Right Place, Right Time [MF]

I fell head over heels for a girl named Natalie. We worked together at the college radio station and I was friends with her boyfriend at the time. Little did I know that we would both soon find ourselves single a few months down the road.

He broke up with Natalie because he felt like she was too immature. She was younger than him and wanted to party; he wanted to focus on his school work. So he felt like they didn’t mesh anymore.

Natalie was devastated as she had been in love with him since high school. He also moved away for the summer as part of an internship opportunity. So Natalie was left all alone in town with nothing to do other than working her part-time job.

Meanwhile, my relationship was on the rocks. My girlfriend was getting ready to graduate college and I had just gotten back in the previous semester. We kept lying to ourselves that long distance would work when she got a job an hour and a half away, but the writing was pretty much on the wall. We started arguing more, I started drinking and partying in response, and she felt alone in the relationship.

One night, I finally had enough and broke it off with her after yet another fight.

With both of us single, we gravitated to each other because we didn’t have anybody else. It was friendly at first but eventually the text messages got flirty, the hugs got a little longer, and we were spending more time together.

But we both knew it wasn’t the best idea to jump into a relationship. Well, she did. I was ready to be her boyfriend way before she ever thought about me that way. Despite this, I didn’t scare her off.

Instead, we ended up alone in the basement at a house party. I picked her up and set her on the washing machine and the kisses were electric. My hands found her ass; her arms were wrapped around my neck and the kisses continued to intensify.

I unzipped her pants.

“Hey,” she said in between kisses. “I’m really into this. All of this.” She kissed me again. “But I’m a virgin.” I immediately stepped away from her.

“Oh shit Natalie, I didn’t know,” I stammered. “I wasn’t trying to push you into it.” She laughed and used my shirt to bring our lips together again.

“I didn’t want you to put your fingers too deep.” She slid her hands underneath my shirt and dragged her nails across my back slowly. “I’m super wet and I’d rather not lose it that way.”

We continued to make out and I found out that she loved anything I did with my mouth to her neck. But eventually, we went out the back door of the basement and headed to a nearby parking garage that was in walking distance. We ended up talking and kissing until the sun rose, then I walked her back to her car so she could head home.

I was in love from that night on.

The next 3 months were a blur. I pursued Natalie for a few weeks and she didn’t seem interested. I stopped messaging and she started texting me more. I came to the conclusion we were only going to be friends and she texted me she was going to come over randomly.

We spent the next hour making out on my porch with her sitting on my lap.

But Natalie still didn’t have a huge interest in being in a relationship. She made a failed attempt at getting back with her ex and I again decided to stop chasing her. We always seemed to find reasons to come back together though.

Natalie ended up finding me on multiple nights out (she had a car, I did not) and we’d just sit and talk and always end up making out.

She wanted to see Transformers and I was willing to see it again. We spent more time all over each other. That same night she came over to watch a movie.

We did everything but have sex.

We did have our first fight a few weeks later that effectively killed anything we had going. I was out with a friend for dinner and Natalie ended up coming in to grab some food. She sat with us and my friend left us to do whatever we decided to do that night.

While I was game for our usual heavy make out session back at my place, Natalie seemed distant. And when I called her on it, she didn’t like it. Neither of us slept well that night.

Natalie left in the morning and our exchanges were brief from there. She told me she was considering transferring to a different college, as her grades had suffered from too much partying and she wanted to try a different approach. I ended up getting kicked out of school due to academic probation myself, so I had to pick up a customer service job to pay rent and bills.

Eventually, she did transfer and I thought that was the end of whatever the fling was.

But we never stopped texting each other.

Nine months later, I had just gotten back into town from visiting family and decided to get some food. I was sitting at a local bar, 1 beer in, when my flip phone lit up.

Natalie: Where are you?

Me: I’m at the bar. What are you doing?

Natalie: Me and my boyfriend broke up.

Natalie had told me that she started seeing someone since she transferred to a school 2 hours south. I felt like jealousy was pointless, so she told me all about him and kept me updated on how things were going.

At one point, she mentioned a fight about him texting his ex behind her back. They seemed to have moved past it.

N: He never stopped texting that bitch and I’m sick of it.

M: I don’t blame you.

N: What are your plans after the bar?

M: I don’t have any.

N: Good. I’ll see you soon.

I was pushing my plate away and picking up my second beer when Natalie came in the door.

