothing rustle of the wind through the leaves. But I could also hear voices being carried on the wind. As I strained to listen, I realized someone- or someones were singing along to the deep quickening rhythm of drums. The voices were high and lilting, definitely belonging to at least two young women. I sat there listening to their voices weaving together. Their voices were actually rather intoxicating, rising playfully and then silkily descending into a throaty purr that seemed to both tease and beg at the same time. I was entranced by their singing and would've been happy to linger on top of that ravine listening to their strange and sensual music for the rest of the night, but my thirst was becoming more insistent. I certainly didn't feel that anyone capable of singing in such a manner as there's could pose any danger, why not seek their hospitality? Surely they'd have at least a little water and food to spare for someone in need? I decided to make my way to their camp, observe them for a little while just to see whomever else might be with them, and then introduce myself. After all, what other options were there in this strange place?

I had to be very careful going down the side of the ravine. It was quite steep and slick from the evening's rains. I lost my footing a couple of times, getting a pretty nice gash on my right knee as I tried to break my fall. I was cursing my penchant for short jean cutoffs as I brushed off my knee, I didn't always have the most practical choice in clothes. Could I help it if I liked to drive John a little crazy now and then? I wasn't going to be young forever, and while I knew I wasn't every man's fancy, I certainly caught the attention of a few and I simply liked how that felt. And if a cute girl happened to check me out as well, I might pretend not to notice, but I must admit, I would get an even bigger rush from that. I was used to guys checking me out ever since high school. The girls would look at me too, but it was usually with jealousy all through out most of high school. But, as junior and senior year came around, I could see some of the jealous looks being replaced by the same hunger I saw in the eyes of the boys I went to school with. I probably could've gotten myself in a bit of trouble if I'd been more careless. I'd seen it happen to some of the other girls I grew up with. I never judged them, after all, who hasn't had the urge? But I was always just too shy. I noticed the attention, but I'd never had the guts to follow through with my urges in high school. I was pretty tame in college as well, compared to some of the daring conquests that most of my friends had. I had my first real relationship as a sophomore in college. It wasn't that I was saving myself for Prince Charming, but I wanted it to be memorable and special, and not just drunken fumbling around during some godawful party. Well, it ended up being my history Professor's research assistant, Greg Shearling. A misty fall night in a field before the weather really turned into winter. We'd stayed up all night so that we could watch a meteor shower and then I'd ended up mounting him in the middle of it. Drove me crazy that one certainly did. Dark brown hair that fell just past his chin and mischievous brown eyes. He always wore button down shirts with jeans and the way he rolled up his sleeves to expose his forearms just slayed me. I don't think he was expecting it. Come to think of it, neither was I…guess the moment just felt right. I certainly surprised the both of us that night, we ended up going for three rounds, with the last one stretching through the sunrise.

The memories of that night put a bit of fire in my bones as I reached the bottom of the ravine. I could see that the bonfire was not as far off as I'd thought it was. I'd underestimated it's size. The fire was actually the size of a small house. The heat of the fire made it difficult to see exactly how many figures were dancing around it, but I think I could I could make out at least three or four figures with some certainty. Now that I was closer I could distinctly hear the rise and fall of the feminine voices. I could see that there were handful of smaller and medium sized animal skin tents scattered in a rough semi-circle around the bonfire. It was hard to tell exactly how many members lived in this camp, but I estimated it was about five to eight. Some of the tents were lit from inside and had the flickering shadows of activity, and I could hear the quiet murmuring of hushed conversations from other dimly lit tents.

As I surveyed the scene from behind one of the larger trees near the camp, I saw one of the singers dancing around the fire. She moved lightly, almost as if she was being blown by the wind, but her steps had a cunning confidence. Her long golden curls flashed in the firelight, and the pink and red hues of her diaphanous dress seemed to be painted to each curve of her voluptuous body. Each gesture and stretch of limb seemed to bring her pleasure, and I found myself entranced immediately. Then and there, as the rhythm of the drums echoed out into the meadow, I no longer cared that I'd no idea where I was or how I'd got here. I wanted to watch this otherworldly creature dance in front of me while her voice rose higher than the moon and plummeted to velvety growls. I moved closer to the fire.

