Slave to my College Roommate (Part Two) [MM][Mdom][Anal][nc]

Hey there! I'm RPDiem. I'm fairly new to this, so if you have complaints, feel free to voice them. I'm always open to criticism, and it allows me to improve my craft. However, if you downvote the story without commenting on why, I'm just going to assume it's because it's about two dudes fucking, which isn't really constructive.

Anyway, without further ado, the story!


A marked tension had developed between Chris and I since the “wrestling” incident. Whenever I’d open my mouth to bring up our encounter, his cold eyes would meet mine and my words would die in my mouth.

I found that after that first display of dominance, Chris had begun to more openly wander in his underwear, his large bulge straining against the fabric of his briefs as he walked through our room. It soon became second nature for him to strip down whenever he got home from class or a social outing, and he’d only dress up when he had to go out again.

This wasn’t the only overt display of sexuality. The frequent masturbation, which he had at one point had the decency to cover up with his sheets, was now done openly, and I would find myself having to ignore him as he lay on his bed groping his shaft and balls. One time I struck up the nerve to ask him to knock it off, and he simply responded with the question: “Why are you looking, fag? It might be easier to ignore it if you weren’t so interested.” All I could do in response was blush and turn away as he grunted out another orgasm.

This tension reached what I would have liked to have been its peak one day when I returned home to him cleaning the cum from his cock with one of my shirts. Simply put, I knew it was cum because the shirt was black. When I tried to snatch it away from him, he tightened his grip and pulled it right back out of his hand, further using it to clean the sweat from his weighty, egg-sized balls. Realizing I had started staring, I gave him my best look of disgust and walked off to the washroom. Once again, he had won, and I caught him using my shirt as his cumrag for the rest of that week.

I mentioned that, as much as I would have liked it to have been, this was not the climax of our conflict. Far from it, in fact. After about a month of acclimating myself to college life, I had finally grown close enough to a few classmates to be invited to an off-campus party. The atmosphere was unlike anything I had experienced in my young, bookish life. Drinks abounded, more so than I had ever imbibed, and the girls… To put it briefly, although I nothing happened that night, some of the looks I received and conversations I had seemed to hint of future prospects.

The drinks, however, eventually took their toll. After a few beers and an uncounted number of shots, my vision had begun swimming… Faces blurred and thought faded to a miniscule point, but luckily I had the self-awareness to head home before I made a fool of myself. Luckily, the trip home was only a few blocks, and I still had enough coordination to locate the dorms and drag myself to my room…

On impulse, I flicked on the light switch, and was greeted by an immediate bellow of “Turn the FUCKING light off!” Clearly Chris had been asleep, and despite myself I apologized, turning off the switch before stumbling to where my bed was. However, when I went to hop in, I hit the floor instead of my mattress.

“Wha… Where’s my bed?” I slurred, confused and disoriented. A brief silence followed, but the reply came just as I began to repeat the question.

“It’s over here. I needed more room to sleep, so I pushed them together.” The delivery was plain, direct, with not a shred of implicit apology.

“… The fuck, man? Where am I going to sleep?” This whole situation was sketchy, but in my current state I was more annoyed than suspicious.

“Well, you seem comfortable on the floor there, but you can still use your bed. I’m only taking up some of it, and besides, you’re pretty small. You only need a bit.” Plain. Direct. Matter-of-fact.

“Aah… Alright.” It made a certain amount of sense. Chris WAS a big guy. And honestly, I was more concerned with finding a soft place to sleep than arguing property rights. I could always take my bed back the next day, when my head had cleared up a little. With a sigh of relief, I pulled off my shirt and pants and slid under the sheets, Chris’s back turned towards the wall.

With the room spinning around me, I closed my eyes and passed out.

