[mf] Girl in the flat window

My day of extra time finally done, I trudged through the grimy city streets. Each car that clipped my heels as I crossed a road I never even noticed. I was simply resigned.

Other students walked past- intoxicated and in a party mood, ready to go "out" for the night, to a club downtown. I walked past them all, and stared up at the wide, brightly lit glass windows of each flat I went past. Floor after floor, block after block, each filled with smiling young people clutching a glass of something or other.

In one window, a girl looked out. She was fully dressed up, in a beatiful green dress and with her lovely brown hair spread out around her head. I stared up at her, and met her gaze. Our eyes locked, and I gestured with my hand as if I was holding a phone. She was surprised, and hesitated, then instead left the room she was in.

I stood still and looked around, wondering what I should do. Then, just as I set off, the door of the house opened behind me. I span round to see the girl, who closer up seemed to have cried recently. She didn't say anything, but I walked up to the door and held it open further. She staggered out and brushed my chest.

"Sorry," she mumbled, but I told her it was no problem. Then, she invited me upstairs.

We sat on two soft chairs side by side in her kitchen. We talked for a while, and she drank wine. She offered me some, and I tried to gulp it down, but she could tell I didn't like it. She took the glass from my hand and drank it in one.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2ib9x8/mf_girl_in_the_flat_window


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