I remember loosing my footing on a tricky patch of rocks, and when I awoke, I had a purplish bruise sprouting on my arm from when I must've tried to break my fall. More importantly, I was in one of their tents. Someone had carried me inside while I had blacked out. I felt the need to instinctively check to see if I had anything missing (city life), but then I remembered I had absolutely nothing on my person. No phone, money, or ID. I hadn't even any keys with me. I was totally screwed. I tried to calm the swelling panic I felt spreading through my body. I was utterly exhausted and parched at this point. I needed to find water, and something to quiet my rumbling stomach. As I attempted to stand, the flap of the tent was pulled aside and she came in. The one I'd seen dancing around the fire. She didn't appear as wild as she had before. Now she had a calming serenity about her. As if the firedancing had cleansed and renewed her. Now that I was seeing her up close I felt dreadfully shy. To say she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen would not be adequate. Not only was she extraordinarily beautiful, but her demeanor was infused with an eroticism that was strangely innocent.

She gazed at me pleasantly as she stepped into the tent. I saw that she was carrying a wooden tray crammed with what looked like food, water, and an assortment of creams and salves.

She stopped a few feet in front of me, and god help me, as she knelt to put the tray on the floor, I couldn't help but watch in awe as her ample bosom strained against the tight bodice of her rosy dress. If she saw me staring, she was too graceful to let it be known. She was busy arranging the items on her tray. She brushed a golden curl from her eyes as she finally looked up at me.

"You had a pretty nasty fall." She murmured softly. "I thought you might need a bit of stitching".

I stayed quiet for a little bit.

"Did you bring me here?" I asked.

She replied, "I was the one that heard you scream as you fell, but I had help carrying you in here".

"I see." I croaked. "How long have I been out?" I asked.

She started pouring water into a dark stone cup and said "It's been a few hours. I thought you might've woken up as we carried you. I found you just past midnight, but now the sun will be up in a couple of hours."

She held out the cup, and I took it with a nervous smile. "Thanks, I'm dying of thirst." I said sheepishly.

"Of course. You must've been traveling a long way. We're pretty isolated out here. Are you by yourself?" She inquired.

I stayed silent for a pause. "Yes. I'm alone." I began to feel terribly anxious. How would I explain that I'd no clue where I was or how I'd got here? My mind began to race as I tried to think of a plausible cover. But she was observing me closely. Her gaze was gentle, but piercing nonetheless. She looked into my eyes, as if searching for something. As I looked back into hers, I felt myself calmed by the peace I saw there. How odd it was that I felt both so comfortable and shy in her presence.

She saw that I'd drained my cup and took it softly from me clenched grasp. As she refilled it with cool water, she looked at me and said, "There will be plenty of time for you to tell me your story, but why don't we get you cleaned up first? You'll feel much better with fresh clothes and some of your wounds tended. But before you change, I'll help you wash."

My cheeks burned scarlet as she walked softly to the the fire and pulled the lid off a deep earthenware pot full of steaming water. She glanced back at me and must have seen apprehension. With a twinkle in her eye, she said "Well, that's not the reaction I was hoping for…Look, there's no reason to be embarrassed. It's just that you're clearly injured and need some help. Normally I'd take you down to the falls, but it's a tricky path to walk at night. It's much safer to just wash up by the fire."

I looked at her as she began spreading a number of thick and pillowy soft white towels on the floor by the fire. She was on her hands and knees as she smoothed the wrinkles and bunches from the pile. At the moment, she was giving a scandalous view of her perky backside. The skirt of her shimmering pink dress was just barely covering her…well, her divine ass, I couldn't think of any other way to describe it. It was perfect, round, and tight. Did she know the show she was giving me? I thought as I watched her crawling around by the fire.

I couldn't believe this golden-haired goddess was going to bathe me. When she seem satisfied by the amount of cushioning the towels provided, she stood and walked over to a small wooden table standing near the fire. It had a bowl filled with what looked like moss and stones and other small bits of greenery. She picked up a small book of matches, lit one, and dropped it into the bowl, which began to emit large plumes of billowing, aromatic smoke. The smell was hard to place, but there were spicy hints of cinnamon and clove. She glanced over at me and smiled as she said "Now you should try and relax. Have a seat on the chair" She gestured to a small wooden stool she'd placed on top of the ivory towels. "The smoke is made from a mixture of healing herbs and crystals. Breath deeply and it will help you feel better."

I smiled back at her shyly as I walked towards the wooden stool. I sat down and did as I was told, and began to take long, slow, deep breaths, letting the aromatic smoke fill my lungs. I began to relax, after all, it seemed as if I'd found hospitable sanctuary from my aimless wandering. The exquisite beauty of this feminine creature was disarming as well. She had an other worldly grace, but a seductive strength about her as well. I realized I hadn't even asked her name.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask before, but what's your name? I asked.