When I woke up, the room was still pitch dark, and I could still feel the lingering cloudiness of alcohol on my mind. I felt something behind me. Smooth, hard muscle pressed against my back and something long, thick and throbbing pressed between my cheeks. My mind stirred at this, and I realized that I was no longer on my back, but laying face down. Deep, strained breath brushed against my ear, and I could feel a heavy pair of balls sliding across my taint…

My underwear was off, and Chris was on top of me. My eye opened wide. “Chris?” The breathing stopped for a moment, then resumed as he began to grind on top of me, his hips pushing my into the matress as his cock pulsated deep in my crack. I let out a small whimper, which only seemed to encourage him further, and he soon began dry-humping me, letting out a mild grunt with each creack of the mattresse’s springs. It wasn’t enough though, and within minutes he repositioned himself to press the head of his cock against my quivering asshole.

“Wait. Stop.” I pleaded silently, but he simply drove my face down into the pillow with his hand as he used the other to guide his shaft. Slowly, as he applied the weight of his massive body, the tip of his cock expanded my tight hole. What pain I experienced then became little more than a mild nuisance when I felt the head pop inside me with the agony of a knife. I writhed against his bed, but could do little to escape the muscular thighs on either side of mine. When I ceased struggling, he pushed his shaft in, inch after painful inch filling me to full capacity and beyond, until finally his heavy balls rested once more against me.

I heard a grunt of satisfaction next to my ear, and he began to pull out, and I couldn’t help but let out a squeal as his rigid, uncircumcized pole rasped against my insides. This rose into a yell as he pushed back in, and very quickly I found my mouth filled with a large, damp piece of cloth. At first I thought it was a towel, but the fabric had a different texture, and there was an odd, salty, bitter taste to it… With a growing feeling of horror, I realized it was the shirt he was using as a cumrag… And what I was tasting with the accumulated semen he had let soack into it in the week after he had stolen it from me.

His thrusts had begun to speed up, and although my small cries of pain and humiliation were muffled, they grew in urgency as he pounded deep into my ass. Although the feeling of his cock prodding into my colon was still one of agony, hints of pleasure began to fade in with each inward stroke. His chest pressed against my back, his masculine grunts deep and rhythmic in my ear, his sweat pouring down onto my body… Simply put, he was dominating me, mentally and physically, without one spoken word… Despite myself, I found my toes beginning to curl…

He thrusts reached a record pace, humping in bursts of short, quick thrusts like a rabbit. I could feel every inch of his cock, every vein… The skin sliding over his shaft, the ridge of his head crushing my prostate… An involuntary orgasm was coming, as much as I tried to resist it…

Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, I was spared that humiliation, and with a howl of conquest, he buried himself to the hilt inside me, his cock expanding to seal my ass shut as he emptied his balls of seed. I felt first one shot of spunk, then another, and another… I counted 9 ropes of cum filling my ass, and they were kept plugged inside me by his deflating, but still massive fuckstick. With his weight on my back, my hard cock pressed between my stomach and the mattress, his girth stretching my quivering hole, and the scent of testosterone thick in the air, I began to pass out. My violator had fucked every bit of energy from my body…




  1. Wow, that’s pretty damn good. I’m hard. If I could make any suggestions…you should expand the section from where you wake up until the penetration. Perhaps Chris is spooning you naked as you wake up and as you try to sneak away, he easily grabs you and forces you face down onto the mattress…. Maybe a little dialog and you plead…what does Chris say? The "what are you looking at faggot?" up above really helped to set the tone for how Chris feels about you and his dominance of you. You struggle for a while, but as you feel the head of his cock on your ass you can’t help but freeze and Chris says "???". You struggle again, as he slowly lowers his shaft into you but he easily holds you down. One of his hands grips your 2 wrists together and the other presses on the back of your head….. Anyhow, your concept is great, but I think you should expand the subtleties of the dominance part b/c that’s what is special and unique about your story. Can’t wait to read more. Where does is go from here?

  2. Great story so far! I’m really enjoying it! The only criticism I have is fairly nit-picky relating to grammar and spell checking. Perhaps just reread before the final submission. I generally find myself typing a story into Word or Google Docs or something before I submit it, so I can check for any glaring errors. Then again, I could be the only person who gets turned off by that stuff. :)

  3. Thanks for the advice! I’ll definitely go into more depth in the next installment!

  4. Thought I had caught it all. I’ll comb through it and make corrections next time I have the opportunity. Thanks for the feedback!

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