Natalie was shorter than me, about 5’4″. Her brown hair was shoulder length and framed gorgeous blue eyes that were usually behind black rimmed eyeglasses.

She was skinny, the opposite of what I’m attracted to normally. But having explored her entire body before and how responsive she was to my touch, I never found her lack of curves to be a turn off.

She was keeping it casual with jeans, a flannel shirt, and sneakers. It complimented her perfectly for this early spring evening. She swung herself onto the bar stool next to me.

“Hey you,” she smiled.

“You seem to be in good spirits for someone going through a breakup,” I said after another long sip of beer. The bartender came by and I asked for another beer for Natalie.

“Well,” she started before she took a drink. “He’s an asshole and I’m here with you. So why not be in good spirits?”

“I’ll toast to that,” I said, raising my beer to hers.

We spent the next hour or so catching up about school for her and work for me. We ended up blowing a bunch of money shooting on the arcade basketball hoop. By the time we left, we were several beers in. I looked at Natalie outside of the bar as the last rays of sun gave way to nightfall.

“This was nice,” I said, wanting to draw closer but keeping my distance. She took my hand in hers.

“I know its Sunday night but do you hear that music?” I could pick up faint sounds of a band playing in the distance. “Want to go see who’s playing?” She was already pulling me in that direction before I could agree.

Sure enough, the local music venue down the street did have live music. It turned out I knew the door man and he let us in without the cover charge. Soon, we were perched along the wall as the ska band that drew us in continued to play their set.

I went to get two more beers when the band was in between numbers. When I returned, Natalie was swaying along to the new song, eyes closed. She really seemed to be enjoying herself.

I handed her a beer and she set it on the table, never breaking eye contact with me. She reached out and did the same with my beer. Natalie closed the gap between us and we kissed for the first time since our fight last summer.

“Nat,” I said, breaking the kiss. “I’m trying to be good here. You know how I feel about you.” She took my hand again and walked me closer to the front door, where it wasn’t as loud.

“I never told you about last August. Remember when I told you I might be in town and I’d let you know?”

I nodded.

“I wanted to surprise you. I was ready to see if there really could be an us, even with me transferring. So I stopped by your house and I was about to get out when I saw you walking out with another girl.”

Shit. Katrina was a former roommate of my ex. We had kicked it a few times after Natalie confirmed she was moving. She had stopped by in between classes.

That’s a story for another time.

“You never asked me about it…”

“What was I going to say? Did you fuck that girl I saw coming out of your house? I’d be a stalker and crazy.” She folded her arms and looked down. “Plus, I didn’t want to know.” I reached out and pulled her into me.

“I’m sorry N, I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” I kissed her forehead. She looked up at me, broke our embrace, and wiped the corners of her eyes.

“It’s okay, that was nine months ago.”

“You kept track?” I smiled.

“Shut up,” she said playfully, smacking me. She took my hand and pulled me back to the stage. “I think our beers are getting lonely…”

The rest of the world fell away and Natalie was the only thing I could see the rest of the night. We danced, drank, made out in the middle of the crowd, and snuggled like we had been together for years. Every time I expected her to leave me, she didn’t. She parked her car and came inside my place to eat whatever food we had scrounged up to battle all the beer we had drank. She was completely down to play Wii bowling at 2 in the morning. And after our game ended, I turned off the TV.

“I’m going to try to fall asleep despite how incredible this night has been.” She stood up from my couch and kissed me, standing on her tiptoes in that adorable way of hers.

“You’re not going to sleep yet babe.”

We went to my bedroom, the same bedroom where we had awkwardly said goodbye all those months ago. I turned the lights off but my eyes adjusted quickly to the slight of Natalie peeling off her jeans and top, then unhooking her bra, and sliding her panties to the floor.

“This is the first time I’ve been able to look at you like this,” I said as I pulled my own clothes off. “You’re so beautiful.” She walked up to me and kissed me.

“You help make me feel that way.”

Our kisses had that same electric feel since the first one earlier but now Natalie was kissing me with hunger. I actually credit her with making me a better kisser as she’s the one who taught me how to tease with my lips and teeth while still keeping up with good, deep kisses as well. She moaned heavily as we fell onto my bed.

“I want you so fucking bad. I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you too Nat,” I replied as I started sucking on her neck. I used my tongue and teeth to pull at her skin but not hard enough where she would have a mark.

I accidentally did that to her last summer.

