The online friend part 1 [M&F] {25-35} [texting, lewd, flirting]

You sit there looking through your photo’s carefully inspecting. Nah that one doesn’t look right you say as you move it to the trash bin. Ah that’s the one, that one is sure to make him hard you think to your self. As you click send you think man this is just gonna be the same
deal as always with men, he’s gonna be like ohhh ahhh and then demand more till he gets what he wants leaving me high and dry. You see the sent notification pop up and then you see the text bubble. Here it comes you think to your self. You are shocked and mildly blushing to read kind, beautiful, and sensual words and on top of that a thank you. This was new you thought your self, enjoying the moment. Hmmm, I’ll send another as you scroll through your photos. There we go let’s see what he has to say about that. There was nothing particularly X-rated about the photo but it was lewd for sure. The chat bubble goes up, the seconds seem to take for ever as you wait to read his words. Again complimenting your beauty and how sexy you are and showing gratitude for the opportunity to see such a photo. You’re shocked, normally men don’t respond this way towards you. Normally it’s some vulgar comments followed by a Dick picture. This man tho, he made your heart flutter as well as your lady bits burn with desire. That’s when you decide I must have him, and begin the planning how to obtain your goal.

Several months later and you are nervous as can be. Through talking quiet a bit you have gotten to know each other and found the other to be quiet enjoyable. After some well worded conversations from his part and some alcohol on yours, joking you say you should go visit him. You can hardly contain your self as he agrees to the meet. You feel your chest pounding and same time feel your lips dripping, because you know once you see him in person he will be yours. Up to this point only lewd pictures and mildly sexy conversations have taken place. But this will be a whole new adventure. As you’re packing you catch your self in the mirror, looking at your self you have some self doubt. I wonder if he will still react the same way in person, or had this all be an act. You run your hands up and down your body. Men have called you thick before and it bothered you to some degree. You shake your head, he has seen enough to know how my body is and I am beautiful! Walking back to your suitcase grinning as you pack the lace, wondering how long they would stay on you place them in the zipper pocket. You lay down for bed excited for what the next day is to bring and what is to come.
