The online friend part 2 [M&F] {25-35} [meeting, lewd, flirting]

As you’re driving to the coffee shop that was agreed upon for the meeting place, you park your car and sit. You can hear your heart beating in your head, then you silence the loudness and say okay Iv got this! Walking into the coffee shop you are pleasantly greeted by the air conditioning. The walk from your car to inside may or been short but it was a record high for the year. Looking around as you pull your sunglasses up to the top of your head, you see him sitting at a corner table. You take a deep breath, now or never as you walk up. Hey there, he turns his head and looks at you and smiles. His pictures have not done him justice. In a micro second you notice the strong jawline covered in a beard. The dark hair styled in a Viking braid. Those hazel eyes that seem to glow as that look through you. As he stands has broad shoulders and a large chest, dear lord his chest that leads to massive arms. He finishes standing and in your eyes not only was this man a tree, he was a damn redwood. Thick and stout from head to toe, you grin as you think a tree I could climb. Hey there you respond. As he leans over to give you a hug. You prepare your self and he wraps his arms around you and with little effort hugs and picks you up off the ground. While admiring his strength you also are close enough to smell him. My lord, he smelled like crisp rain on a fall day. You could feel the wetness between your legs. After what seemed like the best year ever he puts your down and you realize it was only a few seconds. He pulls out the chair for you to sit and then sits himself. Pleasant conversation takes place over the next hour and laughs we’re had and you both realize that this going exactly where you both wanted it to go. He gets up to pay and as he does he offers you an invitation to his place to beat the heat at his pool. You agree and smile saying you’ll follow over in your car.

You pull up to his house and it is a decent sized house not to big or little but was well kept and looked new. He walked over to your car, any bags I can carry for you? You pop the trunk and he grabs your bag and walks up to the door with you following. Hope you like the place he says opening the door and placing his keys in the bowl next to it. You look around and this suits him well, lots of earth tones with decor that makes you feel like your in a log cabin. Well he points past the kitchen that way is the pool I’ll change and meet you out there. He walks towards the master bedroom, you can change in here I’ll use the spare bathroom. You say thanks and shut the door. Surprisingly his room is very well kept and smelled just like he did. You place your bag in his bed and open it. Realizing after all this time you did not bring a suit to swim in, you smile as you notice the zipper pocket. Well that is the whole reason I came right? You wrap a towel around you and head out to the pool to meet him.