I dotted kisses from Natalie’s neck to her collarbone and then down the middle of her chest until I found one of her nipples. I sucked gently until it became harder and then I gently flicked it back and forth with my tongue. She caressed my face and moaned approvingly.

My cock was rock hard near her waist. She took it in both hands and stroked it slowly.

“Fuck Nat,” I grunted as I continued to glide my tongue over her other nipple.”You’re going to make me cum before you do.” Natalie took this as a challenge and started stroking me with one hand with a steady motion while she wrapped her other hand around the back of my head.

“Hey,” she panted. “I want to try something.” I nodded and raised myself up to a crouching position over her. She still had a strong grip on my dick and she started wiggling upward. I was now inches away from her pussy.

“Nat, you know we don’t…” she held up a finger to silence me. She angled my cock down towards her opening but then rested the head right against her clit.

“Now,” she sighed, closing her eyes. “Come here.” She pulled me in to kiss me again and dick slid easily over her clit. “Oh shit babe,” she whispered in between kisses. “Just keep doing that.”

I listened to what I was told. Our mouths danced together like they had so many times before, only this time with the added element of her thrusting her hips into me, her clit making prolonged contact with my cock each time she grinded into me. Usually, I would rub her clit but I had never successfully made her come.

“Oh shit, hold me right there!” Natalie’s body began to shake after her last thrust and I did my best to hold the pressure on her clit. She was no longer forming words as the only thing she could muster was grunts and deep breaths as she reached her orgasm. Her fingers dug into my back as she came and she only let go as the feeling subsided. Her legs still shook from the aftermath.

“Oh my God,” she sighed. “I’ve never come like that in my entire life.” I kissed her lips gently.

“Can you do it again?”

“I don’t know.” I hovered over her and started sliding my way down her body.

“I’ve always wanted to taste you.” I said as my face hung around her hips. Natalie smiled despite her breathing still being ragged. She spread her legs and used her fingers to spread her pussy apart.

I wasted no more time. I slid my tongue into her pussy, probing her gently. I could feel the resistance of her hymen, confirming what I had already assumed: Natalie never slept with her ex either. She ran her hands over my head in approval.

I bought my tongue upwards and found her clit and she pushed her hips up into my face after my first pass. I bought my tongue back down slowly and moaned and jumped again.

“I can’t do it,” she said, almost pouting. “It feels so good but I’m just too damn sensitive.” I gently kissed her clit and then moved back up her body.

It was Natalie’s turn to move now. No sooner had I laid flat on my back, she sat up and brought her mouth towards my cock. She had never attempted to suck my dick before and I was too caught up in everything else to ask.

She swirled her mouth, lips, and tongue around me expertly, a pleasant surprise I wasn’t expecting. She took me in her mouth and got a quarter of the way down before she came back up and released me. She smiled at me and then spit on my dick.

“Who are you?” I groaned playfully as she put me back in her mouth and started bobbing up and down on me.

“Whatever you need me to be,” she replied the next time she took her mouth off me. She used her hand to stroke what her mouth wasn’t able to take.

It’s still one of the best blowjobs I’ve ever had.

“Nat, you need to move,” I warned. Instead, she increased her efforts and kept me in her mouth. I pushed the back of her head down when I came and I heard her gag as I started shooting into her throat. But she never moved until I finished. When she took her mouth off, she laid back down next to me.

“I’ve never actually swallowed before,” she said. I took the moment to gently kiss her and I could taste myself on her lips, just as I’m sure she could taste herself on mine.

We fell asleep shortly after. Any time Natalie would sleep over before, she’d end up back in her shirt and sweatpants when I woke up the next day. This time, we woke up still fully naked, still entangled together.

“Good morning,” she smiled before she kissed me.

Eventually, she had to leave to make the trek back to her new campus. I hugged her hard and gave her a few more kisses before she drove away. It’s still the last time we saw each other. There was a brief run-in later that year but those few minutes pale in comparison to what happened the last time we were alone together.

We stayed in contact for several years over text but now, I usually try to at least say happy birthday to her once a year on Facebook. She ended up with a degree and seems to be doing okay for herself. She rarely posts so I haven’t seen if there’s a new romantic interest.

I just know one of these days I’ll work up the nerve to ask her what she thought of that night. I’m just afraid of what old feelings that may conjure, even these days.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12k9xle/right_place_right_time_mf


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