She was kneeling over the deep stone pot, and had been tossing dried flower petals and other fragrant herbs into the steaming water. She looked over at me and said "I'm Liliya. I'm known as a bit of a healer around these parts. Before I found you, I'd been leading a ritual of sorts around the fire. But we'll get into that later. What's your name?" She said this as she stood from the pot, took a few steps forward and then knelt down in front of my stool, giving me an impish grin. "I like your boots, they make you look very tough" she let her eyes flicker up at me as she said this, and as our eyes lingered on each other she began to unzip my leather boots slowly. She pulled them off one at a time, never taking her eyes off me, even as she began to wash my feet. "Well? Are you going to tell me?" she asked.

"Tell you what?" I murmured, quite honestly, I'd forgot that she'd asked me my name because from where I sat, I had the most entrancing view of her tremendous breasts, which couldn't quite be contained by the tight, flimsy, gossamer pink of her strained bodice. Liliya gazed up at me inquisitively, and it was then that I saw how truly stunning her eyes were. They were a beautiful blue-grey color, with a hint of amethyst. "I asked you what your name was" she giggled. Her eyes glittered coyly up at me as she waited for my answer.

"I'm sorry, the smoke and the warmth of the fire, it's all just making me a little forgetful…My name is Rose" I said as I began to blush again. "Here, I should be helping you" I said as I reached forward to grab a warm wet cloth from the small pile next to the earthenware pot. Liliya shook her head, and with a gentle smile, she pressed a finger against my lips, and gently took the cloth from my hands. "Shhh. I won't hear of it. Sit back and relax."

I tried my best to do as Liliya said, but I'd never felt this way before. I couldn't simply sit still while this captivating and winsome nymph slowly bathed me. I wanted to do things to her that I'd never done to another girl. I was overwhelmed by her provocative beauty. I felt my chest grow hot as I watched her wash my calves. I was sure that I was going to embarrass myself horribly. She looked up at me as her strokes rose higher on my taut thighs. She seemed to be testing me, but I wasn't sure to what end. She placed both her hands on my knees and slowly pushed them apart. She moved between my legs, where she now had access to the uppermost reaches of my thighs, which began to quiver as she ran the hot steaming cloth close to the shockingly short hem of my shorts. She looked at me again, and said "You know I'm going to have to take these off, right?" pointing to my muddied cutoffs and tank top with a little flourishing gesture of her hands. "It's the only way you'll be able to get completely clean." She said this with a sly smile.

She was definitely testing me now, and seemed to be enjoying some sort of secret delight at my nervousness. She stood from where she'd been kneeling between my legs. The skirt of her dress had gotten wet and the pink and rosette gauzy folds clung seductively to her thighs. Our eyes met as she leaned down towards me to lift my arms above my head and pull off my shirt. My own sizeable breasts were freed, and the damp cloth had made my nipples hard and errect. Liliya let her eyes drop from mine as she took in my naked chest. As she brought her eyes upwards again, Liliya gave me a look that finally revealed the lust she felt for me. There was no more testing or teasing between us. She and I were eyeing each other with open desire. She moved closer to me and cupped each of my breasts with her small, delicate hands. I inhaled sharply as she began to play with my nipples, pinching them lightly. Her creamy thighs were close to my face. I put my hands on them and marveled at their intoxicating shape. Supple, yet toned, they began to shake lightly as I let my hands wander further up her thighs, up around her tight hamstrings, until I reached her delicious ass, which I'd been wanting to spank ever since I saw her crawling on her hands and knees by the fire. I gave her ass a light spank and she let out a small, surprised cry. She giggled as she looked down at me and said "Mmm…I'm going to have to show you how to do that later…But first…" She held my gaze as she bent over me and placed her lips on mine softly. Our kiss grew deeper, and I let my hands run through her silky curls, and trailed down to the small of her back. She pressed her bosom against mine as I wrapped my long legs around her torso. We kissed wildly, our bodies wrapping together. She grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled, bending my neck to one side and then bit it while squeezing one of my breasts in her other hand. I cried out as she inflicted just the right amount of pain and my eyes rolled back in my head. I was on fire now, panting heavily, squeezing her ass, and giving it little teasing slaps.

She stopped all of a sudden and looked at me with a playful smile. "Have you done this before?" she asked. "No, never. I mean, not with another girl." I replied. I wanted to rip her dress right off her body and bury my face in her heaving breasts.

