Model Enslaved by Elliot Rodger Part 1

This story happened in a parallel universe. Elliot Rodger in Earth 193 had experienced a transformation that turned him away from hatred of women, but instead serving them the way they secretly craved men to.

She was crawling on all four, arching her back. Her wrists are cuffed with iron chain, and so are her ankles. Most of her scalp is shaved to the skin, except a round spot on her crown, with hair forming a bang extending and knotted to a metal ring on the back of the metal chastity belt that keeps her nether parts prisoners. This setup keep her chin up as she crawls.

The key to this prison belongs to a man whom she once despised…the man whom she now hopelessly addicted to, and “forced” worship.

Her hands and feet are gloved by leather mitts, and knees by leather guards.

There are nothing else.

Waiting for master to come home is the most agonizing thing for her. Sometimes, he could be gone for more than ten hours, and the wait is so unbearable she would pee herself when she hear the door being opened.

“bad dog!”, he would say sternly when she does naughty thing like that. Whenever he reprimands her, she can feel her heart pinched, and she is also scared, because her master would punish her sometimes.

Her breasts are freely hanging. They are still tight as she is only 20 years old. Master told her that soon her nipples would fall further down until her udders look like real bitches’.

“dog nipples? I will be freak show. Nooooo” she creamed in her head. But master always had his way. Always. She has resisted many times, but time and again he won. She would give in to his demand each time… she tried to resist him, but the desires to submit would only end up stronger. His power over her is just too strong.

He is intense. He wants to leave some “marks” on her body, even through some physical modifications.

She is now far from the proud model she once was. She could barely remember her past. This house has become her world. It belongs to her master.

It hasn’t been that long ago, but too much has been happening. It was all too overwhelming for her brain to process. Before she could grasp the meaning of all this, she has became irreversibly his.

Sometimes when she is not in her pet mode, nor doing chore around the house as a maid, nor being fucked the brain out by the man or his guests, which is very rare since her enslavement started, she would contemplate about her future and past, but soon she would give up.

Thinking upsets her, because her mind has become so foggy. It is weird how her submissive programming overrode the previous personality. She can vaguely remember how she used to make decision for herself, but now she has lost her will power to even think for herself.

It all started in a year or so ago.

Check for updates..

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