Flirty, but not Bold [MF]

I had been working on a project where a collaborator was brought in who I was specifically told to not fall for. Do the project, keep my mind on the final product. Look, but don’t touch.

Turns out we worked really well together. Her and I started creating our own projects on the side which led to frequent 1×1 time.

On one particular evening, I was at her apartment before we went to meet up with some of her friends from college. Her and I were listening to music and pre-gaming with some drinks in her apartment kitchen. We slow danced in a dorky fashion to a few tunes.

After about the third song still holding eachother, she quietly said “hmmmm. Flirty, but not bold” into my ear. I pushed her to arms length and made eye contact to which she replied with a smirk. I turned her around, bent her over her kitchen island while unbuttoning her pants and slipped three fingers to her pussy. In a sultry playful voice “whoa… Who are you?”

I felt her start to dampen with excitement as I pressed my hardening cock to her ass. We began dry humping in a slow motion, working the opposite but complimentary motion of my hand in her pants. Her phone started to ring, she sent it to voice mail. A couple texts and another missed call from her friends at the bar wondering where we were, we zipped up and agreed we were putting a pin in this for now.

At the bar, her friends were talking about breakups. Two of which had discovered their partner was cheating with the partner of another person at the table. It was a complicated mess and tough to follow, so “she” and I began playing footsy under the table and sending eachother dirty texts. At some point, we stumbled back to her apartment determined to fuck.

We got into her apartment and our clothes disappeared as we traveled from the front door to her bedroom. Things took a weird turn as I discovered this was my night to experience whiskey dick for the first time. I’d always thought it was a myth. How could anyone be in front of an attractive, hot naked body and not be unrealistically hard? Turns out the brain really does short circuit from time to time.

Although my cock wasn’t working, I was still massively turned on. Choosing to not be embarrassed, I informed her of what was up and flipped her on her back and opened her thighs with gentle force. Following her body language, I paced between mouth and fingers. Licking and fingering harder when she became audible enough for the neighbors to hear and softer immediately after she climaxed, still gently exploring her. She had a small happy patch shaved in that I ran my fingers through with while exploring her. It might have been hours, it might have been minutes, my full attention was on her pussy. In a deep, pleasured voice, she echoed “who are you?”.