"It's just that I really want you. I mean, you're gorgeous…". I murmured as I let my hands caress Liliya's bulging cleavage, which had now also been soaked through from rubbing against my wet skin. I saw her nipples poking through her pearly pink bodice. I couldn't help myself, and I reached out and pulled her dress down. The thin, shimmering straps that had been holding up her dress snapped as the rest of her dress fell to the floor. I stared at Liliya's naked curves. I'd never felt such heat for someone before. As I let my gaze wander from her perfect pendulous breasts, to the delicate curving of her tiny waist that stretched into her small, flat stomach, I felt hot desire boiling deep within me. As I let my eyes trace the light silvery purple lace thong that covered her sinful mound, I felt a wetness spreading in my own panties. Was this really happening?

"Well, you seem to know what you're doing…" She laughed as she reached towards the waistband of my shorts. She gave me a naughty smile as she unbuttoned them and slowly tugged them off. Now, with the exception of my black satin thong, I was completely exposed. But I no longer felt shy. I could only feel my desire pulsing through my warm, wet body.

Liliya knelt down between my legs and sprinkled my thighs with kisses as she inched further towards my beckoning groin. She reached out and let her her hand graze my mound. She pushed my legs further apart, and gave me a devilish grin as she tickled my lace-covered slit with her delicate fingers. I let out a surprised gasp as I arched my back, and pushed my pelvis towards her touch. She licked her lips as she slowly pulled the wet strap of my thong to the side and slid a finger into my wet pussy. She began to finger me slowly as she watched me intently. She was starting to breath heavier now as well. She kissed my thigh as she steadily pumped her finger deeper into my cunt. My breathing had turned to a pant once again, punctuated by high pleading moans. She stared up at me as she finger fucked me on that small wooden stool, my legs splayed wide as I gyrated my hips against her fingers. "Oh god…please don't stop…"I gasped. Her fingers weren't enough anymore. I wanted her lips on my slit. I wanted to grind my pussy on her face. She seemed to sense this, and took her fingers out of my mound and licked them as she stared at me. "Do you want me to eat your pussy?" She purred.

"Yes, oh god yes. Please." I whispered.

"Mmm" She purred again. "Have you ever had a girl eat your pussy before?" She smiled as she toyed with me. Clearly enjoying the effect she was having on me. She started slowly stroking my slit with one of her fingers, and watched me struggle to answer through my moans. "No.' I gasped.

"Well, I guess I'm pretty lucky then…I get to be the first girl to eat you out." She said between kisses of my thighs. She moved her lips towards my stomach while her hands pulled my hips towards the edge of the stool. She gave me light kisses on the stomach as she traveled down towards my feminine darkness. She parted my mound gently with her hands and gave my clit a flick with her tongue. I let out a quick gasp as she continued to flick my clit with her soft tongue. I gave a long and low moan as I began to buck my hips against Liliya's face. She looked up at me while she continued to lash my slit with her tongue. She must have seen the look of surprised pleasure on my face. "Do you like that?" She murmured between mouthfuls of my pussy. Her eyes were hot and heavy with lust as she gazed up at me. "Fuck yes, that feels so fucking good…" I moaned.

"Mmm…your pussy tastes divine…I'm gonna make you cum all over my face." Liliya purred as she lapped at my glistening mound.

I felt hot desire spreading outwards from my throbbing cunt as I rubbed my swollen clit against Liliya's probing tongue. My breath became frantic as she kept up the steady rhythm of tongue lashings against my now engorged pussy. She looked up at me with wicked lust in her eyes and started to grunt each time I bucked my cunt against her mouth. She had reached down between her legs to play with her own pussy.

"God, you're making me soo wet…" Liliya moaned into my pussy as I bucked my hips even faster. She wouldn't take her eyes off of mine as I watched her munching on my glistening cunt, her eyes were glazed and drunk with desire as she watched me gyrating above her. I was all out panting now as the pleasure Liliya was inflicting on my lady mound built to an all-encompassing delicious throb that was emanating from my lady lips.

"Oh GOD, don't stop!" I pleaded between gasps of air. I was loosing it, as all I wanted to do was grab Liliya's head with both hands and jackhammer my swollen pussy onto her tongue. She seemed to sense this because she sped up the rhythm of her lashings until it seemed liked she couldn't go any faster. As she lapped furiously at my pussy, she was moaning "I want you to come on my face…Oh god, please come on my face." She was pounding her pussy with her fingers now and looked positively possessed with lust.

I closed my eyes as she sent me over the edge with her skillful mouth. Waves of burning pleasure racked my body as I cried and gasped and whimpered while I ground my slit into her face. Liliya's cries joined with me as she brought her lady bits to a sweet and desperate climax. I could see the delicious surprise mixed with naughty satiation in Liliya's eyes as we grunted and moaned in reply to each other's pleasure, both of us collapsing onto the pile of ivory towels in a tangled heap of sweaty and exhausted satisfaction.
