[FM] I got dared to give a blowjob to my crush – F18 M18

Yesterday I went to the beach with a ton of friends and people from school, since school is ending soon and a lot of us probably won’t ever see each other ever again. Sort of like one last big get together type of thing.

It was total feel good vibes all round, everyone was drinking and I got a little too excited with my drinks to say the least. I was very much borderline wasted.

We were by the sand dunes and I was getting pics with everyone. I got a picture taken with one of the guys and he happens to be gay. I don’t know what got into me but I was incessant that he let me give him a blowjob.

He respectfully declined and settled for a kiss on the cheek instead. However drunk me still wanted to suck a dick and made a joke with my friends that one of the hot guys from class would get it tonight.

We started playing consequences or dare which is basically truth or dare except you can only do dares. It started off tame but then it moved to stuff like making out, then to flashing, etc, and it kept getting worse.

It got to the point where I was dared by my friend to give one of the guys head. She absolutely thought I was going to say no, but instead I got up and the two of us walked down the hill a little bit behind some bushes and I put his dick in my mouth.

When we got back everyone was like “wheyyy heyyy”. I don’t think anyone thought I’d do it but a dare is a dare.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12t03pj/fm_i_got_dared_to_give_a_blowjob_to_my_crush_f18


  1. Such a fun game even better if it’s with people willing to do all of the dares lol you’d be so fun to play it with

  2. Really hot wow I miss playing those types of games. Ofc I never got that lucky

  3. Been hotter if you did it in front of everyone. Still…wanna play a game? Lol

  4. Omg I would love it if a girl, who was a friend, went up to me and did that. No ambiguity that she liked me!

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